

出生年月: 出生於1969年7 月

學歷職稱: 博士,教授,碩士生導師




1998-2000 中國科學院化學研究所 博士後
2011年 獲得國家傑出青年基金




1. 電致發光:無機薄膜電致發光器件及物理的研究;有機小分子/聚合物發光材料的光物理及電致發光器件的研究;
2. 電子紙:基於電泳的顯示技術的研究;
3. 納米發光材料:II-VI族納米發光材料;納米上轉換髮光材料;以及納米發光材料在生物螢光標記領域的套用;
4. 有機光伏 (Photovoltaic)、光電導器件,如有機太陽能電池,有機薄膜電晶體、有機材料光電導器件等;
5. 與信息顯示和太陽能利用相關的電子學領域,如: OLED, LCD, LED 系統的套用技術;太陽能電池套用技術等;
6. 與激發態相關的其它研究工作。


1.電子紙的研究 校重點基金 負責人2002. 7-2005. 7
2.全固態複合結構平板顯示矩陣屏的研究 國家自然科學基金 負責人 2004.1-2006.12
3. 全固態平板顯示技術的研究 北京市新星計畫 負責人 經費 28萬 2004. 7-2007.7
4.基於電化學發光池(LEC)結構的太陽能電池器件的研究 國家自然科學基金 負責人 2007.1-2009.12



《有機電致發光材料及套用》 滕楓、侯延冰、印壽根 等編著 化學工業出版社 2006年5月


Qian, L.; Teng, F.; Jin, Z.-S.; Zhang, Z.-J.; Zhang, T.; Hou, Y.-B.; Yang, S.-Y.; Xu, X.-R. Improved Optoelectronic Characteristics of Light-Emitting Diodes by Using a Dehydrated Nanotube Titanic Acid (DNTA)-Polymer Nanocomposite . Phys. Chem. B. 2004 108(37) 13928-13931;
Yuan-Min Wang, Feng Teng, Yan-Bing Hou, Zheng Xu, and Yong-Sheng Wang Wen-Fu Fu Copper(I) complex employed in organic light-emitting electrochemical cells: Device and spectra shift Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 233512 (2005)
Qian, L Teng, F Yang, SY Quan, SY Mixed excitation mechanism in solid-state cathodoluminescence structure CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2005 vol. 405 p389-392
Lei Qian, Feng Teng and Sheng Yi Yang Luminescent properties and excitation mechanism of organic–inorganic single quantum well containing organic heterojunction Chemical physics letters 2006 417 ( 441–444)
Wang, YM Teng, F Xu, Z Hou, YB Yang, SY Xu, XR Trap effect of an ultrathin DCJTB layer in organic light-emitting diodes MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2005 vol. 92 p291-294
Y.M. Wang, Feng Teng et al. “White emission via electroplex formation at poly(N-vinylcarbazole)/2,9-dimethyl-4,7-dip-henyl-1,10-phenanthroline interface”, Applied surface science, 236 (2004)251
Yuanmin Wang, Feng Teng et al.Enhancement of electroplex emission by using multi-layer device structure Yuanmin Applied surface science, 243(2005) 353-357
Yuanmin Wang, Feng Teng et al.Electroplex emission from a blend of poly(N-vinylcarbazole)3 and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthroline European Polymer Journal 41(2005) 1020-1023
Yuanmin Wang, Feng Teng et al. Green to white to blue OLEDs by using PBD as a chromaticity-tuning layer Display 25/5, 2004, 235-237
Wang, YM Teng, F Xu, Z Hou, YB Wang, YS Xu, XR Electroplex emission from a blend of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthroline EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 2005 vol. 41 p1020-1023
Wang, YM Teng, F Xu, Z Hou, YB Wang, YS Xu, XREnhancement of electroplex emission by using multi-layer device structure APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2005 vol. 243 p355-359
Quan, SY Teng, F Wang, DD Liu, DA Xu, Z Wang, YS Xu, XR Charge carrier injection and transport in polymer blend films, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 2005 vol. 134 p291-294
Yuan-Min Wang, Feng Teng, Qing-Cheng Zhou, Yong-Sheng Wang , Xu-Rong Xu, “Multiple roles of bathocuproine employed as a buffer-layer in organic light-emitting diodes”, Applied Surface Science,252 (2006) 2355-2359
Yuan-Min Wang, Feng Teng, Bin Feng, Yong-Sheng Wang, Xu-Rong Xu, “Associate host in single-layer co-host polymer electrophosphorescent devices”, Materials science and engineering. B, 128 (2006)234-23
Zhang, YF; Teng, F; Xu, Z; Duan, YX; Liang, CJ; Bing, XH Investigations on the movement of pigment particles in the electrophoretic liquids SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 25 (2): 302-306 FEB 2005
Wang, YM; Teng, F; Ma, CQ; Xu, Z; Hou, YB; Yang, SY; Wang, YS; Xu, XR? Green to white to blue OLEDs by using PBD as a chromaticity-tuning layer? DISPLAYS, 25 (5): 237-239 DEC 2004
Liu, D; Teng, F; Xu, Z; Yang, SY; Quan, SY; He, QF; Wang, YS; Xu, XR? Influence of capacitance effect on alternating-current organic light-emitting diodes? SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 137(7)391-394? 2006
Qian, L; Teng, F; Xu, Z; Quan, SY; Liu, DA; Wang, YM; Wang, YS; Xu, XR? Influence of doping with titania nanotubes on performance of polymer light-emitting diodes? ACTA PHYSICA SINICA ?55(2)929-934 2006
Quan, SY; Teng, F; Xu, Z; Qian, L; Hou, YB; Wang, YS; Xu, XR? Solvent and concentration effects on fluorescence emission in MEH-PPV solution? EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 42(1)228-233? 2006
Quan, SY; Teng, F; Xu, Z; Wang, DD; Yang, SY; Hou, YB; Wang, YS? Effect of inorganic nanolayers on electron injection in polymer light-emitting diodes? PHYSICS LETTERS A 352 (4-5)434-437? 2006
Tang, AW; Teng, F; Gao, YH; Liang, CJ; Wang, YS? Preparation and luminescent properties of CdSe and core-shell CdSe/CdS quantum dots in aqueous solution? JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS 21(2) 322-328 2006
Wang, YM; Teng, F; Feng, B; Wang, YS; Xu, XR? Associate host in single-layer co-host polymer electrophosphorescent devices MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY128 (1-3) 234-237 2006
Wang, YM; Teng, F; Zhou, QC; Wang, YS Multiple roles of bathocuproine employed as a buffer-layer in organic light-emitting diodes APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 252(6)2355-2359 2006
Quan, SY; Feng, T; Zheng, X; Ting, Z; Lei, Q; Deang, L; Hou, YB; Wang, YS Temperature effects on photoluminescence of poly [2-methoxy-5-(20-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] MATERIALS LETTERS 60 (9-10) 1134-1136 2006
Lei, Q; Feng, T; Sheng, YY? Luminescent properties and excitation mechanism of organic-inorganic single quantum well containing organic heterojunction CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 417(4-6) 441-444? 2006


