



  • 書名:新編英語泛讀教程2
  • ISBN:9787561220498
  • 出版社:西北工業大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




Unit 1
Text A Etiquette Today
Text B Hollywood
Text C Learn Proper Bitish Behaviours
Unit 2
Text A The Youngest Paitnet in the World
Text B Honolulu
Text C (1)Wives
(2)The Restaurant Was Full of Diners Now
Unit 3
Text A Reading Skills Ⅰ:Get Rid of Bad Reading Habits
Text B Robinson Cruson
Text C (1)Daniel Defoe
(2)He Got the Job
Unit 4
Text A Making Adjustments
Text B The United Natons
Test C The Titanic Is Sinking Again
Unit 5
Text A Parties
Text B An Empire Founded on a Moues-Disneyland and Disney World
Text C (1)The Value of Time
Unit 6
Text A Elizabeth Ⅱ
Text B The Statue of Liberty
Text C (1)A Broken Finger
(2)Not Necessary of Answer
Unit 7
Text A The Colonel:A Modern Success Story
Text B Noise Pollution
Text C (1)The Day That Changed My Life
(2)How We Had All Met
Untt 8
Text A Reading Skills Ⅱ:Skimming
Text B Bill Gates‘11 Rules
Text C An E-mail
Unit 9
Text A A Story of Blue Beads
Text B Reading with Comprehension
Text C Christmas
Unit 10
Text A The Modern Wonder of Electronics
Text B Bronte Sisters and Their Brother
Texb C Charlotte Bronte:Authoress of Jane Eyre
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16


