



  • 軟體名稱:每日房價
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:4.50MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
達伊爾幫助您跟蹤您的帳戶,有一個固定數額的錢,每月花費,挑戰解決 你也有一個固定數額的錢,每月花費預算帳戶,例如一個家庭帳戶。 它並不總是容易跟蹤這樣的帳戶應該讀多少錢,在一個特定的日期,所以當月份接近尾聲,銀行帳戶可以為空。 幫助是在這裡它可以幫助您跟蹤您的帳戶的確切數額的錢應該閱讀在任何給定的日期一目了然。 DailRayte helps you keep track of your accounts, that have a fixed amount of money to spend each month. CHALLENGES THE APP SOLVES Do you also have a budget account with a fixed amount of money to spend each month For example a household account It is not always easy to keep track of how much money such accounts should read at a specific date, so when the month is close to the end, the bank account can be empty. THE HELP IS HERE DailyRate helps you keep track of the exact amount of money your account should read at any given date at a glance. FEATURES You can define: Start amount - the amount of money you transfer to your account each month Start day - the day you transfer the money to your account, where the calculation engine of DailyRate should start over Interval - choose if the calculation should happen on a daily or weekly basis Choose which date you would like to know what your account should read USAGE How to use DailyRate: 1. Open your bank account - preferably on a mobile device - and cheek the balance 2. Open DailyRate and see if your account balance agrees with the calculation of DailyRate


