近5年來負責承擔國家自然科學基金、上海市科委重點項目等共10項。已在Biomaterials、Journal of Pathology、Acta Biomaterialia、Cancer Lett等雜誌上發表SCI、EI收錄論文70餘篇。已申請國家發明專利11項,獲授權6項。已獲得各級科技獎勵15項,其中包括2001年、2003年、2008年三次作為第一完成人獲上海市科技進步二等獎。並先後獲得第三屆中國藥學發展獎康辰骨質疏鬆醫藥研究獎(HOMA)傑出青年學者獎、明治乳業生命科學獎科學獎、2004年度政府特殊津貼、上海市科教黨委系統青年科技創新人才獎、上海市衛生系統先進工作者(2003-2005年度)等個人榮譽。
1. TT Tang, B Lu, B Yue, XH Xie, KR Dai, JX Lu, JR Lou. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with hBMP-2-gene-modified tissue-engineered bone in goats. J Bone Joint Surg BR. 2007,89-B(1):127-132
2. Xu WT, Bian ZY, Fan QM, Li G, Tang TT. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) target osteosarcoma and promote its growth and pulmonary metastasis. Cancer Lett.2009 Aug 18;281(1):32-41.
3. Peng ZX, Tu B, Shen Y, Du L, Wang L, Guo SR, Tang TT. Quaternized chitosan inhibits icaA transcription and biofilm formation by Staphylococcus on a titanium surface. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Feb;55(2):860-6
4. Tan H, Peng Z, Li Q, Xu X, Guo S, Tang T. The use of quaternised chitosan-loaded PMMA to inhibit biofilm formation and downregulate the virulence-associated gene expression of antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus. Biomaterials. 2012 Jan;33(2):365-77.
5. Qi-ming Fan, Bing Yue, Zhen-yu Bian, Wen-ting Xu, Bing Tu, Ke-rong Dai, Gang Li, Ting-ting Tang. The CREB-Smad6-Runx2 Axis Contributes to the Impaired Osteogenesis Potential of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone. J Pathol. 2012 Sep;228(1):45-55.