
男,教授 ,博士生導師。四川省學術與技術帶頭人,中國環境科學學會會員;四川省環境科學學會會員;四川省農業技術專家。主要研究方向:生物質能源;廢棄物資源化利用。


  • 中文名:沈飛
  • 國籍:中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物質能源;廢棄物資源化利用
  • 職務:四川農業大學環境學院教授


姓名:沈 飛 性別:男
職稱:教 授 碩/博導:博士生導師






1. 李陽, 黃梅, 沈飛, 郭海艷, 王卿: 生物炭對小麥種子萌發與幼苗生長的植物毒理效應. 生態毒理學報 2017, 12(1):234-242.
2. Wang D, Ai J, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Song C: Improving anaerobic digestion of easy-acidification substrates by promoting buffering capacity using biochar derived from vermicompost. Bioresource Technology 2017, 227:286-296.
3. Qiu J, Wang Q, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Song C: Optimizing Phosphoric Acid plus Hydrogen Peroxide (PHP) Pretreatment on Wheat Straw by Response Surface Method for Enzymatic Saccharification. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2017, 181(3):1123-1139.
4. Guo H, Ma L, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Song C, Zeng Y: Effects of La-involvement on biomass pyrolysis behaviors and properties of produced biochar. Journal of Rare Earths 2017, 35(6):593-601.
5. Qiu J, Ma L, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Hu Y: Pretreating wheat straw by phosphoric acid plus hydrogen peroxide for enzymatic saccharification and ethanol production at high solid loading. Bioresource Technology 2017, 238:174-181.
6. Li Y, Yang Y, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Hu Y: Mitigating biochar phytotoxicity via lanthanum (La) participation in pyrolysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24(11):10267-10278.
7. Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Wu C, Gu S: Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics studies on biosorption of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution by earthworm manure derived biochar. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2017, 120:104-114.
8. Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Wu C, Gu S: Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics of cadmium ions (Cd 2+) removal from aqueous solution using earthworm manure-derived carbon materials. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, 241:612-621.
9. Wang Z, Shen F, Shen D, Jiang Y, Xiao R: Immobilization of Cu 2+ and Cd 2+ by earthworm manure derived biochar in acidic circumstance. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2017, 53:293-300.
10. Zhou B, Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Wu C, Xiao R: Low cost earthworm manure-derived carbon material for the adsorption of Cu 2+ from aqueous solution: Impact of pyrolysis temperature. Ecological Engineering 2017, 98:189-195.
11. 王豆, 郭海艷, 李陽, 王章鴻, 王卿, 沈飛: 蚓糞生物炭製備溫度對甲基橙吸附性能的影響. 環境工程學報 2016, 10(9):5172-5178.
12. 李陽, 黃梅, 沈飛, 郭海艷, 王卿: 生物炭早期植物毒性評估培養方法研究. 生態毒理學報 2016, 11(2):168-175.
13. Wang D, Huang H, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Hu Y: Effects of biomass densification on anaerobic digestion for biogas production. RSC Advances 2016, 6(94):91748-91755.
14. 郭海艷, 李雪琴, 王章鴻, 沈飛: 蚯蚓糞生物炭對 Cu (Ⅱ) 的吸附性能. 環境工程學報 2016, 10(7):3811-3818.
15. Yang G, Wu L, Xian Q, Shen F, Wu J, Zhang Y: Removal of Congo Red and Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions by Vermicompost-Derived Biochars. PloS one 2016, 11(5):e0154562.
16. Wang Z, Shen D, Shen F, Li T: Phosphate adsorption on lanthanum loaded biochar. Chemosphere 2016, 150:1-7.
17. 王章鴻, 郭海艷, 沈飛, 李陽, 王卿: 熱解條件對生物炭性質和氮, 磷吸附性能的影響. 環境科學學報 2015, 35(9):2805-2812.
18. 王卿, 邱婧雯, 李陽, 沈飛: 熱鹼預處理對菊芋莖稈組成和酶水解影響. 生物工程學報 2015, 31(10):1459-1467.
