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沈俠,男,博士,復旦大學生命科學學院遺傳工程國家重點實驗室、國際人類表型組研究院、粵港澳大灣區精準醫學研究院(廣州)研究員、博士生導師愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)名譽研究員。


  • 中文名:沈俠
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:瑞典烏普薩拉大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:統計遺傳學、生物統計學
  • 任職院校:復旦大學


Biostatistics: Statistical Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Genetics of Complex Traits, Bioinformatics


2007年本科畢業於中國人民大學統計學院,2012年於瑞典烏普薩拉大學(Uppsala University)獲得生物信息學博士學位;致力於統計遺傳學方法的創新研究與多組學大數據整合分析,研究領域涉及數理科學、計算科學、生命科學等多學科交叉融合;歸國前曾任英國愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)與瑞典卡羅琳斯卡醫學院(Karolinska Institutet)兩所國際知名院校生物統計學與統計遺傳學助理教授、博士生導師;2018年至2021年曾任中山大學生命科學學院教授、博士生導師。在國際學術期刊共發表論文50餘篇,其中代表性研究成果發表於Nature Genetics、Nature CommunicationsCirculationAmerican Journal of Human Genetics等國際知名期刊。



  • ShenH, Yan Q, Shen X(沈恆范, 嚴欽容, 沈俠)(2017): Probability and Mathematical Statistics (6th Edition Textbook) (機率論與數理統計教程第六版, “十二五”普通高等教育本科國家級規劃教材). Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).ISBN 978-7-04-048049-8.


  • Yang Z, Macdonald-Dunlop E, Chen J, Zhai R, Li T, Richmond A, Klaric L, Pirastu N,Ning Z, Zheng C, Wang Y, Huang T, He Y, Guo H, Ying K, Gustafsson S, Prins B,Ramisch A, Dermitzakis ET, Png G, Eriksson N, Haessler J, Hu X, Zanetti D,Boutin T, Hwang S-J, Wheeler E, Pietzner M, Raffield LM, Kalnapenkis A, PetersJE, Viñuela A, Gilly A, Elmståhl S, Dedoussis G, Petrie JR, Polašek O,Folkersen L, Chen Y, Yao C, Võsa U, Pairo-Castineira E, Clohisey S, BretherickAD, Rawlik K, GenOMICC Consortium, IMI-DIRECT Consortium, Esko T, Enroth S,Johansson Å, Gyllensten U, Langenberg C, Levy D, Hayward C, Assimes TL,Kooperberg C, Manichaikul AW, Siegbahn A, Wallentin L, Lind L, Zeggini E,Schwenk JM, Butterworth AS, Michaëlsson K, Pawitan Y, Joshi PK, Baillie JK, MälarstigA, Reiner AP, Wilson JF, Shen X (2022). Genetic landscape of the ACE2 coronavirus receptor. Circulation, 145: 1398–1411.
  • Zhai R, Pan L, Yang Z, Li T, Ning Z, Pawitan Y, Wilson JF, Wu D, Shen X (2022). Genetic and phenotypic links between obesity and extracellular vesicles. Human Molecular Genetics, ddac069.
  • Kousathanas A, Pairo-Castineira E, Rawlik K, Stuckey A, Odhams CA, Walker S, Russell CD, Malinauskas T, Wu Y, Millar J, Shen X, Elliott ES, Griffiths F, Oosthuyzen W, Morrice K, Keating S, Wang B, Rhodes D, Klaric L, Zechner M, Parkinson N, Siddiq A, Goddard P, Donovan S, Maslove D, Nichol A, Semple MG, Zainy T, Maleady-Crowe F, Todd L, Salehi S, Knight J, Elgar A, Chan G, Arumugam P, Patch C, Rendon A, Bentley D, Kingsley C, KosmickiJA, Horowitz JE, Baras A, Abecasis GR, Ferreira MAR, Justice A, Mirshahi T, Oetjens M, Rader DJ, Ritchie MD, Verma A, Fowle TA, Shankar-Hari M, Summers C, Hinds C, Horby P, Ling L, McAuley D, Montgomery H, Openshaw PJM, Elliott P, Walsh T, Tenesa A, GenOMICC Investigators, 23andMe, Covid-19 Human GeneticsInitiative, Fawkes A, Murphy L, Rowan K, Ponting CP, Vitart V, Wilson JF, Yang J, Bretherick AD, Scott RH, Hendry SC, Moutsianas L, Law A, Caulfield MJ, Baillie JK (2022). Whole genome sequencing reveals host factors underlying critical Covid-19. Nature.
  • Yang Z, Xu W, Zhai R, Li T, Ning Z, Pawitan Y, Shen X (2022). Integration of distinct analysis strategies improves tissue-trait association identification. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 787107.
