The Polytech Group is a national network of 13 graduate schools of engineering within France’s leading science universities.
These 13 schools award the French (diplome d’ingénieur) (equivalent to an MSc. or an MEng.) which is a national diploma recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The 13 engineering graduate schools that make up the Polytech Group are all accredited by the French Accreditation Board for Engineering (CTI).
The French (diplome d’ingénieur) = 5 years of higher education / 10 semesters of study = 300 ECTS credits passed after the Scientific French Baccalaureate (Equivalent to a school leaving certificate.).
A (diplome d’ingénieur) entitles the holder to enroll in a doctoral programme, or to start professional life.
Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering , Food Science, Health Engineering
Environmental Science, Civil Engineering , Sustainable Development
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering, Energy, Materials Science
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics
A Mundus bridging programme at Polytech Montpellier, Polytech Grenoble, Polytech Marseille, Polytech Nice-Sophia, Polytech Orléans and Polytech Tours.
Several Polytech Schools have created a common Mundus Bridging Programme to enable international non-french speaking students who have already completed 4 years of higher education in their country of origin to attend a 1 + 2 year bridging programme.
On successful completion of the 3 year course, students are awarded the French ( Diplome d’ingénieur )(equivalent to an M.Eng).
The first year of the programme focusses on learning intensive French and core courses in fundamental sciences, as well highly personalised tutorials, depending on the choice of speciality (major).
Then students are admitted to the fourth year of the five year engineering degree in one of the Polytech Schools participating in this programme : Polytech Montpellier, Polytech Grenoble, Polytech Marseille, Polytech Nice-Sophia, Polytech Orléans and Polytech Tours.
This programme has been set up mainly for Chinese students but will be extended to other countries in the near future.