








1. 主講本科生專業必修課程,《化工安全與環境》
2. 主講本科生專業必修課程,《綠色化工技術》
3. 主講本科生專業選修課程,《化工設計B》
4. 輔講本科生專業必修課程,《化工安全與環境》
5. 輔講本科生專業必修課程,《綠色化學原理與套用》
6. 擔任綠色化學教研室主任


1. 環糊精-Fe3O4超分子仿生催化體系的構築及其對水相不對稱反應的調控,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,2013.01.01-2016.12.31
2. 雙金屬卟啉協同催化氧氣選擇性氧化環烷烴合成醇、酮研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2019.01.01-2022.12.31
3. 限域環境中雙金屬中心接力催化O2選擇氧化烴類C-H鍵規律的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2022.01.01- 2025.12.31
4. 一種防曬劑A二鈉鹽合成工藝的開發,企業橫向課題,75.0萬
5. 無水家用機洗洗衣液配方的研究和開發,企業橫向課題,5.0萬
6. 關鍵醫藥中間體的工藝研發,企業橫向課題,100.0萬
7. 電化鋁燙印箔水溶性色料配方開發和塗布工藝改進,企業橫向課題,10.0萬


[1] Hai-Min Shen, Xiong Wang, Lei Ning, A-Bing Guo, Jin-Hui Deng, Yuan-Bin She*. Efficient oxidation of cycloalkanes with simultaneously increased conversion and selectivity using O2 catalyzed by metalloporphyrins and boosted by Zn(AcO)2: A practical strategy to inhibit the formation of aliphatic diacids [J]. Applied Catalysis A, General, 2021, 609: 117904.
[2] Hai-Min Shen, Hong-Liang Ye, Qin Wang, Meng-Yun Hu, Lei Liu, Yuan-Bing She*. Efficient oxidation of cumene to cumene hydroperoxide with ambient O2 catalyzed by metalloporphyrins [J]. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2021, 25: 314-322.
[3] Hai-Min Shen, Meng-Yun Hu, Lei Liu, Bei Qi, Hong-Liang Ye, Yuan-Bin She*. Efficient and selective oxidation of tertiary benzylic C-H bonds with O2 catalyzed by metalloporphyrins under mild and solvent-free conditions [J]. Applied Catalysis A, General, 2020, 599: 117599.
[4] Hai-Min Shen, Bei Qi, Meng‑Yun Hu, Lei Liu, Hong‑Liang Ye, Yuan‑Bin She*. Selective Solvent-Free and Additive-Free Oxidation of Primary Benzylic C-H Bonds with O2 Catalyzed by the Combination of Metalloporphyrin with N‑Hydroxyphthalimide [J]. Catalysis Letters, 2020, 150: 3096-3111.
[5] Hai-Min Shen*, Lei Liu, Bei Qi, Meng-Yun Hu, Hong-Liang Ye, Yuan-Bin She. Efficient and selective oxidation of secondary benzylic C-H bonds to ketones with O2 catalyzed by metalloporphyrins under solvent-free and additive-free conditions [J]. Molecular Catalysis, 2020, 493: 111102.
[6] Hai-Min Shen, Xiong Wang, A-Bing Guo, Long Zhang, Yuan-Bing She*. Catalytic oxidation of cycloalkanes by porphyrin cobalt(II) through efficient utilization of oxidation intermediates [J]. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2020, 24: 1166-1173.
[7] Hai-Min Shen, Long Zhang, Jin-Hui Deng, Jing Sun, Yuan-Bin She*. Enhanced catalytic performance of porphyrin cobalt(II) in the solvent-free oxidation of cycloalkanes (C5~C8) with molecular oxygen promoted by porphyrin zinc(II) [J]. Catalysis Communications, 2019, 132: 105809 .
[8] Hai-Min Shen, Yan Wang, Jin-Hui Deng, Long Zhang, Yuan-Bin She*. Catalyst-free and solvent-free oxidation of cycloalkanes (C5-C8) with molecular oxygen: Determination of autoxidation temperature and product distribution[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineerin,2018,26(5):1064-1070.
[9] 佘遠斌,鄧金輝,張龍,沈海民*. 氧氣催化氧化環己烷[J].化學進展,2018,30(1):124-136.