19. 王章鴻, 郭海艷, 沈飛, 段東勤: 蚯蚓糞便製備生物炭及其對羅丹明 B 吸附的研究. 環境科學學報 2015, 35(10):3170-3177.
20. 董祝君, 蔡郡倬, 邱婧雯, 肖文雄, 沈飛: 濃磷酸預處理廢棄棉織物回收葡萄糖和滌綸的最佳化. 環境工程學報 2015, 9(12):6027-6033.
21. Wang Q, Hu J, Shen F, Mei Z, Yang G, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Zhang J, Deng S: Pretreating wheat straw by the concentrated phosphoric acid plus hydrogen peroxide (PHP): investigations on pretreatment conditions and structure changes. Bioresource Technology 2016, 199:245-257.
22. Wang Q, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Hu Y, Zhang J, Song C, Zeng Y: Pretreating luffa sponge (Luffa cylindrica L.) with concentrated phosphoric acid and subsequent enzymatic saccharification. BioResources 2015, 11(1):899-912.
23. Li X, Guo H, Yang G, Zhang Y, Zeng Y, Shen F: Thin-Layer Drying of Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber Slices and Sugar Conversion as Affected by Drying Temperature. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2015, 9(4):456-462.
24. Yang G, Wang Z, Xian Q, Shen F, Sun C, Zhang Y, Wu J: Effects of pyrolysis temperature on the physicochemical properties of biochar derived from vermicompost and its potential use as an environmental amendment. RSC Advances 2015, 5(50):40117-40125.
25. Li Y, Shen F, Guo H, Wang Z, Yang G, Wang L, Zhang Y, Zeng Y, Deng S: Phytotoxicity assessment on corn stover biochar, derived from fast pyrolysis, based on seed germination, early growth, and potential plant cell damage. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22(12):9534-9543.
26. 蔡郡倬, 董祝君, 邱婧雯, 史宇, 沈飛: 廢棄棉織物濃磷酸預處理條件與高固酶水解基質濃度的關係. 過程工程學報 2014, 14(6):1005-1009.
27. Wang Z, Guo H, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Zeng Y, Wang L, Xiao H, Deng S: Biochar produced from oak sawdust by lanthanum (La)-involved pyrolysis for adsorption of ammonium (NH 4+), nitrate (NO 3−), and phosphate (PO 4 3−). Chemosphere 2015, 119:646-653.
28. Wang Q, Wang Z, Shen F, Hu J, Sun F, Lin L, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S: Pretreating lignocellulosic biomass by the concentrated phosphoric acid plus hydrogen peroxide (PHP) for enzymatic hydrolysis: Evaluating the pretreatment flexibility on feedstocks and particle sizes. Bioresource Technology 2014, 166:420-428.
29. 沈飛, 王卿, 李陽, 李秀金: 水熱亞硫酸預處理菊芋秸稈的高濃底物酶水解試驗. 農業機械學報 2014, 45(3):168-173.
30. Shen F, Tian L, Yuan H, Pang Y, Chen S, Zou D, Zhu B, Liu Y, Li X: Improving the mixing performances of rice straw anaerobic digestion for higher biogas production by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2013, 171(3):626-642.
31. Shen F, Yuan H, Pang Y, Chen S, Zhu B, Zou D, Liu Y, Ma J, Yu L, Li X: Performances of anaerobic co-digestion of fruit & vegetable waste (FVW) and food waste (FW): single-phase vs. two-phase. Bioresource Technology 2013, 144:80-85.
32. Li Y, Li X, Shen F, Wang Z, Yang G, Lin L, Zhang Y, Zeng Y, Deng S: Responses of biomass briquetting and pelleting to water-involved pretreatments and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. Bioresource technology 2014, 151:54-62.
33. Shen F, Wang Z, Shi Y, Lin L, Zhang Y, Yang G, Deng S, Liu R: Sweet Sorghum Stalk Juice Storage and Subsequent Ethanol Fermentation with Sodium Benzoate. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2013, 7(5):619-625.
34. Shen F, Ding X, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang Z, Yang G, Peng H, Li Y, Xiao H: Effects of structure parameters of needle-plate discharge plasma reactor on decolorization of methyl orange. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2013, 22(8):2260-2264.
