- 中文名:江榮風
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:農學
- 職務:中國農業大學資源與環境學院副院長
- 任職院校:中國農業大學
1982.09-1986.07 北京農業大學 土壤農業化學系 本科 農學學士
1988.09-1992.07 北京農業大學 土壤與植物營養系 農學碩士
1995.09-1999.07 中國農業大學 植物營養系 農學博士
1986.07-1996.11 中國農業大學 資環學院 助教 講師
1996.12-2001.09 中國農業大學 資環學院 副教授
2001.10- 中國農業大學 資環學院 教授、博士生導師
其中:2003.08-2004.08 英國洛桑研究所 土壤與環境系 博士後
中國自然資源學會農業資源利用專業委員會主任(2017.01- )
北京市土壤學會副理事長(2012.07- )
農業部測土配方施肥技術專家組成員(2006.01- )
1. 國家重點研發計畫項目課題:作物專用高效復混肥料研製與產業化 (2016.01-2020.12)
2. 科技部十一五科技支撐計畫課題:植物營養診斷與養分調控技術研究 (2008.01-2010.12)
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:鎘污染土壤植物修復的根際調控研究 (2009.01-2011.12)
4. 設施蔬菜氮磷污染過程阻斷關鍵技術研究 (2006.01-2010.12)
5. 農業部“948”重大國際合作項目“土壤養分資源管理技術引進(G-60)”課題:中國養分資源綜合管理技術體系示範與推廣(2006-2008)
6. 農業部課題:“節水、節肥、節藥”技術套用狀況調研 (2006)
7. 中德合作項目(德國DFG,中國教育部)課題:Real-time In-situ Measurements of Trace Gases from Agriculturally Cultivated Soils by Means of Laser Spectroscopic Techniques,(2004-2008)(中方主持人)
8. 農業部全國耕地地力調查與質量評價項目之課題:Mehlich 3方法評價土壤肥力指標體系研究 (2002-2003)
9. 農業部“948”項目:新型CULTAN根際肥料與根際施肥技術(2001-2005)
10. 農業部豐收計畫項目:可持續農業中最佳化施肥與節水技術(2000-2002)
11. 國家自然科學基金項目:微量養分向籽粒轉運機制的研究(1998-2000)
1. Rixiang Huang, Ci Fang,Xiaowei Lu,Rongfeng Jiang, and Yuanzhi Tang. 2017. Transformation of Phosphorus during (Hydro)thermal Treatments ofSolid Biowastes: Reaction Mechanisms and Implications for PReclamation and Recycling,Environmental Science & Technology,(in press).
1. Weifeng Zhang, Guoxin Cao, Xiaolin Li, Hongyan Zhang, Chong Wang, Quanqing Liu, Xinping Chen, Zhenling Cui, Jianbo Shen, Rongfeng Jiang, GuohuaMi, Yuxin Miao, Fusuo Zhang &Zhengxia Dou. 2016. Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers, Nature,537:671-674.
2. Ci Fang, Tao Zhang, Rongfeng Jiang and Hisao Ohtake. 2016. Phosphate enhance recovery from wastewater by mechanism analysis and optimization of struvite settleability in fluidized bed reactor. Scientific Reports 6:32215 DOI: 10.1038srep32215.
3. Wei S, Bai Z H, Qin W, et al. 2016. Environmental, economic and social analysis of peri-urban pig production[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129: 596-607.
1. Huang QJia Y, Wan YN,Jiang RF, Li HF*. 2015. Market Survey and Risk Assessment for Trace Metals in Edible Fungi and the Substrate Role in Accumulation of Heavy Metals. Journal of Food Science, 80(7):1612-1618, DOI: 10.11111750-3841.12923.
2. Huang QYao Y, Wang Q, Luo Z, Jiang RF and Li HF*. 2015. Uptake kinetics and Translocation of Selenite and Selenate as Affected by Iron Plaque on Root Surface of Rice Seedlings. Planta, 241:907-916, DOI 10.1007s00425-014-2227-7.
3. Huang QWang Q, Luo Z, Yu Y, Jiang RF, Li HF*. 2015. Effects of root iron plaque on selenite and selenate dynamics in rhizosphere and uptake by rice (Oryza sativa). Plant and Soil, 388:255-266 DOI 10.1007s11104-014-2329-9.
