- 中文名:毛貽齊
- 畢業院校:湖南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:機械與運載工程學
- 任職院校:湖南大學
2002.9-2006.7 湖南大學工程力學系,獲工學學士學位,導師:傅衣銘教授
2006.09-2011.6 湖南大學工程力學系 獲工學博士學位, 導師:傅衣銘教授
2012.01- 2013.12 北京大學工學院力學學科博士後,導師:方岱寧院士
2014.01-2015.11, 喬治亞理工學院機械工程系博士後,導師, 齊航教授
2016.03-至今: 湖南大學機械與運載工程學院副教授
2002.9-2006.7 湖南大學工程力學系,獲工學學士學位,導師:傅衣銘教授
2006.09-2011.6 湖南大學工程力學系 獲工學博士學位, 導師:傅衣銘教授
2012.01- 2013.12 北京大學工學院力學學科博士後,導師:方岱寧院士
2014.01-2015.11, 喬治亞理工學院機械工程系博士後,導師, 齊航教授
2016.03-至今: 湖南大學機械與運載工程學院副教授
學科領域: 工程力學,智慧型材料與結構
1. “衝擊作用下三維點陣夾芯板的破壞機理研究”, 博士後科學基金面上資助(45210148); 2012-2013(項目負責人,經費:5萬元)
2. “考慮表界面效應微納米磁電複合材料結構的動力回響分析”,國家自然科學青年基金項目(11302004);2014-2016(項目負責人,經費:27萬元)
3. “xxxx的漸進損傷與失效分析” 國防973xx專項(項目主要完成人)
4. “材料微觀力學性能原位測試儀器研製與套用” 國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項(項目主要完成人)
5. “大型橋樑結構的損傷識別技術與疲勞仿真破壞研究”,福建省廈門市公路局, 2009.03- 2010.10(項目主研人)
6. “GMT板成型的可行性分析及工藝流程與結構裝置的參數設計”,亞太集團,2010.12-2011.02(項目主研人)
1. Yiqi Mao, Zhen Ding, Chao Yuan, Shigang Ai, Michael Isakov, Jiangtao Wu, Tiejun Wang, Martin L. Dunn, H. Jerry Qi. 4D Printing of Reversible Shape Changing Components by Shape Memory Polymers and Hydrogels. Scientific report. Minor revision
2. Wu J.T., Ding Z., Isakov, M., Mao Y.Q., Wang, T, Dunn, M.L., H. Jerry Qi, Multi-shape active composites by 3D printing of digital shape memory polymers. Scientific report. Minor revison
3. Yiqi Mao, Jaimee M. Robertson, Xiaoming Mu, Patrick Mather, H. Jerry Qi. Thermoviscoplastic behaviors of anisotropic shape memory elastomeric composites for cold programmed non-affine shape change. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2015;85:219-244.
4. Y.Q. Mao, Kai Yu, Martin L. Dunn, H. Jerry Qi. Sequential Self-Folding Structures by 3D Printed Functionally Graded Shape Memory Polymers. Scientific report. 5:13616. DOI: 10.1038/srep13616.
5. Y.Q.Mao*, S.G.Ai, Y.M.Fu, D.N.Fang, Theory for Dielectric Considering Direct and Converse Flexoelectric Effect and Its Finite Elements Implementation. Applied Mathematical Modelling. In press.
6. Jaimee M. Robertson, Amir H. Torbati, Erika D. Rodriquez, Yiqi Mao, Richard M. Baker, H. Jerry Qi, Patrick T. Mather. Mechanically programmed shape change in laminated elastomeric composites. Soft Matter, 2015, 11,5754-5764.
7. Y.Q.Mao*, S.G.Ai,C.P. Chen, D.N. Fang. 2015 Nonlinear dynamic response and damage analysis for functionally graded metal shallow spherical shell under low velocity impact. Archive of applied mechanics, Doi 10.1007/s00419-015-1009-4.
8. Yu, K., Ritchie, A., Mao, Y., Dunn, M.L., Qi, H.J., 2014. Controlled Sequential Shape Changing Components by 3D Printing of Shape Memory Polymer Multimaterials, Procedia IUTAM, in press
9. S.G.Ai, Y.Q.Mao, Y.M.Pei, Effect of stitch on thermodynamic properties of sandwiched thermal protection structures. Composite Structures. 2013,99:41-47.
10. S.G.Ai, Y.Q.Mao, Y.M.Pei, Effect of stitching angle on mechancial properties of stitched sandwich panels. Materials and Design.2013,50:817-824.
11. Y.Q. Mao*, S.G. Ai, Y.M. Fu, C.P. Chen, D.N. Fang, Elasto-plastic analysis of micro FGM beam basing on mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity theory. Composite Structure.2013;101:168-179.
12. Y.Q. Mao*, Y.M. Fu,S.G. Ai,D.N. Fang, Interfacial damage analysis of shallow spherical shell with FGM coating under low velocity impact. International Journal of Mechanical Science. 2013;71:30-40.
13. Y.M.Fu, Y.Q.Mao*, Y.P.Tian, Nonlinear Dynamic Response and Active Control of Piezoelastic Laminated Shallow Spherical Shells with Damage. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2012;21:783-809.
14. Y.Q.Mao*, Y.M.Fu, C.P.Chen, Nonlinear Dynamic Response for Functionally Graded Shallow Spherical Shell Under Low Velocity Impact in Thermal Environment. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011;35(6):2887-2900.
15. Y.Q.Mao*, Y.M.Fu, Creep buckling and postbuckling analysis of the laminated piezoelectric viscoelastic functionally graded plates. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2011;30(4):547-558.
16. Y.M. Fu, Y.Q. Mao*,Y.P.Tian, Damage Analysis and Dynamic Response of Elasto-plastic Laminated Composite Shallow. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010;47(1):126-137.
17. Y.Q.Mao*, Y.M.Fu, Nonlinear analysis of dynamic response and active control for piezoelectric functionally graded plate. Journal of sound and vibration, 2010;329 (11):2015-2028.
18. Y.P.Tian, Y.M.Fu, Y.Q.Mao, Nonlinear static/dynamic analysis for elasto-plastic laminated plates with interfacial damage evolution. Composite Structures. 2010; 93(1):103-112
19. Y.L.Li, Y.M.Fu, Y.Q.Mao, Analysis of delamination fatigue growth for delaminated piezoelectric elasto-plastic laminated beams under hygrothermal conditions. Composite Structures, 2010;93(2):889-901.
20. Y.M.Fu, Y.Q.Mao*, Nonlinear dynamic response and damage analysis of medium thick shallow spherical shell under low velocity impact. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 2008;25(2):166-172.