



  • 書名:法律英語新編:現代中國法概論
  • 頁數: 314頁
  • 出版社: 中國石化出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2008年2月1日) 


出版社: 中國石化出版社; 第1版 (2008年2月1日)
平裝: 314頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787802294929
條形碼: 9787802294929
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1.2 cm
重量: 540 g




Public Law
Lesson 1 Constitution
Chapter 1 The Basic Theory of Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Chapter 2 Character of State
Chapter 3 State Forms
Chapter 4 The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens
Chapter 5 The Structure of the State
Lesson 2 Administrative Law
Chapter 1 Introduction to Administrative Law
Chapter 2 Administrtive Body
Chapter 3 Administrative Counterpart in the Administrative Process
Chapter 4 Administrative Act
Chapter 5 Administrative Procedure
Chapter 6 Administrative Reconsideration
Chapter 7 Administrative Compensation
Chapter 8 Administrative Recuperation
Lesson 3 Criminal Law
Chapter 1 Outline of Criminal Law
Chapter 2 Crime
Chapter3 Punishments(PartⅠ)
Chapter 4 Punishments(PartⅡ)
Chapter 5 Crimes of Endangering National Security
Chapter 6 Crimes of Endangering the Public Security
Chapter 7 Crimes of Disrupting the Order of the Socialist Market Economy
Chapter 8 Crimes of Infringing upon the Rights of the Person and the Democratic Rights of Citizens
Chapter 9 The Crime of Encroaching on Property
Chapter 10 Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social Administration
Chapter 11 Embezzlement and Bribery
Chapter 12 Crimes of Dereliction of Duty
Private Law
Lesson 4 Civil Law
Chapter 1 Outline of Civil Law
Chapter 2 Natural Person
Chapter 3 Legal Persons
Chapter 4 Property and Marketable Securities
Chapter 5 Civil Juristic Acts
Chapter 6 Agency
Chapter 7 Limitation of Action and Time Periods
Lesson 5 Commercial Law
Chapter 1 Maritime Code
Chapter 2 Company Law
Chapter 3 Partnership Law
Chapter 4 Law of Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 5 Insurance Law
Procedure Law
Lesson 6 Civil Procedure Law
Chapter 1 Civil Procedure Law and Arbitration System
Chapter 2 Fundamental Principle and System
Chapter 3 Responsibility and Jurisdiction
Chapter 4 Parties
Chapter 5 Agents Ad Litem
Chapter 6 Civil Evidence
Chapter 7 Time Periods and Service
Chapter 8 Conciliation
Chapter 9 Ordinary Procedure of First Instance
Chapter 10 Summary Procedure
Chapter 11 Judgment and Order
Chapter 12 Procedure of Second Instance
Chapter 13 Procedure for Trial Supervision
Chapter 14 Special Procedure
Chapter 15 Payment Order
Chapter 16 Procedure for Publicizing Public Notice for Assertion of Claims
Chapter 17 Procedure for Bankruptcy and Debt Repayment of Legal Person Enterprises
Chapter 18 Procedure of Execution
Chapter 19 Civil Procedure of Cases Involving Foreign Element
Chapter 20 Enforcement
Chapter 21 Foreign-Related Arbitration
Lesson 7 Criminal Procedure Law
Chapter 1 Survey of the Criminal Procedure Law
Chapter 2 Jurisdiction
Chapter 3 Withdrawal
Chapter 4 Defense and Representation
Chapter 5 Criminal Evidence
Chapter 6 Compulsory Measures
Chapter 7 Incidental Civil Actions, Time Periods and Service
Chapter 8 Filing a Case
Chapter 9 Investigation
Chapter 10 Initiation of Public Prosecution
Chapter 11 Procedure of First Instance
Chapter 12 Procedure of Second Instance
Chapter 13 Procedure for Review of Death Sentences
Chapter 14 Procedure for Trial Supervision
Chapter 15 Execution
Lesson 8 Administrative Litigation Law
Chapter 1 Outline of Administrative Litigation
Chapter 2 Scope of Accepting Cases
Chapter 3 Jurisdiction of Administrative Litigation
Chapter 4 Participants in Administrative Litigation
Chapter 5 Evidence in Administrative Litigation
Chapter 6 Procedure of Administrative Litigation
Chapter 7 Judgment, Hoding and Resolution in Administrative Litigation
Chapter 8 Liability for Compensation of Infringement of Rights
Chapter 9 Administrative Procedure Involving Foreign Interests
International Law
Lesson 9 Private International Law
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Subject of Private International Law
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 Specific Theories
Chapter 6 Resolutinn of International Civil and Commercial Dispute
Chapter 7 Interregional Conflict of Laws and Interregional Conflict Laws
Lesson 10 International Economic Law
Chapter 1 General Introduction of International Economic Law
Chapter 2 Legal System of International Trade
Chapter 3 Transportation and Insurance Concerning International Sale of Goods
Chapter 4 International Payment of Trade
Chapter 5 Legal System of Control on International Trade
Chapter 6 Other Legal Systems in International Economic Law


