- 軟體名稱:洛迦諾2013 Locarno 2013
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:7.73MB
在其65年的歷史,這個節日del電影占據了獨特的地位洛迦諾在景觀的主要電影節。每年的八月,十一天,馬特宏峰是位於瑞士-義大利小鎮洛迦諾,就在歐洲的中心,成為全球資本的導演電影。成千上萬的影迷和行業專業人士滿足這裡每年夏天分享他們渴望新的發現和熱愛電影的多樣性。 洛迦諾電影節del電影iPhone和iPad應用程式設計的生產和Jannuzzi史密斯(倫敦/盧加諾)和開發的Cryms(沒有)。 特點: -帕爾多活:新聞報導在整個一天 ——大獎賽du公共瑞銀(電影評級和測驗) ——節日概述和一般信息 ——查看程式的日期 ——搜尋電影和導演 -電影預告片,梗概和圖像 ——互動地圖列表的場館 什麼是新的在這個版本: ——計畫在視網膜圖像質量 ——新問題來為大獎賽嘟公共瑞銀問答遊戲 - QR碼閱讀器 Throughout its 66 year history, the Festival del film Locarno has occupied a unique position in the landscape of the major film festivals. Every August, for eleven days the Swiss-Italian town of Locarno, right in the heart of Europe, becomes the world capital of auteur cinema. Thousands of film fans and industry professionals meet here every summer to share their thirst for new discoveries and a passion for cinema in all its diversity. The Festival del film Locarno iPhone and iPad application are produced and designed by Jannuzzi Smith (London/Lugano) and developed by Cryms (Manno). Features: - Pardo Live: News coverage throughout the day - Prix du Public UBS (film rating and quiz) - Festival overview and general info - View program by date - Search films and directors - Film trailers, synopses and images - Interactive Maps list of venues What's New in this Version: - Programme images in retina quality - new questions coming for the Prix du Public UBS quiz game - QRcode reader