

汪挺松,2012年1月獲新加坡國立大學土木與環境工程系交通規劃與物流管理專業博士學位,現為武漢大學經濟與管理學院管理科學與工程系副教授。主要從事海運經濟與物流、航運網路最佳化與管理、數學建模與算法等方面的研究,現擔任國際期刊European Journal of Operational Research、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review、Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice、Networks and Spatial Economics論文審稿人,曾擔任2010年第13屆和2011年第14屆國際智慧型交通系統(IEEE-ITS)年會會議論文審稿人,並擔任2012年第6屆國際管理與創新(ICMIT)會議分會主席。


研究領域:· 海運經濟與物流· 航運網路最佳化與管理· 數學建模與算法
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目:《不確定貨運需求環境下船隊規劃問題的風險控制模型及算法》,項目編號71201088,項目主持人(在研)。
1. Wang, T., Meng, Q., Wang, S., 2012, Robust optimization model for liner ship fleet planning with container transshipment and uncertain demand, Transportation Research Record, 2273, 18-28, (SCI&SSCI).
2. Meng, Q., Wang, T. and Wang, S., 2012, Short-term liner ship fleet planning with container transshipment and uncertain container shipment demand, European Journal of Operational Research,223(1), 96-105.(SCI).
3. Meng, Q., Wang, T., 2011, A scenario-based dynamic programming model for multi-period liner ship fleet planning, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47 (4), 401-413.(SCI & SSCI).
4. Wang, S., Wang, T. and Meng, Q., 2011, A note on liner ship fleet deployment, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 23, 422-430.(SCI).
5. Meng, Q. and Wang, T., 2010, A chance constrained programming model for short-term liner ship fleet planning problems, Maritime Policy & Management, 27 (4), 329-346.(SSCI)
1. Wang, T., Meng, Q., Niu, B. and Tan, Z., “Hub-and-Spoke liner shipping network design with demand uncertainty”, the 6th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA), Hong Kong, June 3-5, 2013.
2. Wang, T., Zheng, P. and Liu, Z., “Model and Algorithm for a Liner Ship Fleet Planning Problem with Uncertain Container Shipment Demand”, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2012), Sanur Bali, Indonesia, June,11-13, 2012.
3. Wang, T., and Liu, Z., “Sustainable Transport System: Improve Mode Share of Public Transport by Congestion Pricing”, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2012), Sanur Bali, Indonesia, June, 11-13, 2012.
4. Meng, Q. and Wang, T., “A long-term liner ship fleet planning problem with container shipment demand uncertainty”, the 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromsø, Norway, June, 20-25, 2010.
5. Meng, Q. and Wang, T., “A dynamic programming approach for long-term containership fleet planning”, the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, U.S.A., December, 2009.
6. Meng, Q. and Wang, T., “A linearized approach for the liner containership fleet planning with demand uncertainty”, the International Symposium on Maritime Logistics & Supply Chain Systems (MLOG2009), Singapore, 23-24, 18-10, April, 2009.
7. Meng, Q. and Wang, T., “Optimal fleet planning with cargo demand uncertainty for liner shipping”, the 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operation Research Societies (INFORS), Sandton, South Africa, 13-18, July, 2008.


