


  • 中文名:江大勇
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:中國




教學與主講課程:本科生主幹基礎課、必修課 “古生物學
本科生主幹基礎課、必修課 “區域地質測量
本科生專業基礎課 “近代地層學”
研究生專業課 “環境古生物學”
參與講授研究生基礎課、必修課 “古生物學研究法”




l 國內外重要學術刊物發表論文58篇,其中SCI、EI收錄26篇;
l 任現職以來正式發表的第一作者SCI論文14篇中,有10篇在國際學科權威刊物上:
u Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,北美,4篇;
u Journal of Paleontology,美國,1篇;
u Palaeontology,英國,1篇;
u Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie -ABHANDLUNGEN,德國,1篇;
u Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte,德國,3篇
l 近五年主持國家級項目5項,省部級項目1項、國際合作項目1項、北京大學985研究項目1項:
1 國家自然科學基金項目40672002,“三疊紀生物圈復甦過程中的貴州盤縣動物群生物多樣性和古環境及其全球對比”,2007.1-2009.12,38萬
2 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫” NCET-07-0015,“中三疊世盤縣動物群與古海洋環境之間的協演變關係”,2007.10-2010.9,50萬
3 美國國家地理學會(National Geographic Society)研究探索項目GRANT # 7886-05,“Testing the role of predators in post-Permian recovery with marine reptiles from the Middle Triassic of Panxian County, Guizhou Province, China”, 2005.7-2008.12,45.7萬
4 國家自然科學基金項目40302009,“三塔里木盆地北部奧陶系-志留系生物-化學地層界線及其環境對比”,2004.1-2006.12,26萬
5 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目40611130409,40511130548,40311130197,40211130051,“中國西南三疊紀海生爬行動物研究”,2002.1-2006.12,16.6萬
6 教育部重點項目2001-006,“關嶺動物群的生物群面貌、演化、群落古生態學、古環境和年代學綜合研究”,2001.1-2003.12,9萬
7 中央財政專項-教育部“大學數字博物館”,“北京大學地質數字博物館”,2001.7-2003.7,160萬
8 北京大學985計畫二期研究項目,“三疊紀珍稀海生爬行動物群-多樣性標本採集和研究”,2006.1-2006.12,25萬
9 北京大學985計畫研究項目985-012,“貴州三疊紀黔西動物群及其地層序列、時代、古環境變化綜合研究”,2002.1-2007.12,134萬
10 國家自然科學基金項目49972015,“新疆塔里木盆地泥盆紀生物-化學地層系統”,2000.1 -2002.12,18萬
12 教育部博士點基金項目,“華南泥盆系化學-生物地層學研究”,2001.1-2002.12,6萬
13 教育部博士點基金項目,“華南晚二疊世生物事件與元素地球化學的研究”,2001.1-2002.12,5萬
1. 國際會議報告第一報告人
2007年10月, The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 67th Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA: Marine reptile horizons in the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, China and their implication to marine reptile evolution after end-Permian extinction.
2006年10月, The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 66th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada: First record of Placodontoidea (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Placodontia) from the eastern Tethys.
2006年6月, The Second International Palaeontological Congress, Beijing: Marine Reptiles on the way of Triassic biotic recovery after end-Permian mass extinction: records from Panxian and Guanling Faunas, Guizhou Province, southwestern China.
2005年10月, The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 65th Annual Meeting, Phoenix Mesa, Arizona, USA: Two nothosaurids (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of southwestern China.
2005年5月, International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery, Chaohu, Anhui: Explosive radiation of shell-eating marine reptiles during the post-Permian recovery.
