
深圳市亨思特實業有限公司 是一家集數碼電子產品開發、生產、銷售與一體的 IT 類高科技企業,是國內最早開發生產數碼錄音筆、數碼攝像機、Mini DV的企業之一,“ 專 ”是本企業最突出的特點,從 1999 年起一直至今,亨思特始終專一致力於數碼電子產品的開發、生產與銷售。


  • 公司名稱:深圳市亨思特實業有限公司
  • 總部地點:深圳市
  • 經營範圍:數碼電子產品
  • 公司性質:有限公司


錄音筆;數碼攝像機;攝像機;數碼錄音筆;Mini DV


Shenzhen Hnsat Industrial Co., Ltd.(Hnsat Industrial H.K. Ltd) is a high-tech IT enterprise collecting the development, production and sales of digital electronics on integrative . We are one of the earliest manufacturers who developing and manufacturing digital voice recorders. Professional is the main feature of our products. We have been endeavored to the development, produce and sales of digital voice recorder since 1999.
“Self-independent and creative” is the main feature of our company. We have experienced software and hardware engineers who have been engaged in developing digital products for many years. For about ten years, our leaders and engineers pay high attention to the tendency of High Tech. We borrow the new Tech from home and abroad constantly, then develop new items independently. At Present, we have more than 10 series of products which intellectual property is belonged to our company. More new products are underdevelopment now. Various appearances and functions make our products cater for the demands of people in different classes.


“ 自主、創新” 是本企業的又一重要特點。公司擁有多年從事數碼電子產品開發經驗的軟、硬體工程師,公司決策者與工程師一道緊跟高科技潮流,不斷吸收國內外新技術,自主進行技術開發,產品不斷推陳出新。公司已有獨立擁有智慧財產權的數碼錄音筆、數碼攝像機、Mini DV系列產品十幾種款式,數種規格,尚有幾款新品正在開發中。每款產品外觀精彩紛呈,功能各具特色,力求能滿足不同行業、不同階層人士之需求。
“ 質量是生命,信譽是根本 ”,是本企業的經營理念。公司有一整套管理嚴謹的生產規程和質量保證體系,產品通過了深圳市電子檢測中心和深圳市進出口商品檢驗局電子產品檢驗所之檢驗報告,通過了 CE 認證,通過了韓國 MIC 認證。
亨思特以其良好的信譽、優質的產品、高性價比優勢,在國內建立了長期穩定的 OEM 、代理、經銷、禮品直銷等合作;在國外,產品己遠銷日本、韓國、歐美、東南亞等地。真誠希望國內外新老客商與我們攜手合作,亨思特將不斷開發新品,適應市場需求,始終秉承誠信、互利、雙贏的原則,與大家一起共同發展。


