

本實驗室隸屬於江南大學生物工程學院微生物製造與生態工學研究中心,團隊成員包括:倪曄教授、韓瑞枝副教授、許國超副教授和董晉軍助理研究員。 主要研究方向:生物催化中關鍵酶的挖掘和改造、生物催化宿主細胞表型的改造、生物質預處理和生物丁醇等。 主持並完成多項國家自然科學基金課題、國家863計畫課題、973計畫課題以及省部級課題。 倪曄教授2011年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫,2015年獲江蘇省傑出青年基金,2015年入選江蘇省“六大人才高峰”(B類)。 研究成果獲2013年中國輕工聯合會科學技術進步二等獎,2013年中國商業聯合會科學技術進步一等獎。 申請國家發明專利40餘項,其中獲得授權發明專利12項,發表SCI收錄論文60餘篇。


  • 中文名:江南大學生物催化與酶工程研究室
  • 外文名:Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering at Jiangnan University
  • 課題組帶頭人:倪曄


1. 生物催化中關鍵酶的挖掘和改造
2. 生物催化宿主細胞表型的改造
3. 生物質預處理與生物丁醇
4. 微生物發酵法製備多糖可得然膠
本研究採用自主篩選獲得的微生物菌株Rhizobium radiobacterCGMCC 12099發酵製備微生物多糖可得然膠,通過對發酵過程和提取方法等最佳化提高可得然膠的產量和品質。