2004年10月, The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 64th Annual Meeting, Denver, USA: Two species of Mixosauridae (Ichthyosauria) from the Middle Triassic of south-western China
2. 國際會議報告(參與報告人,7次)
2007.10 the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 67th Annual Meeting / Austin, Texas, USA: New subholosteans from the Middle Triassic of western Guizhou, southwestern China
2006.6 the Second International Palaeontological Congress / Beijing: Durophagy in Triassic marine vertebrates
2006.6 the Second International Palaeontological Congress / Beijing: A new marine reptile horizon from the Middle Triassic of Luoping, Yunnan Province, southern China
2006.6 the Second International Palaeontological Congress / Beijing: Age and palaeoenvironmental characteristics of the Triassic marine vertebrate faunas in southern Guizhou, China
2005.10 the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 65th Annual Meeting / Phoenix Mesa, Arizona, USA: Explosive radiation of Durophagous marine reptiles during the post-Permian recovery
2005.5 International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery / Chaohu, Anhui: Early radiation and geographic dispersal of ichthyopterygians (Reptilia, Diapsida)
2005.5 International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery / Chaohu, Anhui: Conodont and cephalopod fauna near Ladianian-Carnian boundary interval at Luoping County, Yunnan Province, China
3. 國際科研活動組織工作情況
2006年6月,參與組織“T9: Triassic Marine vertebrates and marine ecosystem: evolution, migration, interaction with invertebrate and paleoenvironmental-paleogeographic changes-The Second International Paleontological Congress(第二屆國際古生物學大會-T9主題討論會:三疊紀的海洋脊椎動物與海洋生態系統)”
2006年6月,參與組織“C10: Triassic Marine-vertebrate Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Guizhou-Yunnan Plateau, southwestern China-The Second International Paleontological Congress(第二屆國際古生物學大會-C10會後考察路線:中國西南貴州-雲南三疊紀海生脊椎動物群及其地層)”
4. 建立國際合作團隊
l 組織培育建立了國際合作研究的團隊,參與單位及人員包括:
u 美國加利福尼亞大學(戴維斯)地質系
Ryosuke Motani教授
Lars Schmitz博士、Sanja Hinic-Frlog博士、Ji-Yeon Shin博士生、Alec Boyd博士生
u 美國菲爾德博物館
Olivier Rieppel教授,麥克阿瑟講席
Andrea Tintori教授
Cristina Lombardo博士、Marco Rusconi博士生
u 德國圖賓根大學地質古生物學系
Michael W. Maisch博士
Andreas T. Matzke博士
l 已簽署長年合作協定,並共同申請國家自然科學基金委國際重大合作項目、美國國家自然科學基金項目、美國國家地理科學探索項目等
l 已得到了美國國家地理學會、美國加州大學義大利米蘭大學、美國Michael Tang基金等的資助
5. 國際合作研究、出訪經歷
2002年9月-10月 德國圖賓根大學地質古生物學系、瑞士蘇黎世大學古生物學系 國際合作研究
2003年9月-10月 德國圖賓根大學地質古生物學系 訪問學者 國際合作研究
2004年10月-12月 德國圖賓根大學 教育部“德國DFG”訪問學者
2005年10月 美國加利福尼亞大學(戴維斯)地質系 訪問學者 國際合作研究
2005年12月 德國圖賓根大學地質古生物學系 訪問學者 國際合作研究
2006年6-7月 組織國際合作發掘,美國國家地理學會資助、加州大學米蘭大學參加
2006年10月 美國加利福尼亞大學(戴維斯)地質系 訪問學者 國際合作研究
2006年11月 德國洪堡大學、圖賓根大學義大利米蘭大學 訪問學者 國際合作研究
2007年8-9月 組織國際合作發掘,美國Field博物館、加州大學、米蘭大學參加


1. JIANG Dayong, L. Schmitz, R. Motani, HAO Weicheng, and SUN Yuanlin. 2007.5. Mixosaurid ichthyosaur Phalarodon cf. Phalarodon fraasi from the Middle Triassic of Guizhou Province, China - Journal of Paleontology 81(3): 602-605 SCI 美國
2. JIANG Dayong, M. W. Maisch, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun. 2006.11. A new species of Lariosaurus (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from the Middle Anisian (Middle Triassic) of southwestern China - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte-ABHANDLUNGEN 242 (1): 19-42 SCI 1.319 德國
3. JIANG Dayong, L. Schmitz, HAO Weicheng, SUN Yuanlin. 2006.3. A new mixosaurid ichthyosaur from the Middle Triassic of China - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 26(1): 60-69 SCI 1.649 北美
4. JIANG Dayong, M. W. Maisch, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun. 2006.5. Nothosaurus yangjuanensis n. sp. (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the middle Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. 2006(5): 257-276 SCI 德國
