

《漢語字詞教學》是2011年7月1日北京大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是沈禾玲。 本書共九章,前六章重點討論漢語作為外語字詞教學的理論及套用(用漢英雙語撰寫)。後三章介紹了30種教學方法(用漢語撰寫)。


  • 書名:漢語字詞教學
  • 作者:沈禾玲
  • ISBN: 9787301189405
  • 定價:40.00元
  • 出版社北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年7月1日
  • 開本:16開




chapter 1 characters, radicals, words, and vocabulary knowledge
1.1 what are characters?
1.2 what are radicals?
1.3 what are words?
1.4 what is the scope of word knowledge?
chapter 2 orthographic knowledge acquisition and instruction
2.1 phonological awareness in character recognition and pinyin learning
2.2 orthographic awareness and character learning
2.3 the role of the first language in chinese word acquisition
chapter 3 cognitive and psycholinguistic models for chinese vocabulary acquisition
3.1 cognitive processing models for word acquisition
3.2 psycholinguistic models on lexical access
chapter 4 cognitive theories and vocabulary learning
4.1 dual coding theory
4.2 cognitive load theory
4.3 level-of-processing theory
4.4 multisystem account
4.5 competition theory
chapter 5 character learning strategies and training
5.1 vocabulary learning strategies: concept and scope
5.2 studies on chinese vocabulary learning strategies
5.3 identifying and training on vocabulary learning strategies
chapter 6 a framework for cfl vocabulary instruction
6.1 fostering meaningful word learning
6.2 promoting skill automatization
6.3 adopting a three-tiered instructional approach
chapter 7 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: beginning level
chapter 8 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: intermediate level
chapter 9 vocabulary instruction methods demonstration: advanced level
appendix a
appendix b
appendix c
appendix d


