



  • 書名:浙江大學圖史(英文版)
  • 作者:羅衛東
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年6月
  • 定價:78 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787308169196




Chapter Ⅰ A New Academy for Sound Scholarship (1897-1928)
1 Founding of Qiushi Academy
2 Zhcjiang Public Industrial Junior College and Zhejiang Public Agricultural Junior College
3 Founding of the National Third Sun Yat-sen University
Chapter Ⅱ A National University for Noble Ambition (1928-1937)
1 Entitled National Zhejiang University
2 Engaging Prestigious Scholars and Experts
3 Patterns of a Modern University Taking Shape
4 Chu Kochen as President
Chapter Ⅲ Long March of Academics for Rise (1937-1946)
1 Education in Yuqian and Jiande
2 Education in Ji'an and Taihe
3 Education in Yishan
4 Education in Longquan
5 Education in Zunyi and Meitan
6 University Motto and University Anthem
7 Excellent Professors Gathered
8 A Galaxy of Renowned Figures Cultivated
9 Abundant Achievements in Research and Education
10 CulturalActivities of Students and Teachers
11 Joseph Needham's Visits to Zhejiang University
Chapter Ⅳ Welcoming a Bright Future in Hangzhou (1946-1949)
1 Construction of New Campus
2 Education in Turmoil
3 Participating in Takeover of Taipei Imperial University
4 “Bastion of Democracy” in Southeast China
Chapter Ⅴ Reorganization for a New Format (1949-1952)
1 Embracing the New Era
2 Ma Yinchu as President
3 Participating in War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea
4 Restructuring of Schools and Departments to Benefit the Nation
Chapter Ⅵ New
Chapters Composed at the Foot of Mount Laohe (1952-1998)
1 Moving to the Foot of Mount Laohe
2 Reconstruction of Science Departments
3 Striving during the Tumultuous “Cultural Revolution”
4 Rising into Eminence in National Conference on Science
5 Courageously Rising in the Era of Reform and Opening up
6 One of the First Universities to be Admitted into “211 Project”
Chapter Ⅶ Ceaseless Sound of Music by Xixi River Hangzhou University (1952-1998)
1 Establishment of Zhejiang Normal College
2 Merging into Hangzhou University
3 Arts and Sciences-based, Multi-disciplinary Pattern
4 Expanding Academic Exchange and Cooperation with Foreign Countries
5 Included in “211 Project”
Chapter Ⅷ Cultural Atmosphere Cultivated in Huajiachi Zhejiang Agricultural University (1952-1998)
1 Establishment of Zhejiang Agricultural College
2 Upgraded to Zhejiang Agricultural University
3 Pattern with Agriculture as Mainstay and Multi-disciplinary Coordinated Development
4 Distinctive International Student Traing Mode
5 Included in “211 Project”
Chapter Ⅸ Chinese Medical Minds at the West Lake Zhejiang Medical University (1952-1998)
1 Establishment of Zhejiang Medical College
2 Upgraded to Zhejiang Medical University
3 Pattern with Medicine as Mainstay and Multi-disciplinary Coordinated Development
4 Establishment and Development of Its Affiliated Hospitals
5 Passing the Demonstration of Zhejiang Provincial Key Discipline Construction Projects
Chapter Ⅹ his Homeland Constructed and Consolidated as a World-class University (1998-)
1 Establishment of New Zhejiang University
2 Integration and Development
3 Making Clear Development Strategies
4 Expanding Space
5 Gathering First-class Teachers
6 Cultivating Talents for the Times
7 Scaling Discipline Summits
8 Social Service
9 Inheritance of National Traditions
10 Intemational Exchange and Cooperation
11 Carrying out and Realizing the Great Cause of the CPC
AppendixA Profile of Departments and Schools of Zhejiang University
List of Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering


