



  • 書名:泛讀教程2
  • 作者:劉鴻章 秦壽生
  • 出版日期:1999年1月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7040074834
  • 外文名:Graduate English Series
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:422頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社






Learn from Failure
It was a few minutes before air time and the talk-show host was aboutto begin his radio program. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then,turning to me, said something surprisingt“You know, this job never gets any easier,” said this knowledgeableman who for years presided over an extremely popular call-in show. “Everytime I go on the air, I have to overcome a fear that I‘ll fail; that the show won’t be any good.”
He paused. “But I‘ve found out something interesting about failing.And that is, you can build on success but you really learn only from failure. “
A few days later, a letter arrived that seemed, in a way, to continue this line of thought. Written by a young man I know quite well, the letter concerned itself with the idea that adversity might offer, in the long run,more rewards than getting what you thought you wanted. My correspondent wrote :
“What I guess I’m learning from my difficult situation is a deeper sense of who I am. And what I‘ m capable of when it comes to handlingdisappointment. I think at least I hope I’ll come out of this a strongerperson.”
Then last week, in what seemed a curious completion of the philosophy lurking beneath both these remarks, I came across this unattributed uuotation in a book on mountain climbing, “Today is a new day, you‘ll get out of it just what you put into it. If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you can make a new start whenever you choose. For the thing we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.”
Few among us can claim the distinction of not knowing the sting of falling down, of “failure”: the promotion not gotten; the honor not won; the job lost; the praise denied.


Unit 1 Job Hunting
Text A The More One Learns, the More One Loses
Text B Tips on Job Hunting
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading A CV Example

Unit 2 The Other Side of the World
Text A What Do You Say after You've Said "Hello"?
Text B Pets Are Almost Like Family
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading The "War" over the Traffic Police

Unit 3 Science
Text A Can Babies Be Designed?
Text B Computer and Chess
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Top 10 mysteries in Space

Unit 4 Sports Heroes
Text A Li Ning
Text B Michael Jordan
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Lance Armstrong

Unit 5 Food We Eat
Text A Holiday Eating——Food for Thought
Text B Working Dinner
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Food Shock

Unit 6 Unusual Families
Text A Confessions of a Stepmother
Text B Come to Our House
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Foster Adoptions

Unit 7 Environmental Protection
Text A Pollution Is a Dirty Word
Text B Waste Deep
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading 40 Ways to Save the Earth

Unit 8 World Rivers
Text A River and Civilization
Text B The Huang He
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading The Mississippi River

Unit 9 Focus on China
Text A A Year without "Made in China"
Text B North American Hospitality ——Underdone
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Learn to Get Along with China——A prominent American's letter to his grandchildren

Unit 10 Father and Son
Text A Rooftops
Unit 11 Movies
Unit 12 Automobiles
Key to Some of the Exercises