5. JIANG Da-yong, Ryosuke MOTANI, LI Chun, HAO Wei-cheng, SUN Yuan-lin, SUN Zuo-yu, Lars SCHMITZ, 2005.12. Guanling Biota: A Marker of Triassic Biotic Recovery from the end-Permian Extinction in Ancient Guizhou Sea -Acta Geologica Sinica 79(6): 729-738 SCI 2.15
6. JIANG Dayong, M. W. Maisch, Wei-cheng Hao, H. U. Pfretzschner, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun. 2005.9. Nothosaurus sp. (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Nothosauridae) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, southwestern China - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. 2005(9): 565-576, 2 figs., 1 tab.; Stuttgart SCI 德國
7. JIANG Dayong, HAO Weicheng, M. W. Maisch, A. T. Matzke and Y.-L. Sun, 2005.7, A basal mixosaurid ichthyosaur from the Middle Triassic of China -Palaeontology (London) 48(4): 869-882 SCI 1.2 8/35 英國
8. JIANG Dayong, M. W. Maisch, Y.-L. Sun,A. T. Matzke and HAO Weicheng, 2004, A new species of Xinpusaurus (Thalattosauria) from the Upper Triassic of China - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(1): 80-88 SCI 1.649 5/35 北美
9. JIANG Dayong, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, M. W. Maisch, A. T. Matzke, 2003. The mixosaurid ichthyosaur Phalarodon from the Middle Triassic of China - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. P-M (11): 656-666 SCI 德國
10. JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, A. Tintori, O. Rieppel. 2007.9. Marine reptile horizons in the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, China and their implication to marine reptile evolution after end-Permian extinction -Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27 (3-suppl.): 95A SCI 北美
11. JIANG Dayong, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, R. Motani, L. Schmitz. 2006.9. First record of Placodontoidea (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, Placodontia) from the eastern Tethys - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 26 (3-suppl.): 82A SCI 北美
12. JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, O. Rieppel, Yuan-lin Sun, L. Schmitz, Zuo-yu Sun. 2008. First record of placodontoidea (Reptilia, Sauropterygia, placodontia) from the eastern tethys - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28 ( ):(in pressSCI
13. JIANG Dayong, O. Rieppel, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, L. Schmitz, Zuo-yu Sun. 2008. A new Middle Triassic eosauropterygian (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from Southwestern China - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28 ( ):(in pressSCI
14. JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, L. Schmitz, O. Rieppel, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun. 2008. New primitive ichthyosaurian (Reptilia, Diapsida) from the Middle Triassic of Panxian (Guizhou, southwestern China) and its position in the Triassic Biotic Recovery - Progress in Natural Science, 18( ): (in pressSCI
15. Motani R., JIANG Dayong, A. Tintori, Yuan-Lin Sun, Wei-Cheng Hao, A. Boyd, S. Hinic-Frlog, L. Schmitz, J. Shin, Zuo-Yu Sun. Faunal assemblages of Anisian (Middle Triassic) marine reptiles from Panxian, Guizhou, China. -Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, (in pressSCI
16. Sun Zuo-yu, A. Tintori, JIANG Dayong, Wei-cheng Hao, C. Lombardo. 2007.9. New subholosteans from the Middle Triassic of western Guizhou, southwestern China - Presentation for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 67th Annual Meeting -Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27 (3-suppl.): 155A SCI
17. JIANG Dayong, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun. 2006.6. Marine Reptiles on the way of Triassic biotic recovery after end-Permian mass extinction: records from Panxian and Guanling Faunas, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. In: Qun Yang, Yongdong Wang, Elizabeth A. Weldon (eds.), Ancient life and modern approaches-Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 390.
18. Sun Zuoyu, Sun Yuanlin, Hao Weicheng and JIANG Dayong. 2006.10. Conodont evidence for the age of the Panxian fauna, Guizhou, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 80(5): 621-630. SCI
19. A. Tintori, L. Schmitz, JIANG Dayong, C. Lombardo, R. Motani. 2006.6. Durophagy in Triassic marine vertebrates. In: Qun Yang, Yongdong Wang, Elizabeth A. Weldon (eds.), Ancient life and modern approaches-Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 400.
20. Sun Zuo-yu, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, JIANG Dayong. 2006.6. A new marine reptile horizon from the Middle Triassic of Luoping, Yunnan Province, southern China. In: Qun Yang, Yongdong Wang, Elizabeth A. Weldon (eds.), Ancient life and modern approaches-Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 398.
21. Sun Yuan-lin, Wei-cheng Hao, Jian-bo Liu, JIANG Dayong, Zuo-yu Sun, Bing Tang. 2006.6. Age and palaeoenvironmental characteristics of the Triassic marine vertebrate faunas in southern Guizhou, China. In: Qun Yang, Yongdong Wang, Elizabeth A. Weldon (eds.), Ancient life and modern approaches-Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 399.
22. 潘薪如, 江大勇(通訊作者), 孫作玉, 蔡濤, 張大鵬, 謝家林, 2006.11. 貴州關嶺晚三疊世鄧氏貴州魚龍(Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae Cao and Luo in Yin et al., 2000)的討論. 北京大學學報(自然科學版), 42(6): 697-703. (PAN Xinru, JIANG Dayong (corresponding author), SUN Zuoyu, CAI Tao, ZHANG Dapeng, XIE Jialin. 2006.11. Discussion on Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae Cao and Luo in Yin et al., 2000 (Reptilia, Ichthuosauria) from the Late Triassic of Guanling County, Guizhou). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 42(6): 697-703. EI收錄
23. 郝維城, 孫元林, 江大勇, 孫作玉, 2006.11. 盤縣動物群研究進展. 北京大學學報(自然科學版), 42(6): 817-823. HAO Weicheng, SUN Yuanlin, JIANG Dayong, SUN Zuoyu. 2006.11. Advance in studies of the Panxian Fauna. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 42(6): 817-823. EI收錄
24. 江大勇, 皮學軍, 孫作玉, 陳穎, 吳飛翔, 郝維城, 2006.7. 新疆柯坪大灣溝剖面柯坪塔格組中段底部筆石生物地層初步分析. 地層學雜誌, 30(3): 253-257
25. JIANG Dayong, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, Zuo-yu Sun, L. Schmitz. 2005.9. Two nothosaurids (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of southwestern China - Presentation for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 65th Annual Meeting -Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25 (3-suppl.): 75A
26. SCHMITZ Lars, JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun. 2005.9. Explosive radiation of Durophagous marine reptiles during the post-Permian recovery - Presentation for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 65th Annual Meeting - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25 (3-suppl.): 110A
27. SUN Zuoyu, HAO Weicheng, M. W. Maisch, H. U. Pfretzschner, JIANG Dayong, 2005. A lariosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) Gejiu Formation of Yunnan, China -Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. 2005(7): 431-438, 4 figs., 2 tabs.; Stuttgart SCI
28. SUN Zuoyu, HAO Weicheng, M. W. Maisch, JIANG Dayong, 2005. 4. A Middle Triassic thalattosaur (Reptilia: Diapsida) from Yunnan (China) -Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte (4): 193-206. SCI
