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  • 書名:水手英語
  • 作者:黎冬樓
  • 類別:圖書>教材>研究生/本科/專科教材>工學
  • 出版社:武漢理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年11月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787562950943


黎冬樓主編的《水手英語》是根據水手與機工專 業職業教育教學標準、《STCW 78/95公約》和中華 人民共和國海事局頒布的《海船船員適任考試和評估 大綱》的要求,依據《中華人民共和國海船水手、機 工適任培訓、考試和發證管理辦法》中水手適任培訓 綱要組織編寫的。本書主要由日常會話和職業英語兩 部分組成,具體包括岸上日常會話,一般性會話,船 上日常會話,船舶常識,常用指令,值班瞭望,理貨 ,航海基礎知識,基本法規應急與安全等內容。編寫 本書以實用、基礎理論夠用為度的原則精選內容,在 保證理論的系統性和嚴謹性的同時*注重知識的實用 。


Part One Everyday English
Unit One Everyday English Onshore
Lesson One Traveling by Train, Plane and Boat
Lesson Two Going Through the Customs
Lesson Three Asking the Way
Lesson Four Shopping
Lesson Five Making a Phone Call
Lesson Six Seeing the Doctor
Lesson Seven Board and Lodging
Unit Two Public English
Lesson One Greeting, Introduction and Farewells
Lesson Two Thanks and Apology
Lesson Three Times and Dates
Lesson Four Weather
Unit Three Everyday English Onboard
Lesson One Signing on the Ship
Lesson Two Indroduction Life on Board
Lesson Three Signing off the Ship
Part Two Professional English
Unit Four Ship and Cargo Types
Lesson One Types of Ship
Lesson Two Ship Structure
Lesson Three Ship Organization
Lesson Four Cargo Type
Unit Five Ship Ordrts
Lesson One Wheel Orders
Lesson Two Anchoring Orders
Lesson Three Telegraph Orders
Lesson Four Mooring and Unmooring Orders
Unit Six On Duty
Lesson One Bridge Watch
Lesson Two Gangway Watch
Lesson Three Taking a Pilot on Board
Unit Seven Sailor' s Seamanships
Lesson One Borrowing and Lending Things
Lesson Two Riggings
Lesson Three Maintenance Work
Unit Eight Cargo Handing
Lesson One Opening and Closing Hatches
Lesson Two Cargo Gear
Lesson Three Lashing and Securing Work
Lesson Four Loading and Discharging Cargo
Unit Nine Basic Navigation
Lesson One Navigational Aids
Lesson Two Direction and Distance
Lesson Three Mark's Identification
Unit Ten Legislations and Inspections
Lesson One Legislations
Lesson Two PSC Inspection
Unit Eleven Emergency and Safely Aboard
Lesson One Kinds of Drills
Lesson Two Emergency


