- 中文名:洪曉強
- 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:建築環境與節能
- 任職院校:廈門大學建築與土木工程學院
2012 - 2016,中國科學技術大學,熱科學和能源工程系,博士
2008 - 2012,中國科學技術大學,熱科學和能源工程系,學士
2019 - 至今,廈門大學,建築與土木工程學院,助理教授,碩士生導師
2017 - 2019,香港城市大學,能源及環境學院,博士後
3.參與香港創新及科技基金ITF項目,“Integrated System of Advanced Thermal Nano Technologies (TNT) for Energy-Efficient Air-Conditioning and Clean Indoor Air”;
5.參與歐盟瑪麗居里國際合作項目,“A Novel Heat Pump Assisted Solar Façade Loop Heat Pipe Water Heating System”。
[1]Hong Xiaoqiang, Leung Michael K. H.*, He Wei, Effective use of venetian blind in Trombe wall for solar space conditioning control, Applied Energy (2019)
[2]Hong Xiaoqiang, He Wei*, Hu Zhongting, Wang Chenchen, Ji Jie, Three-dimensional simulation on the thermal performance of a novel Trombe wall with venetian blind structure, Energy and Buildings (2015)
[3]Hong Xiaoqiang*,Shi Feng.Comparative Analysis of Small-Scale Integrated Solar ORC-Absorption Based Cogeneration Systems, Energies (2020)
[4] He Wei*,Hong Xiaoqiang, Zhao Xudong, Zhang Xingxing, Shen Jinchun, Ji Jie, Operational performance of a novel heat pump assisted solar facade loop-heat-pipe water heating system, Applied Energy (2015)
[5] He Wei*,Hong Xiaoqiang, Luo Bingqing, Chen Hongbing, Ji Jie, CFD and comparative study on the dual-function solar collectors with and without tile-shaped covers in water heating mode, Renewable Energy (2016)
[6] He Wei*,Hong Xiaoqiang, Wu Xiaoling, Pei Gang, Hu Zhongting, Tang Wenxue, Shen Zhihe, Ji Jie, Thermal and hydraulic analysis on a novel Trombe wall with venetian blind structure, Energy and Buildings (2016)
[7] He Wei*,Hong Xiaoqiang, Zhao Xudong, Zhang Xingxing, Shen Jinchun, Ji Jie, Theoretical investigation of the thermal performance of a novel solar loop-heat-pipe facade-based heat pump water heating system, Energy and Buildings (2014)
[8] Park Seongyong,Hong Xiaoqiang, Choi Woon Sun, Kim Taesung*, Microfabricated ratchet structure integrated concentrator arrays for synthetic bacterial cell-to-cell communication assays, Lab on a Chip (2010)
[9] Hu Zhongting, He Wei*,Hong Xiaoqiang, Ji Jie, Shen Zhihe, Numerical analysis on the cooling performance of a ventilated Trombe wall combined with venetian blinds in an office building, Energy and Buildings (2016)
[10] He Wei*, Hu Zhongting, Luo Bingqing,Hong Xiaoqiang, Sun Wei, Ji Jie, The thermal behavior of Trombe wall system with venetian blind: An experimental and numerical study, Energy and Buildings 104 (2015)
[11] Shi Feng, Wang Shaosen, Huang Jinjin,Hong Xiaoqiang,Design strategies and energy performance of a net-zero energy house based on natural philosophy, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (2019)
[12]Hong Xiaoqiang, Leung Michael K. H.*, He Wei, Thermal behaviour of Trombe wall with venetian blind in summer and transition seasons,the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2018.
[13]Hong Xiaoqiang, Li Li*, He Wenqiong, Ge Yuxiao, Xu Siwei, Study on Solar Liquid Desiccant Air-conditioning Systems in Xiamen, the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2017.
[14] Luo Bingqing, Hu Zhongting,Hong Xiaoqiang, He Wei*, Experimental study of the water heating performance of a novel tile-shaped dual-function solar collector, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC 2014.