《海豹特種部隊SEALWARRIOR》是2010年Oversea Publishing House出版的圖書,作者是Keith.ThomasH、Riebling.J.Terry、Thornton.MichaelE。


  • 書名:海豹特種部隊SEAL WARRIOR
  • 作者:Keith, Thomas H.; Riebling, J. Terry; Thornton, Michael E.
  • ISBN:9780312628031
  • 類別圖書>小說>英文原版書-小說
  • 頁數:292
  • 定價:110.00元
  • 出版社:Oversea Publishing House
  • 出版時間:2010年07月01日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 紙張:膠版紙
  • 版次:1


Fighting a guerilla war on foreign soil for the first time in American history, the SEALs in Vietnam found that this atypical form of warfare demanded that new tactics, new strategic applications of force, and a new understanding of a complex social and cultural enmity be found. "SEAL Warrior" goes beyond the horror and bravado of battle to offer a deeper insight into the ways in which the SEALs fought, learned, reacted, and expanded their understanding of guerilla warfare during the Vietnam War. It's also a personal, riveting account of how one young American survived, and, over time, grew to trust and revere many of those who once had been his enemy.


This testosterone-laced memoir depicts an admirable member of an elite navy SEAL unit and his service in Vietnam. Volunteering in 1963, Keith underwent the ruthless training designed to eliminate candidates lacking the ability to endure pain, exhaustion and humiliation, or sufficient luck to avoid injury. Once he deploys to Vietnam in 1968, military buffs can settle back to enjoy over 200 pages of intense, small-unit action as Keith and his comrades wreak havoc among the Vietcong and relax by engaging in adolescent horseplay. The author delivers a superb, nuts-and-bolts account of the weapons, gear, preparation and tactics his unit employed; he includes frustrations along with triumphs. After three six-month tours, Keith was aware that the Vietnamese still did not trust their government to protect them, but blames America's withdrawal on self-serving politicians. Experts agree that killing insurgents never defeats an insurgency, but despite the lack of insight, this is an excellent chronicle of superbly skilled warriors at work. 8 pages of b&w photos. (July 7)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


Foreword by Lt. Michael E. Thornton
Preface by J. Terry Riebling
Author's Note
1 The Fourth of July
2 Thank You, Richard Widmark
3 Blood, Sweat, and Sand
4 Gearing Up
5 First Op
6 First Blood
7 Tools of the Trade
8 The Death Tax
9 Good Ops, Bad Ops, and Grand Theft Auto
10 Reason to Celebrate
11 Fishy Intel
12 First Tour--Last Dance
13 Good Night, Saigon
14 The Rung Sat Secret Zone
15 First Contact--Second Tour
16 Dead Men Walking
17 Australian Bliss
18 Back to the Bush
19 A Little Walk in the Bush
20 First Command
21 Last Dance--Second Tour, 1969
22 Grapes of Wrath
23 Welcome to the Neighborhood
24 Looking for Trouble
25 Down Under Op
26 Dickey's Revenge
27 Fair Winds and Following Seas


