

湯軼偉,男,漢族,1981年8月出生,河北衡水人,中國共產黨黨員,工學博士,副教授,碩士生導師,食品安全檢測課題組組長,渤海大學科研工作先進個人,遼寧省食品科學技術學會理事,擔任《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry》、《Journal of Food Science》、《現代食品科技》等國內外重要學術期刊的通訊審稿人,主講《食品儀器分析》、《食品免疫學》、《食品分析》、《食品安全與品質控制原理》、《現代儀器分析及實驗》等本科及碩士研究生課程,先後主持或參加國家自然科學基金、遼寧省博士啟動基金、遼寧省教育廳重點實驗室基礎研究項目、渤海大學博士啟動基金項目、遼寧省高校重大科技平台“食品貯藏加工及質量安全控制工程技術研究中心”與“遼寧省食品安全重點實驗室”開放課題資助項目等國家、省部級科研項目多項。


  • 中文名:湯軼偉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:河北衡水
  • 出生日期:1981.08
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士/研究生
  • 專業方向:食品科學、食品安全
  • 職務:副教授
  • 英文名:Yiwei Tang


2000.9-2003.6 河北農業大學 大專學歷
2005.9-2008.6 河北農業大學 農學碩士
2008.9-2011.9 天津科技大學 工學博士


2011.10-2014.6 渤海大學 化學化工與食品安全學院 講師
2015.12- 2016.12 The University of British Columbia 訪問學者
2014.7- 渤海大學 食品科學與工程學院 副教授


(1) 食品安全
(2) 食品污染物殘留新型樣品前處理技術研究
(3) 食品安全新型檢測技術研究及分子識別機理


1. 錦州市科技進步獎,一等獎,湯軼偉、劉秀英、高雪,等1/112017J-1-07-01.
2. 中國商業聯合會科學技術獎,三等獎,湯軼偉、劉秀英、高雪,等1/92017.
3. 遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎,一等獎,湯軼偉,李敏,高雪,劉秀英1/4175501000071252.
4. 錦州市自然科學學術成果獎,一等獎,湯軼偉,蘭建興,高雪,劉秀英1/42017-JZXJL223-1.
5. 錦州市自然科學學術成果獎,一等獎,湯軼偉,高靜紋,劉秀英,蘭建興1/42016-JZXJL160-1.
6. 遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎,二等獎,湯軼偉,高子媛,王碩,高雪1/42015-LNL0101.
7. 獲得4項國家發明專利,排名第一
8. 培養碩士研究生6名,已畢業3名,在讀3名研究生全部獲得學業獎學金
9. 主編教材1部 《食品儀器分析及實驗》,參編教材1部、著作1部


