1、Luming Shen, Baowei Wang. Shrinking target problems for beta-dynamical system.SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics2013,Vol. 56Issue (1): 91-104.
2、Luming Shen and Kui Fang. The fractal dimensional theory in Luroth expansion.Czechoslovak. 2011, 61(136):795-807. (SCI)
3、Lu-MingShen. A further discussion of the Hausdorff dimension in Engel expansions.Acta Arith.2010,143(3),271–276. (SCI)
4、JianzhongCheng andLu-MingShen. A note on the Lyapunov exponent in continued fraction expansions. Turkish J. Math.2010,34:145–151(通訊作者)(SCI)
5、LumingShen andYuyuanZhou. Some metric properties on the GCF fraction expansion.J. Number Theory2010,(130)1:1–9. (SCI)
6、Lu-mingShen,Yue-huaLiu, andYu-yuanZhou. A note on a problem of J. Galambos.Turkish J. Math.2008,32(1) : 103–109. (SCI)
7、Miao, Yu;Yang, Guangyu;Shen, LumingThe central limit theorem for LS estimator in simple linear EV regression models.Comm. Statist. Theory Methods.2007,36(9) :2263–2272(SCI)
8、Xuehai Hu and Luming Shen. A note on continued fractions with sequences of partial quotients over the field of formal power series. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society.49 (2012), No. 4,875-883(通訊作者SCI)