



  • 中文名:清華美術卷17:當代工筆畫與中國藝術精神
  • 作者:張敢
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年6月1日
  • 定價:58 元
  • ISBN:9787302391869




焦點“水窮雲起”——杜大愷畫展 SpotlightCloudsArisesasWaterEnds:ExhibitionofDuDakai’sArt 專題當代工筆畫與中國藝術精神 FeatureContemporaryFineBrushworkPaintingandSpiritofChineseArts 1.理論 Theory 013工筆——語言的意義牛克誠 Fine Brushwork: Significance of the Language Niu Kecheng 018回歸心源——從秋野不矩看日本畫由現代走向當代王雲 Return to the Inspiration: the Transformation of Japanese Painting from Modern to Contemporary Era, Seeing from Akino Fuku Wang Yun 028中國意象繪畫體系中的工筆畫特徵林木王錦霞 The Features of Fine Brushwork Painting Lying in the System of Imagery Painting Lin Mu Wang Jinxia 035覺囊唐卡藝術與佛法修行阿旺更嘎·健陽樂住 Jonang Thangka and Dharma Practice Ngawang Kunga Jamyang Laktse 044回歸——現代中國工筆畫發展的原動力卓民 Regression: the Driving Force of Chinese Fine Brushwork Painting Zhuo Min 054睜開色彩的眼睛——現代工筆畫院胡明哲教授“色彩專題研究班”紀實孫博 Open the Eye of Color: Documentary of Color Feature Course, Teaching by Hu Mingzhe, Professor of Academy of Meticulous Brushwork Sun Bo 063工筆山水芻議林容生 An Attempting Discussion on Fine Brushwork Landscapes Lin Rongsheng 068略論元代工筆山水畫的復古風格張光卿 A Brief Discussion on the Retro Style of Fine Brushwork Landscapes in Yuan Dynasty Zhang Guangqing 2.人物 Figures 076寫意性工筆畫唐勇力 The Fine Brushwork Painting of Free Sketching Tang Yongli 084時光——花事江宏偉 Times and Flowers Jiang Hongwei 090情采斐然境生象外——蘇百鈞的工筆花鳥畫藝術夏碩琦 Feeling Flowing in the Talent and Conception Coming beyond the Image: The Meticulous Bird and Flower Painting of Su Baijun Xia Shuoqi 094中國工筆花鳥畫創作心得蘇百鈞 Personal Experience on Creating Meticulous Bird and Flower Painting Su Baijun 個案 Cases 102重識傳統劉臨 Reacquaint the Tradition Liu Lin 106論宋人花鳥冊頁的美學價值金納 The Aesthetic Value of Bird and Flower Painting Album of Song Dynasty Jin Na 110畫余雜記陳湘波 Notes after the Painting Chen Xiangbo 113時代的影像——我的創作點滴徐華翎 Image of the Age: My Experience of Creation Xu Hualing 117仿絹記:解構你所認同的世界——孫欣對話姜吉安孫欣 Imitation of Silk: Deconstruction the World in your Recognition, The Dialogue between Sun Xin and Jiang Ji’an Sun Xin 120硯邊拾墨唐秀玲 The Ink Picked beside Inkstone Tang Xiuling 124工筆畫語言羅寒蕾 The Language of Fine Brushwork Painting Luo Hanlei 藝苑擷英 Exhibition 學苑 AcademicStudy 148“國美之路”與“我們的‘當代’?”——許江的藝術使命和“葵園”詩意盧新華 “The Road of China Academy of Art”and“Our‘Contemporary Era’? ”: The Artistic Mission and“Sunflower Garden”Poetry of Xu Jiang Lu Xinhua 153儒家審美的方術背景彭德 The Fang Shu as the Background of Confucian Aesthetic Peng De