1. Jun Cheng, Guochao Xu, Ruizhi Han, Jinjun Dong and Ye Ni*. Efficient access to L-phenylglycine using a newly identified amino acid dehydrogenase from Bacillus clausii. RSC Advances (2016) 6: 80557 - 80563 (IF3.289)
2. Jieyu Zhou, Guochao Xu, Ruizhi Han, Jinjun Dong, Weiguo Zhang, Rongzhen Zhang, Ye Ni*. Carbonyl group-dependent high-throuhput screening and enzymatic characterization of diaromatic ketone reductase. Catalysis Science & Technology (2016) 6: 6320-6327. DOI: 10.1039/C6CY00922K (IF5.287) 二區
3. Hai-ming Si, Fa Zhang, An-ning Wu, Rui-Zhi Han, Guo-Chao Xu, Ye Ni*. DNA microarray of global transcription factor mutant reveals membrane-related proteins involved in n-butanol tolerance in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Biofuels (2016) 9: 114. DOI: 10.1186/s13068-016-0527-9 (IF6.444) 一區
4. Haixia Zhu, Guo-Chao Xu, Kai Zhang, Xudong Kong, Rui-Zhi Han, Jiahai Zhou*, Ye Ni*. Crystal structure of tyrosine decarboxylase and identification of key residues involved in conformational swing and substrate binding. Scientific Reports (2016) 6:27779. DOI: 10.1038/srep27779 (IF5.228) 二區
5. Xiao-Yu-Zhu Wang, Jin-Jun Dong, Guo-Chao Xu, Rui-Zhi Han, Ye Ni*. Enhanced curdlan production with nitrogen feeding during polysaccharide synthesis by Rhizobium radiobacter. Carbohydrate Polymers (2016) 150: 385-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.05.036 (IF4.219)
6. Rui-Zhi Han, Guo-Chao Xu, Jin-Jun Dong, Ye Ni*. Arginine deiminase: recent advances in discovery, crystal structure, and protein engineering for improved properties as an anti-tumor drug. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology(2016) DOI: 10.1007/s00253-016-7490-z
7. Guo-Chao Xu, Lei Li, Rui-Zhi Han, Jin-Jun Dong, Ye Ni*.Characterization and soluble expression of D-hydantoinase from Pseudomonas fluorescens for the synthesis of D-amino acids. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s12010-015-1975-6
8. Jin-Jun Dong, Ji-Cai Ding, Yun Zhang, Li Ma, Guo-Chao Xu, Rui-Zhi Han, Ye Ni*.Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of dilute alkaline-pretreated corn stover for enhanced butanol production by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864.FEMS Microbiol Lett.(2016) DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnw003
9. Guo-Chao Xu, Ling-Ling Zhang, Ye Ni*. Enzymatic preparation of D-phenyllactic acid at high space-time yield with a novel phenylpyruvate reductase identified from Lactobacillus sp. CGMCC 9967. Journal of Biotechnology(2016) 222: 29-37
10. Guo-Chao Xu, Ming-Hui Tang, Ye Ni*. Asymmetric synthesis of Lipitor chiral intermediate using a robust carbonyl reductase at high substrate to catalyst ratio. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic(2016) 123: 67-72
11. Guo-Chao Xu, Ji-Cai Ding, Rui-Zhi Han, Jin-Jun Dong, Ye Ni*. Enhancing cellulose accessibility of corn stover by deep eutectic solvent pretreatment for butanol fermentation. Bioresource Technology(2016) 203:364-369
12. Fa Zhang, Xiao-Hong Qian, Hai-Ming Si, Guo-Chao Xu, Rui-Zhi Han, Ye Ni*. Significantly improved solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli by global transcription machinery engineering. Microbal Cell Factories(2015) doi: 10.1186/s12934-015-0368-4.
13. Ji-Cai Ding, Guo-Chao Xu, Rui-Zhi Han, Ye Ni*. Biobutanol production from corn stover hydrolysate pretreated with recycled ionic liquid by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM13864. Bioresource Technology(2016) 199:228-234
14. Guo-Chao Xu, Ya-Qian Bian, Rui-Zhi Han, Jin-Jun Dong, Ye, Ni*. Cloning, expression and characterization of budC gene encoding meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase from Bacillus licheniformis. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2016) 178:604-617
15. Tian-Yun Xue, Guo-Chao Xu, Rui-Zhi Han, Ye Ni*. Soluble expression of (+)-g-lactamase inBacillus subtilis for the enantioselective preparation of Abacavir precursor. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2015) 176:1687-1699
16. Serwanja Jamil, Meng-Han Liu, Yong-Mei Liu, Rui-Zhi Han, Guo-Chao Xu, Ye Ni. Hydrophobic mutagenesis and semi-rational engineering of arginine deiminase for markedly enhanced stability and catalytic efficiency. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2015) 176:1335-1350
17. Long Zhang, Menghan Liu, Serwanja Jamil, Ruizhi Han, Guochao Xu, Ye Ni. PEGylation and pharmacological characterization of a potential anti-tumor drug, an engineered arginine deiminase originated from Pseudomonas plecoglossicida. Cancer Letters (2015) 357:346–354
18. Xiaohong Qian, Liang Song, Ye Ni*. Enhanced organic solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli by 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family genes. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2014) 172:3106-3115
19. Kai Zhang, Ye Ni*. Tyrosine Decarboxylase fromLactobacillus brevis: soluble expression and characterization. Protein Expression and Purification (2014) 94: 33-39
20. Ye Ni*, Yuning Su, Haidong Li, Jieyu Zhou, Zhihao Sun. Scalable biocatalytic synthesis of optically pure ethyl (R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate using a recombinant E. coli with high catalyst yield. Journal of Biotechnology (2013) 168: 493-498
21. Ye Ni*, Liang Song, Xiaohong Qian, Zhihao Sun. Proteomic analysis of Pseudomonas putida reveals an organic solvent tolerance-related gene mmsB. PLoS ONE (2013) 8(2):e55858 (3.534)
22. Ye Ni*, Ziyi Xia, Yun Wang, Zhihao Sun. Continuous butanol fermentation from inexpensive sugar-based feedstocks by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864. Bioresource Technology (2013) 129: 680-685
23. Haidong Li, Zhihao Sun, Ye Ni*. A novel stereoselective carbonyl reductase from Kluyveromyces marxianus for chiral alcohols synthesis. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities (2013) 29: 1140-1148
24. Ye Ni*, Jieyu Zhou, Zhihao Sun. Production of a key chiral intermediate of Betahistine with a newly isolated Kluyveromyces sp. in an aqueous two-phase system. Process Biochemistry (2012) 47: 1042-1048
25. Ye Ni*, Yun Wang, Zhihao Sun*. Butanol production from cane molasses by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864: Batch and semi-continuous fermentation. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology (2012) 166:1896-907
26. Yuning Su, Ye Ni*, Junchao Wang, Zhihao Xu, Zhihao Sun. Construction of two-enzyme coexpression recombinant strain for the asymmetric synthesis of optically pure ethyl (R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate. Chinese Journal of Catalysis (2012) 33: 1650–1660
27. Ye Ni*, Beihua Zhang, Zhihao Sun. Efficient synthesis of (R)-2-chloro-1-(3-chlorophenyl)ethanol by permeabilized whole-cells of Candida ontarioensis. Chinese Journal of Catalysis (2012) 33: 681-687
28. Ye Ni*, Yongmei Liu, Ulrich Schwaneberg, Leilei Zhu, Na Li, Lifeng Li, Zhihao Sun*. Rapid evolution of arginine deiminase for improved anti-tumor activity. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology(2011) 90:193-201
29. Zhong-Yi Yang, Ye Ni*, Zhong-Yuan Lu, Xiang-Ru Liao*, Yu-Guo Zheng, Zhi-Hao Sun. Industrial production of S-2,2-Dimethylcyclopropanecarboxamide with a novel recombinant R-amidase from Delftia tsuruhatensis. Process Biochemistry (2011) 46: 182-187
30. Ning Li, Ye Ni*, Zhihao Sun. Purification and characterization of carbonyl reductase from Candida krusei SW 2026 involved in enantioselective reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate. Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B: Enzymatic (2010) 66: 190-197
31. Wen Zhang, Ye Ni*, Zhihao Sun*, Pu Zheng, Wenqing Lin, Po Zhu, Nianfeng Ju Biocatalytic synthesis of ethyl (R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate with Candida krusei SW2026: A practical process for high enantiopurity and product titer. Process Biochemistry (2009) 44:1270-1275
32. Ye Ni, Rachel R. Chen*. Extracellular recombinant protein production from Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters (2009) 31:1661-1670
33. Ye Ni, Zhi-Hao Sun*. Recent progress on industrial fermentative production of acetone-butanol-ethanol by Clostridium acetobutylicumin China. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology (2009)83:415-423
34. Ye Ni*, Zhen-Wei Li, Zhi-Hao Sun, Pu Zheng, Yong-Mei Liu, Lei-Lei Zhu, Ulrich Schwaneberg. Expression of arginine deiminase from Pseudomonas plecoglossicida CGMCC2039 in Escherichia coli and its anti-tumor activity. Current Microbiology (2009) 58: 593-598
35. Ye Ni, Ulrich Schwaneberg, Zhi-Hao Sun*. “Arginine deiminase, a potential anti-tumor drug” Cancer Letters(2008) 261: 1-11


