- 中文名:毛軍逵
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:航空發動機熱管理、空氣系統熱分析以及電子散熱冷卻設計
- 職務:科研院副院長
- 就職院校:南京航空航天大學能源與動力學院
2003.06---至今 南京航空航天大學能源與動力學院任教。
2009.08-2010.07 中航工業發動機公司掛職鍛鍊。
2014.01-2014.05 University of Sussex 國家公派訪問學者。
① 傳熱傳質
② 航空發動機熱管理及高效冷卻技術
③ 航空發動機空氣系統熱分析
④ 航空發動機葉尖間隙主動控制技術
⑤ 陶瓷基複合材料各向異性熱分析及冷卻結構協同設計
⑥ 氣熱固耦合數值模擬
⑦ 電子散熱設計
1. Zecan Tu, Junkui Mao*, Hua Jiang, Zhenzong He. Numerical method for the thermal analysis of a ceramic matrix composite turbine vane considering the spatial variation of the anisotropic thermal conductivity, Applied Thermal Engineering,
2. Zecan Tu, Junkui Mao*, Xingsi Han. Numerical study of film cooling over a flat plate with anisotropic thermal conductivity, Applied Thermal Engineering,
3. Zhenzong He, Junkui Mao*, Xingsi Han. Application of an improved artificial bee colony algorithm to inverse problem of aerosol optical constants from spectral measurement data. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,
4. Zhenzong He, Hong Qi, Fangzhou Zhao, Liming Ruan, Junkui Mao. Experimental research on the spectral complex indices of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii GY-D55 by multi-layer model International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
5. Zhenzong He, Hong Qi, Yatao Ren, Liming Ruan, Junkui Mao. Application of the time-domain and frequency-domain radiative measurement signals in retrieving the spectral complex refractive index of microalgae. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
6. Fengli Liang, Zaixing Wang, Zhuoran Wang, Junkui Mao, Jaka Sunarso,Electrochemical Performance of Cobalt-Free Nb and Ta Co-doped Perovskite Cathodes for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,ChemElectroChem,
7. Fengli Liang, Jaka Sunarso, Junkui Mao, Ziqiong Yang, Wei Zhou, Amorphous Ni0.75Fe0.25(OH)2-Decorated Layered Double Perovskite Pr0 for Highly Efficient and Stable Water Oxidation,ChemElectroChem,
8. Fengli Liang, Jaka Sunarso, Junkui Mao, Wei Zhou,Electrochemical performance and stability of nano-structured Co/PdO-co-impregnated Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
9. 屠澤燦,毛軍逵*,趙曉,各向異性複合材料平板氣膜冷卻試驗研究,工程熱物理學報,2017,已錄用。
10. 劉遠見,毛軍逵*,江華,李毅,沈毅,陸海鷹高壓渦輪機匣高肋表面換熱特性試驗研究,航空動力學報,2017,已錄用
11. 屠澤燦,毛軍逵*,徐瑞,婁德倉,郭文,黃維娜,各向異性陶瓷基複合材料渦輪葉片機率性熱分析方法研究,航空動力學報,2017,已錄用。
12. 王海,毛軍逵*,劉方圓,陸海鷹,柴軍生,葉尖間隙控制系統供氣部件特性及模擬方法研究,航空動力學報。
13. 龔迪瀾,毛軍逵*,鄧明,閆奔,進氣溫度與壓力對渦流管性能影響的實驗,航空動力學報。
14. 姚甜,毛軍逵*,蔣亮亮,單文娟,王海,柴軍生,陸海鷹,渦輪集氣腔流動特性研究及流阻計算模型,推進技術。
15. 劉震雄,毛軍逵*,江華,李俊山,沈毅,陸海鷹, 多層渦輪機匣內定位螺栓對換熱特性影響的試驗研究,推進技術。
16. Hua Jiang, Junkui Mao*, Zecan Tu. A Thermal Conductivity Prediction Method of Fiber Reinforced Material with Microstructure Identification, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2016, 30(4): 926-936.
17. Zecan Tu, Junkui Mao*, Junjun Mao, Hua Jiang. A novel determination of the minimal size of aprobabilistic representative volume element (rve) forfiber-reinforced composites thermal analysis, Thermal Science,
18. Xingsi Han, Junfeng Yang, Junkui Mao,LES investigation of two frequency effects on acoustically forced premixed flame, Fuel,
19. 江華,毛軍逵*,屠澤燦,沈凱,宋金融,郭文,黃維娜,基於微結構識別的單向複合材料導熱係數預估,航空動力學報。
20. 徐逸鈞,毛軍逵*,王鵬飛,曾軍,王代軍,郭文.高壓渦輪主動間隙控制系統機匣模型試驗,航空動力學報。
21. 屠澤燦,毛軍逵*,蘇雲亮,郭文,雙層渦輪葉片異形冷卻單元內換熱特性實驗研究,南京航空航天大學學報。