1. Zhang T, Li P, Fang C, Jiang RF*. 2014.Phosphate recovery from animal manure wastewater by struvite crystallization and CO2 degasification reactor. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 21:89-99.
1. Tao Zhang, Ping Li, Ci Fang, Rongfeng Jiang*, Shubiao Wu, HaiyuNie. 2013. Ammonium nitrogen removal from wastewater by biochar adsorption. Advanced Materials Research.726-731, 1679-1682.
2. Tao Zhang, Ci Fang, Ping Li, Rongfeng Jiang*, HaiyuNie. 2013. Application of biochar for phosphate adsorption and recovery from wastewater. Advanced Materials Research. 1389-1392.
3. Fan MS, Lal R, Cao J, Qiao L, Su Y, Jiang RF and Zhang FS. 2013. Plant-based assessment of inherent soil productivity and contributions to China’s cereal crop yield increase since 1980. PLoS ONE 8(9), e74617.
1. Han, WX, Chen, YH, Zhao, FJ, Tang, LY, Jiang, RF and Zhang, FS. 2012. Floral, climatic and soil pH controls on leaf ash content in China's terrestrial plants, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21( 3), 376-382.
2. Fan MS, Shen JB, Yuan LX, Jiang RF, Chen XP, Davies, WJ and Zhang FS. 2012. Improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China, Journal of Experimental Botany, 63(1), 13-24.
1. Ruilun Zheng, Huafen Li, Rongfeng Jiang*, Volker R?mheld, Fusuo Zhang, Fang-Jie Zhao. 2011.The role of root hairs in cadmium acquisition by barley, Environmental Pollution, 159,408-415.
2. Yong Yang, Jiang RF, Wei Wang, Huafen Li. 2011. Application of rhizosphere interaction of hyperaccumulatorNoccaeaCaerulescens to remediate cadmium- contaminated agricultural soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 13(9):933-45.
3. Zhang, FS ,Cui, ZL; Fan, MS, Zhang, WF, Chen, XP, Jiang, RF. 2011. Integrated Soil-Crop System Management: Reducing Environmental Risk while Increasing Crop Productivity and Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency in China, Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(4), 1051-1057.
4. 陳思楊, 江榮風, 李花粉. 2011. 苗期小麥和水稻對硒酸鹽/亞硒酸鹽的吸收及轉運機制.環境科學,32(1)284-289.
1. 楊勇, 江榮風, 李花粉, 王巍, 鄭瑞倫. 2010. 土壤容重改變對鋅/鎘超累積植物遏蘭菜(Thlaspicaerulescens)根系特徵及吸鎘的影響. 環境科學, 31(12): 3043-3049.
1. Han WX, Xu YM, Du W, Tang AH, Jiang RF. 2009. Stoichiometry of Multi-Elements in the Zinc-Cadmium Hyperaccumulator Thlaspi Caerulescens Grown Hydroponically under Different Zinc Concentrations Determined by ICP-AES. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis,29( 9): 2565-2567.
2. Fan MS, Lu SH, Jiang RF, et al. 2009. Triangular Transplanting Pattern and Split Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Increase Rice Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer Recovery, Agronomy J101( 6) :1421-1425.
3. He, FF, RF. Jiang, Q. Chen, FS. Zhang, F. Su*. 2009. Nitrous oxide emissions from an intensively managed greenhouse vegetable cropping system in North China. Environmental Pollution, 157: 1666–1672.
4. Xie, HL, RF. Jiang*, FS Zhang, SP. McGrath, and FJ. Zhao. 2009. Effect of nitrogen form on the rhizosphere dynamics and uptake of cadmium and zinc by the hyperaccumulatorThlaspicaerulescens, Plant and Soil, 318:205-215.
5. Yang, Y., F.S. Zhang, H.F. Li, R.F. Jiang. 2009. Accumulation of cadmium in the edible parts of six vegetable species grown in Cd-contaminated soils. Journal of Environmental Management,90(2): 1117-1122.
6. 楊勇, 王巍, 江榮風, 李花粉. 2009. 超累積植物與高生物量植物提取鎘效率的比較. 生態學報, 29(5): 2732-2737.
7. 賈彥, 楊勇, 江榮風, 李花粉*, 王巍. 2009. Cd Zn互動作用對金針菇富集重金屬的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 28(7):1368-1373.