  • Png G, Barysenka A, Repetto L, Navarro P, Shen X, Pietzner M, Wheeler E, Wareham N, Langenberg C, TsafantakisE, Karaleftheri M, Dedoussis G, Mälarstig A, Wilson JF, Gilly A, Zeggini E(2021). Mapping the serum proteome to neurological diseases using whole genome sequencing. Nature Communications,12, 7042.
  • Ying K, Zhai R, Pyrkov TV, Shindyapina AV, Mariotti M, Fedichev PO, Shen X, Gladyshev VN (2021).Genetic and phenotypic analysis of the causal relationship between aging andCOVID-19. Communications Medicine,1:35.
  • He Y, Shu C, Li T, Wu Q, Wang Z, Chen X, Shen X (2021). Non-inferiority in cancer clinical trials was associated with more lenient margins and higher hypothesized outcome event rates. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,139, 214-221.
  • Li T, Ning Z, Shen X (2021). Improved estimation of phenotypic correlations using summary association statistics. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 665252.
  • Li T, Ning Z, Yang Z, Zhai R, Xu W, Ying K, Wang Y, Chen Y, Shen X (2021). Total genetic contribution assessment across the human genome. Nature Communications, 12, 1845.
  • Ning Z, Tsepilov YA, Sharapov SZ, Wang Z, Grishenko AK, Feng X, Shirali M, Joshi PK, Wilson JF, Pawitan Y, Haley CS, Aulchenko YS, Shen X (2021). Nontrivial Replication of Loci Detectedby Multi-Trait Methods. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 627989.
  • Pairo-Castineira E, Clohisey S, Klaric L, Bretherick AD, Rawlik K, Pasko D, Walker S, ParkinsonN, Fourman MH, Russell CD, Furniss J, Richmond A, Gountouna E, Wrobel N, Harrison D, Wang B, Wu Y, Meynert A, Griffiths F, Oosthuyzen W, Kousathanas A, Moutsianas L, Yang Z, Zhai R, Zheng C, Grimes G, Beale R, Millar J, Shih B, KeatingS, Zechner M, Haley C, Porteous DJ, Hayward C, Yang J, Knight J, Summers C, Shankar-Hari M, Klenerman P, Turtle L, Ho A, Moore SC, Hinds C, Horby P, NicholA, Maslove D, Ling L, McAuley D, Montgomery H, Walsh T, Pereira A, Renieri A; GenOMICC Investigators; ISARICC Investigators; COVID-19 Human GeneticsInitiative; 23andMe Investigators; BRACOVID Investigators; Gen-COVIDInvestigators, Shen X, Ponting CP, Fawkes A, Tenesa A, Caulfield M, Scott R, Rowan K, Murphy L, Openshaw PJM, Semple MG, Law A, Vitart V, Wilson JF, Baillie JK (2021). Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in Covid-19. Nature, 591: 92-98.
  • Ning Z, Pawitan Y, Shen X (2020).High-definition likelihood inference of genetic correlations across human complex traits. Nature Genetics,52: 859–864.
  • Wu D, Yan J, Shen X, Sun Y, Thulin M, Cai Y, Wik L, Shen Q, Oelrich J, Qian X, Dubois KL, Ronquist KG,Nilsson M, Landegren U, Kamali-Moghaddam M (2019). Profiling surface proteins on individual exosomes using a proximity barcoding assay. Nature Communications, 10, 3854; doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00934-5.
  • Li T, Shen X (2019). Pleiotropy complicates human gene editing: CCR5Δ32 and beyond. Frontiers in Genetics, 10: 669.
  • Timmers PRHJ, Mounier N, Läll K, Fischer K, Ning Z, Feng X, Bretherick A, Clark DW, eQTLGen Consortium, Shen X, Esko T, Kutalik Z, Wilson JF, Joshi PK (2019): Genomics of 1 million parent lifespans implicates novel pathways and common diseases and distinguishes survival chances. eLife,8:e39856.
  • Ning Z, Lee Y, Joshi PK, Wilson JF, Pawitan Y, Shen X (2017): A selection operator for summary association statistics reveals allelic heterogeneity of complex traits. American Journal of Human Genetics,101(6): 903-912.