  1. Yiwei Tang*, Huan Liu,Jingwen Gao, Xiuying Liu, Xue Gao, Xiaonan Lu, Guozhen Fang, Junping Wang, Jianrong Li*. Upconversion particle@Fe3O4@molecularly imprinted polymer with controllable shell thickness as high-performance fluorescent probe for sensing quinolones. Talanta, 2018, 181: 95-103. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.162)
  2. Yiwei Tang*, Min Li, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Jinwen Gao, Tao Ma, Jianrong Li*. A NIR-responsive up-conversion nanoparticle probe of the NaYF4: Er, Yb type and coated with a molecularly imprinted polymer for fluorometric determination of enrofloxacin. Microchimica Acta. 2017, 184(9): 3469-3475. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.580)
  3. Yiwei Tang*, Min Li, Ziyuan Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Xue Gao, Tao Ma, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li. Upconversion nanoparticles caped with molecularly imprinted polymer as fluorescence probe for the determination of ractopamine in water and pork. Food Analytical Methods,2017, 10(9): 2964-2973. (SCI,二區,IF: 2.038)
  4. Yiwei Tang, Yuchen Zhang, Hong Zhang, Xiuying Liu*, Xue Gao, Changxin Lv, Tao Ma, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li*. Visual flow-through column biomimetic immunoassay using molecularly imprinted polymer as artificial antibody for rapid detection of clenbuterol in water sample. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2017, 28(6): 949-957. (SCI,三區,IF: 1.392)
  5. Yiwei Tang*, Jingwen Gao, Xiuying Liu, Xue Gao, Tao Ma*, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li*. Ultrasensitive detection of clenbuterol by a covalent imprinted polymer as a biomimetic antibody. Food Chemistry, 2017, 228:62-69. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.529)
  6. Yiwei Tang, Hong Zhang, Xiuying Liu, Evan Trofimchuk, Shaolong Feng, Tao Ma, Xue Gao, Shubing Fang*, Xiaonan Lu*. Advantage of Eu-doped polystyrene microspheres compared with colloidal gold used in immunochromatographic assays for the detection of melamine in milk. Journal of Food Science, 2017, 82(3): 694-697. (SCI,三區,IF: 1.815)
  7. Liu Xiuying, Ren Jing, Su Lihong, Gao Xue, Tang Yiwei, Ma Tao, Zhu Lijie*, Li Jianrong*. Novel hybrid probe based on double recognition of aptamer-molecularly imprinted polymer grafted on upconversion nanoparticles for enrofloxacin sensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 87, 203-208. (SCI,一區,IF: 7.780)
  8. Liu Xiuying, Tengfei Gao, Xue Gao, Tao Ma*, Yiwei Tang, Lijie Zhu*, Jianrong Li*. An aptamer based sulfadimethoxine assay that uses magnetized upconversion nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2017, 184(9): 3557-3563. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.580)
  9. Xiuying Liu, Lihong Su, Lijie Zhu, Xue Gao, Yuxin Wang, Fengling Bai, Yiwei Tang*, Jianrong Li*. Hybrid material for enrofloxacin sensing based on aptamer-functionalized magnetic nanoparticle conjugated with upconversion nanoprobes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 233: 394-401. (SCI,一區, IF: 5.401)
  10. Xiuying Liu#, Lijie Zhu#, Xue Gao, Yuxin Wang, Haixia Lu, Yiwei Tang*, Jianrong Li*. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for spectrophotometric quantification of curcumin in food. Food Chemistry, 2016, 202: 309-315. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.529)
  11. Tang Yiwei*, Gao Jingwen, Liu Xiuying, Lan Jianxing, Gao Xue*, Ma Yong, Li Min, Li Jianrong*. Determination of ractopamine in pork using a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer as adsorbent followed by HPLC. Food Chemistry, 2016, 201: 72-79. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.529)
  12. Yiwei Tang*, Jianxing Lan, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu, Defu Zhang, Liqiao Wei, Ziyuan Gao, Jianrong Li*. Determination of clenbuterol in pork and potable water samples by molecularly imprinted polymer through the use of covalent imprinting method. Food Chemistry,2016, 190: 952-959. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.529)
  13. Yiwei Tang, Min Li, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Yong Ma, Yi Li, Yongxia Xu, Jianrong Li*. Preconcentration of the antibiotic enrofloxacin using a hollow molecularly imprinted polymer, and its quantitation by HPLC. Microchimica Acta, 2016, 183(2): 589-596. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.580)
  14. Xue Gao, Yue Zhao, Bing Zhang, Yiwei Tang, Xiuying Liu, Jianrong Li*. Highly-sensitive organophosphorus pesticide biosensors based on CdTe quantum dots and bi-enzyme immobilized eggshell membranes. Analyst, 2016, 141: 1105-1111. (SCI,二區,IF:3.885)
  15. Xue Gao*, Yue Zhao, Bing Zhang, Yiwei Tang, Xiuying Liu, Jianrong Li*. Determination of ascorbic acid using CdTe quantum dots immobilized on eggshell membrane surface as a turn-on fluorescence probe. Journal of Luminescence, 2016, 180, 146-150. (SCI,二區,IF: 2.686)
  16. Xue Gao, Yue Zhao, Bing Zhang, Yiwei Tang, Xiuying Liu, Jianrong Li*. Sensitive fluorescence assay of organophosphorus pesticides based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots and porphyrin. Analyst, 2016, 141(16): 4941-4946. (SCI,二區,IF:3.885)
  17. Yiwei Tang, Ziyuan Gao, Shuo Wang, Xue Gao, Jingwen Gao, Yong Ma, Xiuying Liu, Jianrong Li*. Upconversion particles coated with molecularly imprinted polymers as fluorescence probe for detection of clenbuterol. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 71: 44-50. (SCI,一區,IF: 7.476)
  18. Gao Xue*, Li Dan, Tong Ying, Ge Dan, Tang Yiwei, Zhang Defu, Li Jianrong*. Highly sensitive fluorescence detection of glycoprotein based on energy transfer between CuInS2 QDs and rhodamine B. Luminescence, 2015, 8 (30): 1389-1394. (SCI,四區,IF: 1.509)
  19. Yiwei Tang, Guozhen Fang, Shuo Wang*, Jingwei Sun, Kun Qian. Rapid determination of metolcarb residue in foods using a biomimetic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay employed a novel molecularly imprinted polymer film as artificial antibody. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 2013, 96(2):453-458. (SCI,四區, IF:1.385)
  20. 呂春暉,王碩,方國臻,湯軼偉,王歲樓*. 分子印跡在仿生免疫吸附分析中的套用. 化學進展. 2012, 24(5): 844-851. (SCI,四區,0.714)
  21. Tang yiwei, Guozhen Fang, Shuo Wang*, Jiale Li. Covalent imprinted polymer for selective and rapid enrichment of ractopamine by non-covalent approach. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 401(7): 2275-2282. (SCI,二區,IF:3.778)


