


  • 中文名:沈瑞昌
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 專業方向:生態系統生態學
  • 職務:助理研究員




1、2016-至今復旦大學 博士後
2、2010-2015中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所 生態;理學博士
3、2008-2010北京師範大學 地理學與遙感科學學院 自然地理學 理學碩士
4、2006-2008北京林業大學信息學院 計算機科學與技術輔修
5、2004-2008北京林業大學 水土保持學院 資源環境與城鄉規劃管理 理學學士


2015-至今南昌大學生命科學研究院流域生態學研究所 助理研究員




1、Shen Ruichang, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Yu Shen, Wan Shiqiang, He Nianpeng. 2017, Microbial membranes related to the thermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration in a temperate steppe in northern China. Applied soil ecology, under review.
4、Ruichang Shen, Ming Xu, Fengxia Zhao, Rengqiang Li, Qingkai Shen, 2015, Spatial variability of soil microbial biomass and its relationships with edaphic, vegetational and climatic factors in the Three-River Headwaters region on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,Applied soil ecology,95: 191-203.
5、Liu Lixiang, Xu Ming, Qiu Shuai,Shen Ruichang. 2015, Spatial patterns of benthicbacterial communities in a large lake,International Review of Hydrobiology, 100: 97-105.
6、沈瑞昌,張光輝,張永萱,徐明. 2015,黃土高原小流域次暴雨洪峰流量影響因素分析.中國水土保持科學,13(2): 22-28.
7、Ruichang Shen, Ming Xu, Yonggang Chi, Shen Yu, and ShiQiang Wan. 2014, Soil microbial responses to experimental warming and nitrogen addition in a northern China.Pedosphere, 24(4): 427-436.
8、QingpengYang, Ming Xu,YonggangChi,YunpuZheng,RuichangShen,SilongWang. 2014, Effects of freeze damage on litter production, quality and decomposition in a loblolly pine forest in central china,Plant and Soil, 374(1-2): 449-458.
9、袁志芬,黃桂林,莫宏偉,沈瑞昌,徐明,邱帥,趙峰俠,李仁強. 2014,四川省寶興縣生態系統生物碳儲量動態評估.林業資源管理, 1:82-88.
10、ChiYonggang, Xu Ming,ShenRuichang, YangQingpeng, HuangBinru, WanShiqiang, 2013, Acclimation of foliar respiration and photosynthesis in response to experimental warming in a temperate steppe in northern China.Plosone
11、YonggangChi, Ming Xu,RuichangShenShiqiangWan. 2013, Acclimation of leaf dark respiration to nocturnal and diurnal warming in a semiarid temperate steppe.Functional Plant Biology, 40(11): 1159-1167.
12、YunpuZheng, Ming Xu,RuichangShen,QiuShuai. 2013, Effects of artificial warming on the structural, physiological, and biochemical changes of maize (ZeamaysL.) leaves in northern China.ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum, 35(10): 2891-2904.
13、YunpuZheng, Ming Xu,RuixingHou,RuichangShen,ShuaiQiuandOuyang Zhu, 2013, Effects of experimental warming on stomatal traits in leaves of maize (ZeamayL.).Ecology and Evolution, 3(9): 3095-3111.
14、YunpuZheng,QingpengYang, Ming Xu,YonggangChi,RuichangShen,PeixueLi,HuitangDai. 2012, Responses ofPinusmassonianaandPinustaedatofreezing in temperate forests in central China.Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research,27: 520-531.
15、QingpengYang, Ming Xu,YonggangChi,YunpuZheng,RuichangShen,PeixueLi,HuitangDai. 2012, Temporal and spatial variation of stem CO2efflux in three species in subtropical China.Journal of Plant Ecology,5: 229-237.
16、ZhangGuanghui,ShenRuichang, LuoRongting, Cao Ying, Zhang XC. 2010,Effects of sediment load on hydraulics of overland flow on steep slopes.Earth surface processes and landforms, 35: 1811-1819.
17、ZhangGuanghui, LuoRongting, Cao Ying,ShenRuichang, Zhang XC. 2010,Impacts of sediment load on Manning coefficient in supercritical shallow flow on steep slopes.Hydrological Process, 24(26): 3909-3914.
18、ZhangGuanghui, LuoRongting, Cao Ying,ShenRuichang, Zhang XC. 2010,Correction factor to dye-measured flow velocity under varying water and sediment discharges and slopes.Journal of Hydrology, 389: 205-213.
19、沈瑞昌,吳秀芹,朱清科. 2010,黃土區適宜性植物群落最佳化配置——以陝西省延安市吳起縣為例.乾旱區資源與環境, 24(4): 150-155.
20、羅榕婷,張光輝,沈瑞昌,曹穎. 2010,染色法測量坡面流流速的最佳測流區長度研究.水文, 30(3): 5-9.