  • Joshi PK, Pirastu N, Kentistou KA, Fischer K, Hofer E, Schraut KE, Clark DW, NutileT, Barnes CLK, Timmers PRHJ, Shen X,Gandin I, McDaid AF, Hansen TF, Gordon SD, Giulianini F, Boutin TS, AbdellaouiA, Zhao W, Medina-Gomez C, Bartz TM, Trompet S, Lange LA, Raffield L, van derSpek A, Galesloot TE, Proitsi P, Yanek LR, Bielak LF, Payton A, Murgia F,Concas MP, Biino G, Tajuddin SM, Seppälä I, Amin N, Boerwinkle E, Børglum AD,Campbell A, Demerath EW, Demuth I, Faul JD, Ford I, Gialluisi A, Gögele M,Graff M, Hingorani A, Hottenga JJ, Hougaard DM, Hurme MA, Ikram MA, Jylhä M,Kuh D, Ligthart L, Lill CM, Lindenberger U, Lumley T, Mägi R, Marques-Vidal P,Medland SE, Milani L, Nagy R, Ollier WER, Peyser PA, Pramstaller PP, Ridker PM,Rivadeneira F, Ruggiero D, Saba Y, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Slagboom PE, Smith BH,Smith JA, Sotoodehnia N, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, van Rooij FJA, Verbeek AL,Vermeulen SH, Vollenweider P, Wang Y, Werge T, Whitfield JB, Zonderman AB,Lehtimäki T, Evans MK, Pirastu M, Fuchsberger C, Bertram L, Pendleton N, KardiaSLR, Ciullo M, Becker DM, Wong A, Psaty BM, van Duijn CM, Wilson JG, Jukema JW,Kiemeney L, Uitterlinden AG, Franceschini N, North KE, Weir DR, Metspalu A,Boomsma DI, Hayward C, Chasman D, Martin NG, Sattar N, Campbell H, Esko T,Kutalik Z, Wilson JF (2017): Genome-wide meta-analysis associates HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA and lifestyle factors with humanlongevity. Nature Communications,8, 910; doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00934-5.
  • Shen X, Klarić L, Sharapov S, Mangino M, Ning Z, Wu D, Trbojević-Akmačić I, Pučić-Baković M, Rudan I, Polašek O, Hayward C, Spector TD, Wilson JF, Lauc G, Aulchenko YS (2017): Multivariate discovery and replication of five novel loci associated with Immunoglobulin G N-glycosylation. Nature Communications, 8, 447.
  • Wang B, Li Z, Xu W, Feng X, Wan Q, Zan Y, Sheng S, Shen X (2017): Bivariate genomic analysis identifies a hidden locus associated with bacteria hypersensitive response in Arabidopsisthaliana. Scientific Reports,7, 45281.
  • Barban N, Jansen R, de Vlaming R, Vaez A, Mandemakers JJ, Tropf FC, Shen X, Wilson JF, Chasman DI,Nolte IM, Tragante V, van der Laan SW, Perry JR, Kong A; BIOS Consortium,Ahluwalia TS, Albrecht E, Yerges-Armstrong L, Atzmon G, Auro K, Ayers K, BakshiA, Ben-Avraham D, Berger K, Bergman A, Bertram L, Bielak LF, Bjornsdottir G,Bonder MJ, Broer L, Bui M, Barbieri C, Cavadino A, Chavarro JE, Turman C,Concas MP, Cordell HJ, Davies G, Eibich P, Eriksson N, Esko T, Eriksson J,Falahi F, Felix JF, Fontana MA, Franke L, Gandin I, Gaskins AJ, Gieger C,Gunderson EP, Guo X, Hayward C, He C, Hofer E, Huang H, Joshi PK, Kanoni S,Karlsson R, Kiechl S, Kifley A, Kluttig A, Kraft P, Lagou V, Lecoeur C, LahtiJ, Li-Gao R, Lind PA, Liu T, Makalic E, Mamasoula C, Matteson L, Mbarek H,McArdle PF, McMahon G, Meddens SF, Mihailov E, Miller M, Missmer SA, MonnereauC, van der Most PJ, Myhre R, Nalls MA, Nutile T, Kalafati IP, Porcu E, ProkopenkoI, Rajan KB, Rich-Edwards J, Rietveld CA, Robino A, Rose LM, Rueedi R, Ryan KA,Saba Y, Schmidt D, Smith JA, Stolk L, Streeten E, Tönjes A, Thorleifsson G,Ulivi S, Wedenoja J, Wellmann J, Willeit P, Yao J, Yengo L, Zhao JH, Zhao W,Zhernakova DV, Amin N, Andrews H, Balkau B, Barzilai N, Bergmann S, Biino G,Bisgaard H, Bønnelykke K, Boomsma DI, Buring JE, Campbell H, Cappellani S,Ciullo M, Cox SR, Cucca F, Toniolo D, Davey-Smith G, Deary IJ, Dedoussis G,Deloukas P, van Duijn CM, de Geus EJ, Eriksson JG, Evans DA, Faul JD, Sala CF,Froguel P, Gasparini P, Girotto G, Grabe HJ, Greiser KH, Groenen PJ, de HaanHG, Haerting J, Harris TB, Heath AC, Heikkilä K, Hofman A, Homuth G, HollidayEG, Hopper