



  • 中文名:江南運河情
  • 作者:趙振元
  • 譯者:北塔
  • 題材:詩集
  • 出版時間:2023年1月
  • 出版社:花山文藝出版社
  • 頁數:216 頁
  • ISBN:9787551166515
  • 定價:75.80 元




詩歌篇 Poems
002 江南的雨 Drizzles of the South of Yangtze
010 江南的橋 Bridges in the South of Yangtze
026 梅花飄香情滿園 The Garden Full of Fragrance of Plum and Affection
032 一幅美麗的畫 A Beautiful Drawing
040 千里航道上的明珠 Pearl on the Thousand-Li-Long Canal
048 夜遊西湖 Night Tour on the West Lake
050 西湖夜色美 Beautiful Night Scenery on the West Lake
052 與之江詩社大師相聚杭州 Meet with Masters of Zhijiang
Poetry Society in Hangzhou
054 蠡湖晨練 Morning Exercise by the Lihu Lake
056 雨中嘉興 Jiaxing in Rain
058 南湖晨早 Dawn on the South Lake
060 風雨南京行 Visit to Nanjing in Wind and Rain
064 別安泊 Part with An Bo
066 黃浦江夜色美 Beautiful Night over the Huangpu River
散文詩篇 Prose Poems
070 風雨江南更美麗 A More Beautiful South of Yangtze in Wind and Rain
072 江南的古鎮 Ancient Towns in the South of Yangtze
081 江南的早晨 Morning of the South of Yangtze
086 江南的春天 Springs in the South of Yangtze
093 江南的回憶 My Memory about South of Yangtze
098 江南的田野 Fields in the South of Yangtze
105 江南的庭院 Gardens in the South of Yangtze
110 江南的山 Hills in the South of Yangtze
115 江南的湖 Lakes in the South of Yangtze
119 江南的風 Wind in the South of Yangtze
125 江南的名人 Great Names of the South of Yangtze
133 江南的水 Water in the South of Yangtze
137 漫步東台西溪 Wandering in Xixi Town, Dongtai City
144 南長街 The Nanchang Street
147 雨中的情 Feelings Carried by the Rain
151 金色的晚霞 Golden Sunset
154 無錫——江南的情緣 Wuxi, My Closest Bond with the South of Yangtze
158 櫻花時節春滿園 Flowers Garden Full of Spring Cherry Blossoms
165 無錫的夜 A Night in Wuxi
168 無錫的霧 Fog in Wuxi
170 揚州的風情 Charm of Yangzhou
175 三月的揚州 Yangzhou in Springtime
182 秦淮人家 Households along the Qinhuai River
185 嘉興,美麗的故鄉 Jiaxing, My Beautiful Hometown
190 鹽官觀潮 Watch a Tidal Bore in Yanguan
195 初臨南北湖 My First Impression of the South-North Lake




