

  • 書名:江蘇物流服務業發展研究報告2016
  • 作者:喬均
  • ISBN:978-7-305-18431-4
  • 頁數:304頁
  • 定價:118.00
  • 出版時間:2017-06
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 字數:380




第一章 江蘇省物流業發展概況 10
Chapter 1 Development situation on the logistics industry in Jiangsu Province
一、物流行業平穩增長,進入新的發展階段 10
I Stable growth of the logistics industry, entered a new phase of development
二、基礎設施不斷完善,通行環境持續最佳化 14
II Improving infrastructure, Continuous optimization of traffic environment
三、物流樞紐城市與物流體系建設取得新進展 20
III With the progress was made in the construction of Logistics hub city and logistics system
四、物流市場逐漸完善,市場主體不斷壯大 23
IV Logistics market gradually perfect, Market players continue to grow
五、重點工程建設有序展開 24
V The construction of key projects in an orderly manner
六、區域發展更加協調,由南向北轉移趨勢日趨明顯 25
VI Regional development more coordinated,by the south to North transfer trend is becoming increasingly apparent
第二章 江蘇省物流業發展環境 32
Chapter 2 The development environment of logistics industry in Jiangsu
一、政治環境 32
I Political
二、經濟環境 33
II Economic
三、社會環境 38
III Social
四、技術環境 40
IV Technological
第三章 相關發達省市物流業“十二五”發展概況 42
Chapter 3 The development situation of logistics industry in the developed provinces and cities in "12th Five-Year"
一、相關發達省市物流業“十二五”發展概況 42
I The development situation of logistics industry in the developed provinces and cities in "12th Five-Year"
二、“十二五”經濟數據對比 45
II "12th Five-Year" economic data comparison
三、“十二五”物流數據對比 47
III Logistics data comparison of "12th Five-Year"
第四章 2016年面臨的問題 51
Chaper 4 Problems faced in 2016
一、供給側改革持續進行,結構調整壓力較大 51
I Supply side continue to reform and structural adjustment of pressure
二、物流企業運營成本過高,營商環境有待改善 52
II Logistics enterprise operating costs are too high, the business environment needs to be improved
三、物流業發展缺乏整體的規劃與引導 53
III Lack of overall planning and guidance for the development of logistics industry
四、信息化程度偏低,信息系統功能不完善 54
IV The information level is low, the function of information system is imperfect
五、物流業效率、效益有待提高 54
V The efficiency and benefit of logistics industry need to be improved
第五章;2016年江蘇省物流業發展展望 55
Chapter 5 Prospects for the development of logistics industry in Jiangsu Province in 2016
一、加強基礎設施建設,夯實物流業發展基礎 55
I Strengthen infrastructure construction, lay a solid foundation for the development of the logistics industry
二、深化物流管理體制改革,建立合理規範的物流管理體制 55
II Deepen the reform of logistics management system, establish a reasonable standard of logistics management system
三、抓住“一帶一路”建設機遇,加快物流國際化步伐 57
III Seize the "The Belt and Road" construction opportunities, accelerate the pace of internationalization of logistics
四、積極運用“網際網路+”思維,適應“網際網路+”物流發展趨勢 58
IV Use of "Internet +" thinking, to adapt to the developing trend of logistics "Internet +"
五、加強政府規劃引導,促進區域協調發展 58
V Strengthen government planning guidance and promote regional coordinated development
六、倡導發展現代綠色物流 59
VI Promote the development of modern green logistics
Regions Articles
第一章 南京市物流業發展報告 63
Chapter 1 Development report of Nanjing modern logistics industry
一、南京市物流業發展概況 63
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Nanjing
二、南京市物流業發展存在的主要問題 69
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Nanjing
三、南京市物流業發展思路 71
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Nanjing
第二章 無錫市物流業發展報告 76
Chapter 2 Development report of Wuxi modern logistics industry
一、無錫市物流業發展概況 76
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry inWuxi
二、無錫市物流業發展存在的主要問題 82
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Wuxi
三、無錫市物流業發展思路 84
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Wuxi
第三章 徐州市物流業發展報告 88
Chapter 3 Development report of Xuzhou modern logistics industry
一、徐州市物流業發展概況 88
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Xuzhou
二、徐州物流業發展存在的主要問題 90
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Xuzhou
三、徐州市物流業發展思路 93
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Xuzhou
第四章 蘇州市物流業發展報告 97
Chapter 4 Development report of Suzhou modern logistics industry
一、蘇州市物流業發展概況 97
