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汪洋,男,中共黨員,陝西安塞人,博士(後), 長安大學地球科學與資源學院副教授、碩士研究生導師。研究方向為油氣藏形成機理與分布規律,主要開展烴源岩有機地球化學、儲層微納米孔隙結構表征、氣體賦存和油氣運聚成藏機理等研究工作。




2019.08-2020.08,University of Texas at Arlington 博士聯合培養。








1.Yang Wang, Hongfei Cheng, Qinhong Hu, et al., 2022. Adsorption of methane onto mudstones under supercritical conditions: Mechanisms, physical properties and thermodynamic parameters. Petroleum science. Accepted.
2.Shutong Li, Yang Wang*, Ximeng Wang, et al., 2022. Pore system and gas adsorption potential of lacustrine Yanchang mudstone, Ordos Basin, China. Energy Reports. 8, 571-581.
3.Zhengjian Xu, Yang Wang*, Shu Jiang, et al., 2022. Impact of input, preservation and dilution on organic matter enrichment in lacustrine rift basin: A case study of lacustrine shale in Dehui Depression of Songliao Basin, NE China. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 135, 105386.
4.Shasha Gao, Lilong Jia, Qunjun Zhou, Hongfei Cheng*, Yang Wang*. 2022. Microscopic pore structure changes in coal induced by a CO2-H2O reaction system. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 208, 109321.
5.Yang Wang, Hongfei Cheng*, Qinhong Hu*, et al., 2022. Pore structure heterogeneity of Wufeng-Longmaxi shale, Sichuan Basin, China: Evidence from gas physisorption and multifractal geometries. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 208, 109313.(ESI高被引論文)
6.Yang Wang, Hongfei Cheng*, Qinhong Hu*, et al., 2021. Diagenesis and pore evolution for various lithofacies of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale, southern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 133, 105251.
7.Zhengjian Xu*, Yang Wang*, Shu Jiang, et al., 2021. Hydrocarbon generation kinetics and expulsion models of the Triassic Chang 9 lacustrine shales, Ordos Basin, China: Implications for the tight sandstone oil occurrence. Geological Journal. 56(10), 4923-4946.
8.Shutong Li, Shixiang Li, Ruiliang Guo*, Xinping Zhou, Yang Wang*, et al., 2021. Occurrence state of soluble organic matter in shale oil reservoirs from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, China: Insights from multipolarity sequential extraction. Natural Resources Research. 30, 4379-4402.
9.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu, Hongfei Cheng*. 2021. Gas adsorption characterization of pore structure of organic-rich shale: Insights to contribution of organic matter to shale pore network. Natural Resources Research. 30, 2377-2395. (ESI高被引論文)
10.Yang Wang*, Luofu Liu, Hongfei Cheng. 2020. Pore structure of Triassic Yanchang mudstone, Ordos Basin: Insights into the impact of solvent extraction on porosity in lacustrine mudstone within the oil window. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 195, 107944.
11.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Qinhong Hu*, et al., 2020. Nanoscale pore network evolution of Xiamaling marine shale during organic matter maturation by hydrous pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels. 34, 1548-1563.
12.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Shanshan Zheng, et al., 2019. Full-scale pore structure and its controlling factors of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale, southern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for pore evolution of highly overmature marine shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 67, 134-146.
13.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Yue Sheng, et al., 2019. Investigation of supercritical methane adsorption of overmature shale in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, China. Energy & Fuels. 33(3), 2078-2089.
14.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Huancheng Ji, et al., 2019. Structure of a pre-Triassic unconformity and its hydrocarbon transporting characteristics, Wuerhe-Fengnan area, Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 172, 820-834.
15.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Huancheng Ji, et al., 2018. Origin and accumulation of crude oils in Triassic reservoirs of Wuerhe-Fengnan (WFA) in Junggar Basin, NW China: Constraints from molecular and isotopic geochemistry and fluid inclusion analysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 96, 71-93.
16.Yang Wang, Luofu Liu*, Shutong Li*, et al., 2017. The forming mechanism and process of tight oil sand reservoirs: A case study of Chang 8 oil layers of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the western Jiyuan area of the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 158, 29-46.
17.汪洋, 劉洛夫*, 李樹同*, 等. 鄂爾多斯盆地姬塬西部三疊系延長組長8油層組成岩作用與緻密化過程. 古地理學報. 2017, 19(5), 892-906.
18.汪洋, 李樹同*, 牟煒衛, 等. 姬塬西部地區長81緻密儲層特徵及孔隙度演化分析. 岩性油氣藏. 2016, 28(4), 59-66.
19.汪洋, 李樹同, 牟煒衛, 等. 烏審旗-志丹地區奧陶系岩溶古地貌與馬五4氣水分布關係. 岩性油氣藏. 2016, 28(2), 64-71.
20.李樹同, 姚宜同, 劉志偉, 汪洋*, 等. 姬塬、陝北地區長81淺水三角洲水下分流河道砂體對比研究. 天然氣地球科學. 2015, 26(5), 813-822.


2.擔任石油地質學領域國際知名SCI期刊AAPG Bulletin、Marine and Petroleum Geology、Energy & Fuels、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Geological Journal、Acta Geologica Sinica等期刊審稿人。