J, Hyppönen E, Jacobsson B, Jaddoe VW, Johannesson M, Jugessur A,Kähönen M, Kajantie E, Kardia SL, Keavney B, Kolcic I, Koponen P, Kovacs P,Kronenberg F, Kutalik Z, La Bianca M, Lachance G, Iacono WG, Lai S, LehtimäkiT, Liewald DC; LifeLines Cohort Study, Lindgren CM, Liu Y, Luben R, Lucht M,Luoto R, Magnus P, Magnusson PK, Martin NG, McGue M, McQuillan R, Medland SE,Meisinger C, Mellström D, Metspalu A, Traglia M, Milani L, Mitchell P,Montgomery GW, Mook-Kanamori D, de Mutsert R, Nohr EA, Ohlsson C, Olsen J, OngKK, Paternoster L, Pattie A, Penninx BW, Perola M, Peyser PA, Pirastu M,Polasek O, Power C, Kaprio J, Raffel LJ, Räikkönen K, Raitakari O, Ridker PM,Ring SM, Roll K, Rudan I, Ruggiero D, Rujescu D, Salomaa V, Schlessinger D,Schmidt H, Schmidt R, Schupf N, Smit J, Sorice R, Spector TD, Starr JM, StöcklD, Strauch K, Stumvoll M, Swertz MA, Thorsteinsdottir U, Thurik AR, Timpson NJ,Tung JY, Uitterlinden AG, Vaccargiu S, Viikari J, Vitart V, Völzke H,Vollenweider P, Vuckovic D, Waage J, Wagner GG, Wang JJ, Wareham NJ, Weir DR,Willemsen G, Willeit J, Wright AF, Zondervan KT, Stefansson K, Krueger RF, LeeJJ, Benjamin DJ, Cesarini D, Koellinger PD, den Hoed M, Snieder H, Mills MC (2016): Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductivebehavior. Nature Genetics,48, 1462-1472.
  • Shen X and Zhan Y (2015): RE: The effect on melanoma risk of genes previously associated with telomere length. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 107(10): djv237.
  • AlamM and Ronnegard L and Shen X (2015): Fitting conditional and simultaneous autoregressive spatial models in hglm. The R Journal, 7(2):5-18.
  • Shen X, Forsberg S, Pettersson M, Sheng Z, and Carlborg O (2014): Natural CMT2 variation is associated with genome-wide methylation changes and temperature seasonality. PLOS Genetics,10(12), e1004842.
  • Shen X and Hill WG (2014): Opportunities for improvement of phenotypic variability: influence of direct vs epistatic effects. Proceedings of the 10th WCGALP.
  • RonnegardL, Felleki M, Alam M, and Shen X (2014): Simultaneous estimation of spatial and genetic effects using hierarchical generalized linear models. Proceedings of the 10th WCGALP.
  • Shen X, Alam M and Ronnegard L (2014): Mixed models through the lens of hglm: applications and grand challenges. JSM Proceedings.
  • Shen X, Li Y, Ronnegard L, Uden P and Carlborg O (2014): Application of a genomic model in chemometrics analysis. Journal of Chemometrics, 28: 548-557.
  • Shen X (2013): The curse of the missing heritability. Frontiers in Genetics, 4:225.
  • Shen X and Ronnegard L (2013): Issues with data transformation in genome-wide association studies for phenotypic variability. F1000Research, 2:200.
  • Shen X and Carlborg O (2013): Beware of risk for increased false positive rates in genome-wide association studies for phenotypic variability. Frontiers in Genetics, 4:93.
  • Shen X, Alam M, Fikse F and Ronnegard L (2013): A novel generalized ridge regression method for quantitative genetics. Genetics,193, 1255-1268.
  • Shen X, PetterssonM, Ronnegard L and Carlborg O (2012): Inheritance beyond plain heritability:variance-controlling genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS Genetics, 8(8), e1002839.
  • Shen X, Ronnegard L, and Carlborg O (2011): How to Deal with GenotypeUncertainty in Variance Component Quantitative Trait Loci Analyses. Genetics Research, Cambridge, 93(5),333-342.
  • Shen X, Ronnegard L, and Carlborg O (2011): Hierarchical likelihood opens a new way of estimating genetic values using dense marker maps. BMC Proceedings, 5(Suppl 3): S14.
  • Ronnegard L, Shen X and Alam M (2010): hglm: A Package for FittingHierarchical Generalized Linear Models. The R Journal, 2(2):20-28.


