Don Richardson (born 1935) is a Canadian Christian missionary, teacher, author and international speaker who worked among the tribal people of Western New Guinea, Indonesia. He argues in his writings that, hidden among tribal cultures, there are usually some practices or understandings, which he calls "redemptive analogies", which can be used to illustrate the meaning of the Christian Gospel, contextualizing the biblical representation of the incarnation of Jesus.
第一部 世界為福音預借――梅奇撒德充的實證
一 民間模糊的神觀
二 失落的聖
三 奇異的民族風俗
四 持敵對理論之學者
第二部 福音為世界鋪路――亞伯拉罕原動力
五 四千年之脈絡
六 萬民的彌賽亞
七 「使徒行傳」所隱藏的信息