8. 楊相東, 曹一平, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2009. 聚乙烯溶液構成對控釋肥料釋放性能的影響. 化學工程, 37(6): 44-47.(EI)
1. Liu, MQ, J. Yanai, RF. Jiang*, SP. McGrath, FS Zhang and FJ. Zhao*. 2008. Does cadmium play a physiological role in the hyperaccumulatorThlaspicaerulescens? Chemosphere, 71: 1276-1283.
2. Zheng, R.L., H.F. Li, R.F. Jiang, F.S. Zhang. 2008. Cadmium accumulation in the edible parts of different cultivars of radish, Raphanussativus L., and carrot, Daucuscarotavar. Sativa, grown in a Cd-contaminated soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 81:75–79.
3. Guo, RY, XL. Li, Peter Christie, Q. Chen, RF. Jiang, FS. Zhang. 2008. Influence of root zone nitrogen management and a summer catch crop on cucumber yield and soil mineral nitrogen dynamics in intensive production systems .Plant & Soil. 313:55–70.
4. 范明生, 江榮風, 張福鎖, 呂世華, 劉學軍. 2008. 水旱輪作系統作物養分管理策略. 套用生態學報, 19 (2): 424-432.
5. 楊相東, 曹一平, 江榮風, 張福鎖, 胡樹文, 郭秉新. 2008. 霧化狀態對製備控釋肥料膜結構和性能的影響. 化工學報, 59(3): 778-784.
1. Fan, MS, SH. Lu, RF. Jiang, XJ. Liu, XZ. Zeng, KWT Goulding and FS. Zhang. 2007. Nitrogen input, 15N balance and mineral N dynamics in a rice-wheat rotation in southwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,79:255-265.
2. He, FF, Q. Chen, RF. Jiang, XP. Chen, FS. Zhang. 2007. Yield and nitrogen balance of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicumesculentum Mill.) with conventional and site-specific nitrogen management in Northern China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 77:1-14.
3. Zuo, Y, L. Ren, F. Zhang and RF. Jiang*. 2007.Bicarbonate concentration as affected by soil water content controls iron nutrition of peanut plants in a calcareous soil. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 45:357-364.
4. Xing JP, RF. Jiang*, FJ. Zhao* and SP. McGrath. 2007. Translocation of Cd and Zn from root to shoot in different populations of the hyperaccumulatorThlaspicaerulescens. In: YG. Zhu et al. (Eds), “Biogeochemstry of trace elements: environmental protection, remediation and human health”, p746-747, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2007, China.
5. Zheng, RL, HF. Li, RF. Jiang*, FJ. Zhao, and FS. Zhang. 2007. Cadmium accumulation in the edible parts of various cultivars of radish and carrot. In: YG. Zhu et al. (Eds), “Biogeochemstry of trace elements: environmental protection, remediation and human health”, p754-755, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2007, China.
6. Yang, Y, RF. Jiang, HF. Li, FS. Zhang. 2007. Accumulation of cadmium in the edible parts of seven vegetable species grown in Cd-amended soil and Cd-contaminated soil. In: YG. Zhu et al. (Eds), “Biogeochemstry of trace elements: environmental protection, remediation and human health”, p679-680, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2007, China.
7. 黨鋒, 江榮風, 夏立江. 2007. Cd/Zn處理對烤菸生長和煙株Cd含量的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 26 (2 ), 713-717.
8. 謝銀旦, 楊相東, 曹一平, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2007. 包膜控釋肥料在土壤中養分釋放特性的測試方法與評價.植物營養與肥料學報, 141-147.
9. 王激清, 馬文奇, 江榮風, 張福鎖*. 2007. 中國農田生態系統氮素平衡模型的建立及其套用, 農業工程學報, 23(8):210-215.
10. 劉維震, 張宏彥, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2007. 露地洋蔥施肥、土壤養分及產量狀況的分析研究, 土壤通報, 38(1):58-63.
11. 王興仁, 江榮風, 劉全清, 王方浩, 張福鎖. 2007. 施肥與環境的關係. 磷肥與復肥, 22(5), 10-14.
12. 李文卿, 陳順輝, 江榮風、張福鎖等. 2007. 不同施氮量對烤菸總氮和菸鹼積累的影響, 中國菸草學報, 13(4): 31-35.