[10] 沈海民,王岩,佘遠斌*.金屬卟啉催化氧化環己烷最新研究進展[J].化工進展,2018,37(6):2031-2045.
[11] 韓葉強,周文杰,沈海民*,劉秋平,於文艷,紀紅兵,佘遠斌*.固載化β-環糊精吸附環境污染物的研究進展[J].有機化學,2016,36(2):248-257.
[12] Hai-Min Shen*,Wen-Jie Zhou,Wu-Bin Yu,Hong-Ke Wu,Qiu-Ping Liu,Hong-Bing Ji,Yan Wang,Yuan-Bin She*.Metal-free chemoselective oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides catalyzed by immobilized L-aspartic acid and L-glutamic acid in an aqueous phase at room temperature[J].New Journal of Chemistry,2016,40(6):4874-4878.
[13] 沈海民*,武宏科,史鴻鑫,紀紅兵,余武斌*.非均相環糊精在水相有機合成反應中的套用[J].化學進展,2015,27(1):70-78.
[14] 沈海民*,方紅果,武宏科,紀紅兵,史鴻鑫*.環糊精衍生物的分子形態及其構築策略研究進展[J].化工進展,2015,34(2):430-446.
[15] Hai-Min Shen*,Wen-Jie Zhou,Hong-Ke Wu,Wu-Bin Yu,Ning Ai,Hong-Bing Ji,Hong-Xin Shi,Yuan-Bin She*.Metal-free chemoselective oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides catalyzed by immobilized taurine and homotaurine in aqueous phase at room temperature[J].Tetrahedron Letters,2015,56(30):4494-4498.
[16] Hai-Min Shen*,Wen-Jie Zhou,Xin Ma,Hong-Ke Wu,Wu-Bin Yu,Ning Ai,Hong-Bing Ji,Hong-Xin Shi, Yuan-Bin She*.pH-Dependence of the Aqueous Phase Room Temperature Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Chemoselective Oxidation of Sulfides with H2O2[J].Molecules,2015,20(9):16709-16722.
[17] Hai-Min Shen,Gong-Yuan Zhu,Wu-Bin Yu,Hong-Ke Wu,Hong-Bing Ji, Hong-Xin Shi,Yi-Fan Zheng*,Yuan-Bin She*.Surface immobilization of β-cyclodextrin on hybrid silica and its fast adsorption performance of p-nitrophenol from the aqueous phase[J].RSC Advances,2015,5(103):84410-84422.
[18] Hai-Min Shen*,Gong-Yuan Zhu,Wu-Bin Yu,Hong-Ke Wu,Hong-Bing Ji,Hong-Xin Shia,Yuan-Bin She,Yi-Fan Zheng.Fast adsorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solution using β-cyclodextrin grafted silica gel[J].Applied Surface Science,2015,356:1155-1167.
[19] 沈海民*,武宏科,紀紅兵,史鴻鑫*. β-環糊精-Fe3O4超分子體系的構築及其套用研究進展[J].有機化學,2014,34(4):630-646.
[20] 沈海民*,紀紅兵,武宏科,史鴻鑫*.β-環糊精的固載及其套用最新研究進展[J].有機化學,2014,34(8):1549-1572.
[21] Hai-Min Shen,Hong-Bing Ji*. Cyclodextrine-[RuCl2(Arene)]2 conjugates: another way to enhancethe enantioselectivity of aromatic ketones reduction by aromatic ligands’ volume[J].Tetrahedron,2013,69(39):8360-8367.
[22] Hai-Min Shen,Hong-Bing Ji*.Amino alcohol-modified β-cyclodextrin inducing biomimetic asymmetric oxidation of thioanisole in water[J].Carbohydrate Research,2012,354:49-58.
[23] 沈海民,紀紅兵*.環糊精衍生物在金屬催化有機合成中的套用[J].有機化學,2012,32(6):975-985.
[24] Hai-Min Shen,Hong-Bing Ji*.Biomimetic asymmetric aldol reactions catalyzed by proline derivatives attached to β-cyclodextrin in water[J].Tetrahedron Letters,2012,53(28):3541-3545.
[25] 沈海民,紀紅兵*. β-環糊精衍生物誘導Na2MoO4催化H2O2不對稱氧化苯甲硫醚[J].有機化學,2012,32(9):1684-1689.
[26] 沈海民,紀紅兵*.環糊精衍生物在液相有機合成中的套用[J].有機化學,2011,31(6):791-803.
[27] 沈海民,史鴻鑫*,武宏科,項菊萍,朱春鳳.N-(p-全氟壬烯氧基苯磺醯基)肌氨酸鈉的合成與表面活性[J]. 高校化學工程學報,2009,23(4):679-683.
[28] 沈海民,史鴻鑫*,項菊萍,劉秋平,朱春鳳.硫酸酯型氟表面活性劑的合成與表面活性[J].套用化學,2009,26(9):1036-1039.
[29] 沈海民,史鴻鑫*,武宏科,項菊萍.對全氟壬烯氧基苯磺酸鈉的合成與表面活性[J].農藥,2007,46(8):520-522.




