王立農(Thomas Cherico Wanger),西湖大學工學院副教授,可持續性、農業與技術實驗室負責人。
- 中文名:湯姆旺戈
- 職業:教育科研工作者
- 職務:可持續性、農業與技術實驗室負責人
- 職稱:副教授
Tom Wanger,跨學科科學家,廣泛研究可持續性自然資源的使用和土地空間多維度多樣化使用等相關課題,於2011獲得了澳大亞阿德萊德大學與新加坡國立大學聯合培養環境工程博士學位,後在史丹福大學和瑞典農業大學有博士後研究經歷。曾在德國哥廷根大學農業生態學小組擔任研究工作,也是德國巴西AMAP項目研究主任。於2019年12月加入西湖大學,擔任可持續性、農業與技術實驗室的PI。
1. L Kehoe, et al. Wanger TC, .et al. Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable. Science 364, 341, 2019.
2. TC Wanger, Traill L, Cooney R, Rhodes JR, Tscharntke T. Trophy hunting certification. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1, 1791-1793, 2017
3. TC Wanger, Tscharntke T, Schroth G, Klein A. Cocoa shortfall: Pollination curbs climate risk to cocoa. Nature 511, 155, 2014
4. TC Wanger, Darras K, Bumrungsri S, Klein A, Tscharntke T. Bat pest control contributes to food security in Thailand. Biological Conservation 171, 220-223, 2014
5. LA Garibaldi, et al. Wanger TC, Westphal C, Williams N, Klein A. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops worldwide regardless of honey bee abundance. Science. 339, 1608-1611, 2013
6. T Tscharntke, Clough C, Jackson L, Motzke I, Perfecto I, Vandermeer J, Wanger TC, Whitbread A. Global food security, biodiversity conservation and the future of agricultural intensification. Invited MS for Special Issue in Biological Conservation 151, 53-59, 2012
7. J Fischer, et al., Wanger TC, Wehrden H. Conservation: limits of land sparing. Science 334, 593, 2011
8. Y Clough, Barkmann J, Juhrbandt J, Kessler M, Wanger TC, et al. Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science – USA 108, 8311-8316, 2011
9. T Tscharntke, et al., Wanger TC. Multifunctional shade-tree management in tropical agroforestry landscapes – a review. Journal of Applied Ecology 48, 619-629, 2011
10. TC Wanger. The Lithium future – resources, recycling, and the environment. Conservation Letters 4, 202-206, 2011