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Suzhou
二、蘇州物流業發展存在的主要問題 100
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Suzhou
三、蘇州物流業發展思路 104
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Suzhou
第五章 常州市物流業發展報告 108
Chapter 5 Development report of Changzhou modern logistics industry
一、常州市物流業發展概況 108
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Changzhou
二、常州市物流業發展存在的主要問題 111
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Changzhou
三、常州市物流業發展思路 114
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Changzhou
第六章 淮安市物流業發展報告 118
Chapter 6 Development report of Huaian modern logistics industry
一、淮安市物流業發展概況 118
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Huaian
二、淮安市物流業發展存在的問題 121
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Huaian
三、淮安市物流業發展思路 122
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Huaian
第七章 鎮江市物流業發展報告 126
Chapter 7 Development report of Zhenjiang modern logistics industry
一、鎮江市物流業發展概況 126
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Zhenjiang
二、鎮江市物流業發展存在的問題 129
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Zhengjiang
三、鎮江市物流業發展思路 130
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Zhengjiang
第八章 揚州市物流業發展報告 134
Chapter 8 Development report of Yangzhou modern logistics industry
一、揚州市物流業發展概況 134
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Yangzhou
二、揚州市物流業發展存在的問題 138
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Yangzhou
三、揚州市物流業發展思路 140
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Yangzhou
第九章 南通市物流業發展報告 145
Chapter 9 Development report of Nantongmodern logistics industry
一、南通市物流業發展概況 145
ⅠDevelopment situation on the logistics industry in Nantong
二、南通市物流業發展存在的問題 147
Ⅱ Main problems of logistics industry in Nantong
三、南通市物流業發展思路 149
Ⅲ Development strategies of logistics industry in Nantong
Transportation Articles
第一章 江蘇交通運輸發展概況 154
Chapter 1 Development situation of the transportation in Jiangsu Province
一、基礎設施建設進一步完善,規模總量不斷壯大 154
Ⅰ Better infrastructure, and growing total size
二、城鄉客運一體化格局基本形成,體系逐漸完善 156
Ⅱ Integration pattern of urban and rural passenger transport basically formed, and residents travel more convenient
三、物流貨運能力進一步提升,現代物流運輸體系逐步形成 157
Ⅲ Increasing cautiously freight capacity, and the modern transportation system gradually formed
四、多種運輸方式統籌發展,綜合交通網路布局和結構不斷最佳化 158
ⅣIntegrated development of various transport modes, and comprehensive modern transport system beginning to take shape
五、信息化加快,交通智慧型化水平不斷提高 158
Ⅴ Integration of Information construction and industry development accelerating, and intelligent level gradually increased
六、資源節約型建設成效顯著,可持續發展能力不斷提升 159
Ⅵ Resource-saving and environment-friendly construction progressing obviously, and sustainable development ability continuing to rise
第二章 江蘇交通運輸發展的動力 160
Chapter 2 Development environment of the transportation in Jiangsu Province
一、“兩個率先”發展戰略,要求交通運輸系統做出積極貢獻 160
Ⅰ"Two pioneers" development strategy requires transportation systems to provide strong support
二、技術不斷進步,要求交通運輸系統智慧型化水平進一步提升 160
ⅡThe modernization of technical equipment requires transportation systems to promote simultaneously
三、城鄉一體化,要求最佳化交通資源配置 161
Ⅲ The integration of urban and rural development and city requires transportation systems to play a role of guidance
四、提升綜合競爭力,要求交通運輸系統提高服務水平 162
Ⅳ Enhancing comprehensive competitiveness requires transportation systems to improve the service level
五、社會和諧發展,要求交通運輸系統應急保障能力進一步提高 162
Ⅴ Harmounious development of the society requires transportation systems to improve Emergency safety level significantly
六、生態省的建設目標,要求交通運輸系統注重資源節約 163
Ⅵ Achieving the construction of ecological province requires transportation systems to make a positive contribution
第三章 江蘇交通運輸發展的區域比較 164
一、從北向南,公路路網密度逐漸增加、交通擁擠程度逐漸提高 164
ⅠThe density of road network and traffic congestion increases from north to south gradually
二、蘇中、蘇北的綜合運輸系統有待完善 165
Ⅱ Integrated transport system needs to be improved in north and middle of Jiangsu Province
