Harold U. Faulkner, American Economic History (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1960), pp.23-25.
說明:(a)作者姓名按通常順序排列,後面加逗號;書名用斜體,手稿中可在書名下用橫線標出;書名後緊接圓括弧,括弧內注出版地,加冒號,後接出版者名稱,再加逗號,然後注出版年代;括弧後面加逗號,再注出引用資料所在的頁碼,頁碼後加句號表示注釋完畢;單頁頁碼用 p.表示;多頁頁碼用pp.表示,意為pages。(b)作者如系二人,作者姓名之間用and或& 連線;如系二人以上,可寫出第一作者姓名,後面加et al.表示and others,如:Donna Worrall Brown et al., Form in Modern English,其餘與(a)同。(c)著作名如有副標題,則以冒號將其與標題隔開,如:Robert K.Murray, The Harding Era: Warren G. Harding and His Administration (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969), p.91.(d)著作如系多卷本中的一卷,須在註明頁碼前,用Vol.加羅馬數字標明卷數,如:Ralph F. de Bedts, Recent American History: 1945 to the Present,Vol.II (Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1973), p.169.
Paul M. Angle, ed., The American Reader: From ColumbustoToday (New York: Rand McNally Co.,1958), pp.52-53.
說明:(a)如編者系多人,則須將ed.寫成eds.,如:E. B. White & Katherine S. White, eds.,A Subtreasury of American Humor,後面的注釋內容與著作類同。(b)既有編者又有著者的著作,須將著者姓名置於書名前,編者姓名置於書名後,如:George Soule, Prosperity Decade: From War to Depression, 1917-1929 (eds. Henry David et al., New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1975), p.235.亦可不注編者,按著作類注釋處理。
Erwin Panofsky, “Style and Medium in the Motion Picture,” Problems in Aesthelics, ed. Morris Weitz (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1969), p.326.
Harold U. Faulkner, American Economic History (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1960), pp.23-25.
說明:(a)作者姓名按通常順序排列,後面加逗號;書名用斜體,手稿中可在書名下用橫線標出;書名後緊接圓括弧,括弧內注出版地,加冒號,後接出版者名稱,再加逗號,然後注出版年代;括弧後面加逗號,再注出引用資料所在的頁碼,頁碼後加句號表示注釋完畢;單頁頁碼用 p.表示;多頁頁碼用pp.表示,意為pages。(b)作者如系二人,作者姓名之間用and或& 連線;如系二人以上,可寫出第一作者姓名,後面加et al.表示and others,如:Donna Worrall Brown et al., Form in Modern English,其餘與(a)同。(c)著作名如有副標題,則以冒號將其與標題隔開,如:Robert K.Murray, The Harding Era: Warren G. Harding and His Administration (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969), p.91.(d)著作如系多卷本中的一卷,須在註明頁碼前,用Vol.加羅馬數字標明卷數,如:Ralph F. de Bedts, Recent American History: 1945 to the Present,Vol.II (Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1973), p.169.
Paul M. Angle, ed., The American Reader: From ColumbustoToday (New York: Rand McNally Co.,1958), pp.52-53.
說明:(a)如編者系多人,則須將ed.寫成eds.,如:E. B. White & Katherine S. White, eds.,A Subtreasury of American Humor,後面的注釋內容與著作類同。(b)既有編者又有著者的著作,須將著者姓名置於書名前,編者姓名置於書名後,如:George Soule, Prosperity Decade: From War to Depression, 1917-1929 (eds. Henry David et al., New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1975), p.235.亦可不注編者,按著作類注釋處理。
Erwin Panofsky, “Style and Medium in the Motion Picture,” Problems in Aesthelics, ed. Morris Weitz (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1969), p.326.