35. Shen F, Xiao W, Lin L, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S: Enzymatic saccharification coupling with polyester recovery from cotton-based waste textiles by phosphoric acid pretreatment. Bioresource Technology 2013, 130:248-255.
36. Shen F, Peng L, Lin L, Zhang Y, Wu J, Zhang X, Deng S: Bioethanol fermentation coupling with superoxide Dismutase (SOD) production from condensed sweet sorghum stalk juice. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2012, 6(5):580-587.
37. Shen F, Hu J, Zhong Y, Liu ML, Saddler JN, Liu R: Ethanol production from steam-pretreated sweet sorghum bagasse with high substrate consistency enzymatic hydrolysis. Biomass and Bioenergy 2012, 41:157-164.
38. Shen F, Kumar L, Hu J, Saddler JN: Evaluation of hemicellulose removal by xylanase and delignification on SHF and SSF for bioethanol production with steam-pretreated substrates. Bioresource Technology 2011, 102(19):8945-8951.
39. Shen F, Saddler JN, Liu R, Lin L, Deng S, Zhang Y, Yang G, Xiao H, Li Y: Evaluation of steam pretreatment on sweet sorghum bagasse for enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol production. Carbohydrate Polymers 2011, 86(4):1542-1548.
40. Shen F, Zeng Y, Deng S, Liu R: Bioethanol production from sweet sorghum stalk juice with immobilized yeast. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2011, 11:782-789.
41. Shen F, Zeng Y, Deng S, Li Y: Effects of Vegetable & Flower Residues Returning with Compound Microorganism on Soil Nutrients Release and Crop Yield. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2011, 11:774-781.
42. 沈飛, 梅曉岩, 曹衛星, 劉榮厚: 自然乾燥甜高粱莖稈長期貯藏及乙醇發酵研究. 農業工程學報 2011, 27(12):250-255.
43. Shen F, Zhong Y, Saddler JN, Liu R: Relatively high-substrate consistency hydrolysis of steam-pretreated sweet sorghum bagasse at relatively low cellulase loading. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2011, 165(3-4):1024-1036.
44. Shen F, Peng L, Zhang Y, Wu J, Zhang X, Yang G, Peng H, Qi H, Deng S: Thin-layer drying kinetics and quality changes of sweet sorghum stalk for ethanol production as affected by drying temperature. Industrial Crops and Products 2011, 34(3):1588-1594.
45. 沈飛, 劉榮厚: 固定化酵母發酵甜高粱莖稈汁工藝參數對酒精得率的影響. 農業工程學報 2007, 23(10):186-191.
46. 沈飛, 劉榮厚: 固定化酵母粒子強化及其對甜高粱莖稈汁液乙醇發酵的影響. 農業工程學報 2007, 23(5):180-184.
47. Shen F, Liu R: Storage of sweet sorghum fresh juice with ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoate and the ethanol fermentation with the preserved juice. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2010, 4(4):324-329.
48. Shen F, Liu R, Wang T: Effects of temperature, pH, agitation and particles stuffing rate on fermentation of sorghum stalk juice to ethanol. Energy Sources, Part A 2009, 31(8):646-656.
49. Shen F, Liu R: Research on solid-state ethanol fermentation using dry sweet sorghum stalk particles with active dry yeast. Energy & Fuels 2008, 23(1):519-525.
50. Wang D, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Luo T, Mei Z: Can hydrothermal pretreatment improve anaerobic digestion for biogas from lignocellulosic biomass? Bioresource Technology 2017:Online.
51. Hu Y, Zhang L, Zhang J, Shen F, Yang G, Zhang Y, Deng S, Qi H, Yan J, Bai S: Assessments of Erianthus arundinaceus as a potential energy crop for bioethanol and biomethane production. BioResources 2018, 12(4):8786-8802.


1.劉榮厚,沈飛.三段式流化床固定化酵母酒精發酵生物反應器 (專利號:200610023445.7);
2.劉榮厚,沈飛.固定化酵母生物酒精發酵系統 (專利號:200610023452.7)
3.劉榮厚,沈飛.甜高粱莖稈乾式長期貯藏方法 (專利號:200810036153.6)