三、蘇南、蘇中的貨物運輸量較大 165
Ⅲ Greater demand for freight in south and middle of Jiangsu Province
四、蘇南交通擁擠程度明顯偏高 166
Ⅳ Increasing traffic congestion in South of Jiangsu Province
五、蘇北的管道密度有待增加,貨物輸送能力有待提高 166
ⅤPipeline capacity needs to be improved in north of Jiangsu Province
第四章 江蘇交通運輸與發達省市的比較 167
一、與上海市的交通運輸能力比較 167
Ⅰ Compared with Shanghai
二、與廣東省的交通運輸能力比較 169
Ⅱ Compared with Guangdong
三、與浙江省的交通運輸能力比較 171
Ⅲ Compared with Zhejiang
第五章 江蘇交通運輸發展方向與重點 174
一、江蘇交通運輸發展方向 174
Ⅰ Development direction of transportation in Jiangsu Province
二、江蘇交通運輸發展的重點 176
Ⅱ Development focus of transportation in Jiangsu Province
Technology Articles
第一章 江蘇物聯網技術發展及套用概況 191
Chapter 1 Development and applications of Internet of Things technologies of Jiangsu
一、江蘇省物聯網產業發展概況 191
Ⅰ Brief introduction of Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
二、物聯網技術在江蘇省物流業的套用及影響 195
Ⅱ Applications of Internet of Things technology in logistics industry in Jiangsu
三、江蘇省物聯網產業存在的問題 199
Ⅲ Problems of the Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
第二章 江蘇物聯網產業發展的環境 202
Chapter 2 Development environment of Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
一、經濟運行穩中有進,產業結構不斷最佳化 202
Ⅰ Economic situation keeps stable and progressing,industrial structure continually optimizes
二、物流需求穩中有增,運行效率繼續提高 203
Ⅱ Logistics demand increases steadily, operating efficiency continues to improve
三、各級政府高度重視,政策環境日趨完善 204
Ⅲ The government pays great attention, policy environment improves gradually
四、電商物流蓬勃發展,產業發展空間廣闊 206
Ⅳ Booming E-commerce logistics brings great opportunities for the Internet of Things industry
五、投入力度持續加大,基礎設施顯著改善 207
Ⅴ Investment intensity increases continually, logistics infrastructure has improved significantly
第三章 江蘇物聯網產業發展的區域比較 210
Chapter 3 Analysis of domestic Internet of Things industry development in Jiangsu
一、無錫市--江蘇省物聯網產業發展的核心區 210
Ⅰ Wuxi-Core area of Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
二、蘇州市--江蘇省物聯網產業發展的兩大支撐性城市之一 212
Ⅱ Suzhou-One of the two supporting cities of Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
三、南京市--江蘇省物聯網產業發展的兩大支撐性城市之一 214
Ⅲ Nanjing-One of the two supporting cities of Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu
四、省內其他城市物聯網產業發展情況 216
Ⅳ The development of Internet of Things industry of other cities of Jiangsu
五、江蘇省物聯網產業發展的區域比較 219
Ⅴ Comparison of domestic Internet of Things industry development in Jiangsu
第四章 江蘇物聯網產業發展與發達省市的比較 221
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Internet of Things in Jiangsu compared with developed provinces
一、長三角及周邊地區 222
Ⅰ The Yangtze River Delta region and surrounding areas
二、珠三角地區 225
Ⅱ The Pearl River Delta region
三、環渤海地區 227
Ⅲ The Bohai rim region
四、中西部地區典型省市 232
Ⅳ Typical provinces and cities in the central and western regions
五、江蘇省物聯網產業與國內其他省市的發展情況對比 237
Ⅴ Comparison of the Internet of Things industry of Jiangsu and other developed provinces
第五章 江蘇省物聯網產業發展的展望與對策 239
Chapter 5 Prospect and countermeasures for the development of the Internet of Things industry in Jiangsu province
一、江蘇省物聯網產業面臨的機遇和挑戰 239
Ⅰ Opportunities and challenges for the Internet of Things industry in Jiangsu province
二、江蘇省物聯網產業發展的對策建議 240
Ⅱ Countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the Internet of Things industry in Jiangsu province
Industries Articles
第一章 江蘇省農產品冷鏈物流發展報告 245
Chapter 1 Development report of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Jiangsu Province
一、農產品冷鏈物流發展特點 245
Ⅰ Development features of cold chain logistics of agricultural products
二、農產品冷鏈物流發展的主要問題 246
Ⅱ Main problems in cold chain logistics of agricultural products
三、農產品冷鏈物流發展對策措施 250
Ⅲ Development trends in cold chain logistics of agricultural products
第二章 江蘇省快遞服務業發展報告 256
Chapter 2 Development report of express service industry in Jiangsu Province
一、快遞服務業發展特點 256
Ⅰ Development features of express service industry
二、快遞服務業發展的主要問題 257
Ⅱ Main problems in express service industry
三、快遞服務業發展對策措施 259
Ⅲ Development countermeasures in express service industry