1. Zhao, FJ, RF. Jiang, SJ. Dunham & SP. McGrath. 2006. Cadmium uptake, translocation and tolerance in the hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri, New Phytologist, 172: 646-654.
2. Zhang FS, Fan MS, Zhao BQ, Chen XP, Li L, Shen JB, Fen G, Chen Q, Jiang RF, Ma WQ., Zhang WF, Cui, ZL, Fan XL. 2006. Fertilizer use, soil fertility and integrated nutrient management in China. In: Fan MS et al (eds) Improving plant nutrient management for better farmer livelihoods, food security and environmental sustainability. FAO.ISBN 978-974-7946-92-5. RAP publication 200627. pp. 188-211.
3. 何飛飛, 肖萬里, 陳清, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2006. 日光溫室番茄氮素資源綜合管理技術的研究. 植物營養與肥料學報, 12(3): 394-399.
1. Fan, MS, RF. Jiang, XJ. Liu, FS. Zhang, SH. Lu, XZ. Zeng and P. Christie. 2005.Interactions between non-flooded mulching cultivation and varying nitrogen inputs in rice-wheat rotations. Field Crops Research, 91:307-318.
2. Fan, MS, XJ. Liu, RF. Jiang, FS. Zhang, SH. Lu, XZ. Zeng and P. Christie. 2005.Crop yields, internal nutrient use efficiency, and changes in soil properties in rice-wheat rotations under non-flooded mulching cultivation. Plant and Soil, 277: 265-276.
3. Fan, MS, RF. Jiang, FS. Zhang, XJ. Liu, SH. Lu, XZ. Zeng. 2005. Improving productivity of rice-based cropping systems with non-flooded plastic-film mulching cultivation. In: CJ. Li et al. (Eds), “Plant Nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection”, p618-819, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2005, China.
4. Li, WQ, SH. Chen, RJ. Zhang, RF. Jiang, FS. Zhang, CY. Li, CJ. Li and XT. Ju. 2005. Effects of different nitrogen sources on accumulation and distribution of tatal nitrogen and nicotine in flue-cured tobacco in Southeast of China. In: CJ. Li et al. (Eds), “Plant Nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection”, p420-421, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2005, China.
5. Jiang, RF, DY. Ma, FJ. Zhao and SP. McGrath. 2005. Cadmium hyperaccumulation protects Thlaspi caerulescens from leaf feeding damage by thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). New Phytologist, 167(3):805-814.
6. 王激清, 劉全清, 馬文奇, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2005. 中國養分資源利用狀況及調控途徑. 資源學報, 27(3): 47-53.
7. 任麗軒,左元梅,江榮風,張福鎖*. 2005. 石灰性土壤上HCO3-誘導花生缺鐵失綠的機制. 生態學報, 25(4): 795-801.
8. 楊相東, 曹一平, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2005. 幾種包膜控釋肥氮素釋放特性的評價. 植物營養與肥料學報, 11(4): 501-507.
1. Zha* HG, RF. Jiang*, FJ. Zhao, R. Vooijs, H. Chart, JHA. Barker and SP. McGrath. 2004. Co-segregation analysis of cadmium and zinc accumulation in Thlaspicaerulescensinterecotypic crosses. New Phytologist, 163:299-312.
2. 范明生, 劉學軍, 江榮風, 張福鎖, 呂世華, 曾祥忠. 2004. 覆蓋旱作方式和施氮水平對稻-麥輪作體系生產力和氮素利用的影響. 生態學報, 24(11): 2591-2596
3. 江榮風, 李春儉, 巨曉棠, 李文卿, 趙正雄, 晁逢春, 路永憲等. 2004. 烤菸氮素營養快速診斷與菸葉品質監控技術研究. 中國農業科學, 37(增):73-79.
4. 李文卿, 陳順輝, 江榮風, 李春儉, 巨曉棠, 張福鎖等. 2004. 福建煙區烤菸氮素營養診斷技術研究. 中國農業科學, 37(增):30-35.
1. 王曉麗, 李隆, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2003. 玉米/通菜間作降低土壤及蔬菜中硝酸鹽的研究. 環境科學學報, 23(4): 463-467.
2. 陳順輝, 李文卿, 江榮風、巨曉棠、張福鎖等. 2003. 施氮量對烤菸產量和品質的影響, 中國菸草學報, 9(增刊): 36-40.