29. SUN Zuo-yu, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun,JIANG Dayong, 2005. Conodont and cephalopod fauna near Ladianian-Carnian boundary interval at Luoping County, Yunnan Province, China: Abstract for International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery, May 23-25 2005, Chaohu, China – Albertiana 33:74
30. SCHMITZ Lars, JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, 2005. Early radiation and geographic dispersal of ichthyopterygians (Reptilia, Diapsida): Abstract for International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery, May 23-25 2005, Chaohu, China – Albertiana 33:69
31. JIANG Dayong, R. Motani, L. Schmitz, Wei-cheng Hao, Yuan-lin Sun, 2005. Explosive radiation of shell-eating marine reptiles during the post-Permian recovery: Abstract for International Symposium of Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery, May 23-25 2005, Chaohu, China – Albertiana 33:43
32. 孫作玉,郝維城,江大勇,2005。貴州關嶺拉丁階-卡尼階界線層牙形石生物地層。地層學雜誌,29(3): 257-263。
33. JIANG Dayong, Lars Schmitz and HAO Weicheng, 2004. Two species of Mixosauridae (Ichthyosauria) from the Middle Triassic of south-western China -Presentation for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 64th Annual Meeting at Denver - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24 (suppl.), 76A
34. 孫作玉,郝維城,江大勇,2004。關嶺動物群埋藏環境初探。北京大學學報, 40(6):864-871。(EI收錄
35. HAO Weicheng, SUN Yuanlin, JIANG Dayong, YANG Shouren, WANG Xinping, 2003. Cephalopods of the “Falang Formation” (Triassic) from Guanling and-Zhengfeng Counties, Guizhou Province, China. Acta Geologica Sinica 77(4): 430-439 SCI
36. Michael W. Maisch, Andreas T. Matzke, andJiang Da-Yong, 2003. Observations on Triassic ichthyosaurs. Part XI. The taxonomic status of Mixosaurus maotaiensis Young, 1965 from the Middle Triassic of Guizhou, People’ s Republic of China - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. P-M (7): 428-438 SCI
37. HAO Weicheng, JIANG Dayong, YAO Jianxin, BAI Shunliang, WANG Xinpin. 2003. Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Events in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Science in China D, 46 (9): 865-871 SCI收錄
38. 孫作玉,郝維城,江大勇,2003,貴州關嶺動物群時代的牙形石地層證據,北京大學學報(自然科學版),39(1):118-125
39. 郝維城、江大勇、姚建新、白順良、王新平,2002. 新疆塔里木盆地泥盆紀弗拉階-法門階界線事件,中國科學D,32(5)368-373
40. 楊守仁、郝維城、江大勇,2002,貴州省六枝縣郎岱“法郎組”的牙形石及其時代意義,地質論評,48(6):586-592
41. 王柏艷,白志強,郝維城,孫元林,江大勇,2002,貴州上三疊統瓦窯組海百合化石群中的一新種,現代地質,16(3):231-236
42. 江大勇、郝維城、白順良、王新平、姚建新,2001,新疆塔里木盆地晚奧陶世-早石炭世地層劃分對比研究新突破,北京大學學報(自然科學版),37(4):529-536
43. 江大勇、郝維城、白順良、王新平、姚建新,2001,新疆巴楚小海子剖面泥盆系Frasnian-Famennian界線,地層學雜誌,25(4):294-298
44. 楊守仁、郝維城、江大勇,2001,廣西凌雲縣羅樓地區早三疊世牙形石及其意義,古生物學報,40(1):86-92
45. 楊守仁、郝維城、江大勇,2001,三疊紀牙形石的古環境與古地理意義,古地理學報,3(1):78-84
46. 楊守仁、郝維城、江大勇,2001,中國三疊紀牙形石的古生物地理分區,古地理學報,3(3):1-10
47. HAO Weicheng, BAI Shunliang andJIANG Dayong.2000, Uniformity of the upper Famennian Milankovitch cyclicity in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 45(24): 2286-2291 SCI收錄
48. 郝維城、白順良、江大勇,2000, 法門階上部米蘭柯維奇旋迴在中國發育的一致性,科學通報, 45(15): 1654-1659
49. 江大勇、丁乾、白順良,2000,廣西六景泥盆紀吉維特階-弗拉階界線層牙形石生物地層,地層學雜誌,24(3):195-200
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