3. 王興仁, 張福鎖, 曹一平, 陳新平, 江榮風. 2003. 養分資源管理的理論和技術及其在小麥玉米高產輪作中的套用, 中國農業大學學報, 8(增刊): 36-41.
1. 郭世偉, 鄒春琴, 張福鎖, 江榮風, 楊志福. 2002. 鐵營養狀況及不同外源激素對玉米體內鐵再利用與分配的影響, 植物營養與肥料學報, 8(1), 91-95.
2. 李燕婷, 白燈莎, 張福鎖, 江榮風, 毛達如. 2002. 根際施肥調控技術研究初探, 中國農業科技導報, 4(5), 55-58.
1. Wong, JWC., M. Fang and RF. Jiang. 2001. Persistency of bacterial indicators in biosolids stabilization with coal fly ash and lime. Water Environ. Research. 73:607-611.
2. 江榮風, 張朝春, 陳新平, 張福鎖, 王興仁. 2001. 植株氮營養快速診斷及其在馬鈴薯和啤酒大麥施肥推薦中的套用, 4th 海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術研討會論文集, 2001, 台灣中興大學,79-80.
3. 郭世偉, 鄒春琴, 張福鎖, 江榮風. 2001. 鐵營養狀況及不同形態氮素對玉米體內不同鐵庫鐵再利用的影響, 土壤學報, 38(4), 464-470.
1. 郭世偉, 鄒春琴, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 2000. 提高植物體內鐵再利用效率的研究現狀及進展, 中國農業大學學報, 2000, 5(3), 80-86.
1. Jiang, RF, CG. Yang, DC.Su and JWC. Wong. 1999. Coal fly ash and lime stabilized biosolids as an ameliorant for boron deficient acidic soils. Environmental Technology, 20:645-649.
2. 吳靜, 李春儉, 王賀, 張福鎖, 江榮風. 1999. 缺硼對大豆根瘤結構和功能的影響, 西北植物學報, 19(3): 439-445.
3. 吳靜, 李春儉, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 1999. 缺硼對大豆植株生長和固根瘤固氮活性的影響, 華北農學報, 14(2): 96-101.
1. Wong, JWC, RF. Jiang and DC. Su. 1998. The accumulation of boron in AgropyronElongaton grown in coal fly ash and sewage sludge mixture. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 106:137-147.
2. 郭世偉, 江榮風, 張福鎖. 1998. 鐵營養狀況及不同形態氮素對玉米體內鐵再利用效率影響的研究. 核農學報, 12(5):293 –298.
1. Wong, JWC, RF. Jiang and DC. Su. 1996. Boron availability in ash-sludge mixture and its uptake by corn seedlings (Zea Mays L). Soil Science, 161:182-187.
2. 江榮風, 吳靜, 王賀, 張福鎖. 1996. 硼對大豆結瘤和固氮作用的影響. II. 對根瘤結構和固氮酶活性的影響, 植物營養與肥料學報, 2(4): 347-351.
3. 李俊良, 韓琅豐, 江榮風. 1996. 碳氮比對有機肥料氮素釋放和植物吸氮的影響, 中國農業大學學報, 1(5): 57-61.
1. 江榮風, 張起剛. 1995. 鋅對冬小麥生長和氮素利用的影響. 北京農業大學學報, 21(增):77-80.
2. 江榮風, 陶益壽, 張起剛. 1995. 黑龍港流域古河道細質沙土微肥有效性的研究. 北京農業大學學報, 21(增):81-83.
3. 江榮風, 韓琅豐, 王建民, 程偉. 1995. 垃圾肥在潮土上對花生的增產效果. 套用與環境生物學報, 1: 379-686.
1. 江榮風, 張福鎖. 1994. 硼對大豆結瘤和固氮作用的影響. I. 對生長、營養元素吸收與分布和固氮作用的影響. 植物營養與肥料學報, 試刊: 67-73.
2. 江榮風, 韓琅豐. 1994. 石灰性土壤有效硼浸提劑的評價. 北京農業大學學報, 20(3), 287-292.
3. 韓琅豐, 慕康國, 江榮風. 1994. 直接擴散法測定土壤無機氮. 土壤肥料, 1994(3), 38-42.
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