

段金廒, 男,天然藥物化學博士,教授,博士生導師。


擔任中國自然資源學會常務理事、中國自然資源學會中藥及天然藥物資源專業委員會主任委員、中國中藥協會中藥資源循環利用專業委員會主任委員、中國藥材GAP研究促進會(香港)副會長以及International Society of Biology and Chemistry創辦委員。



  • 中文名:段金廒 
  • 外文名:無
  • 別名:無
  • 國籍:中國 
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 出生地:寧夏中衛 
  • 出生日期:1956年10月 
  • 職業:教授,博士生導師 
  • 畢業院校:瀋陽藥學院 
  • 主要成就:我國中藥資源領域領軍人物之一 
  • 代表作品:中藥資源化學—理論基礎與資源循環利用,中藥廢棄物的資源化利用,中藥資源學,等代表性論著。 


2005.3-2016.6 南京中醫藥大學 副校長/教授。
2006.9-2010.9 南京中醫藥大學中醫藥研究院 院長(兼)/教授。
2013.2-至今 中藥資源產業化與方劑創新藥物國家地方聯合工程中心/江蘇省中藥資源產業化過程協同創新中心 主任/教授。
2016.6-至今 國家中醫藥管理局中藥資源循環利用重點研究室 主任/教授。
兼任中國藥科大學、江蘇大學、英國女王大學、中國醫科院藥用植物研究所、陝西中醫藥大學、甘肅中醫藥大學等大學和科研院所客座或特聘教授。國務院學科評議組成員、國家藥典委員會委員、中國自然資源學會中藥及天然藥物資源專業委員會主任委員、中國自然資源學會資源循環利用專業委員會副主任委員、中國中藥協會中藥資源循環利用專業委員會主任委員、International Society of Biology and Chemistry創辦委員、江蘇省循環經濟協會副會長、中國藥材GAP研究促進會副會長、中國自然資源學會理事、中華中醫藥學會理事等職。


2. 中藥配伍關係及其規律性研究。


[1]段金廒, 主編. 中藥資源化學—理論基礎與資源循環利用[M]. 科學出版社, 2015.
[2]段金廒, 主編. 中藥廢棄物的資源化利用[M]. 化學工業出版社, 2013.
[3]段金廒, 周榮漢, 主編. 植物化學分類學[M]. 上海科學技術出版社, 2005.
[4]段金廒, 周榮漢, 主編. 中藥資源學[M]. 中國中醫藥出版社, 2003.
[5]段金廒, 陳士林, 主編. 中藥資源化學[M]. 中國中醫藥出版社, 2003.
[6]段金廒, 周榮漢, 主編. 植物化學分類學[M]. 中國中醫藥出版社, 2002.
[7]唐於平,段金廒, 主編.藥對現代研究[M]. 科學出版社, 2014.
[8]范欣生,段金廒, 主編. 中藥十八反配伍禁忌論述[M]. 人民衛生出版社, 2016.
[9]段金廒*, 張伯禮, 宿樹蘭, 郭盛, 劉培, 錢大瑋, 朱華旭, 唐於平, 吳啟南. 基於循環經濟理論的中藥資源循環利用策略與模式探討[J]. 中草藥, 2015, 12: 1715-1722.
[10]段金廒, 宿樹蘭, 郭盛, 江曙, 劉培, 錢大瑋, 朱華旭, 唐於平, 吳啟南, 丁安偉. 中藥資源化學研究與中藥資源循環利用途徑及目標任務[J]. 中國中藥雜誌, 2015, 40(13): 69-75.
[11]段金廒*, 宿樹蘭, 郭盛, 錢大瑋, 尚爾鑫, 周衛, 劉培, 唐於平, 吳啟南, 丁安偉. 中藥資源產業化過程廢棄物的產生及其利用策略與資源化模式[J]. 中草藥, 2013, 44(20): 2787-2797.
[12]段金廒*, 宿樹蘭, 郭盛, 劉培, 錢大瑋, 江曙, 朱華旭, 唐於平, 吳啟南. 中藥廢棄物的轉化增效資源化模式及其研究與實踐[J]. 中國中藥雜誌, 2013, 38(24): 1-7.
[13]江曙, 劉培, 段金廒, 錢大瑋, 宿樹蘭, 郭盛. 基於微生物轉化的中藥廢棄物利用價值提升策略探討[J]. 世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化, 2014, 06: 1210-1216.
[14]朱華旭, 段金廒, 郭立瑋, 李博, 陸瑾, 唐於平, 潘林梅. 基於膜科學技術的中藥廢棄物資源化原理及其套用實踐[J]. 中國中藥雜誌, 2014, 09: 1728-1732.
[15]申俊龍, 魏魯霞, 湯莉娜, 許舒誠, 段金廒. 中藥資源價值評估體系研究——基於價值鏈視角的分析[J]. 價格理論與實踐, 2014, 03: 112-114.
[16]吳薛明, 許婷婷, 何冰芳, 段金廒. 非水相生物轉化體系的建立及其在中藥廢棄物資源化中的套用[J]. 中草藥, 2015, 03: 313-319.
[17]段金廒*, 吳啟南, 宿樹蘭, 周榮漢. 中藥資源化學學科的建立與發展[J]. 中草藥, 2012, 43: 1665-1671
[18]段金廒*. 中藥資源化學研究技術體系的建立及其套用[J]. 中國藥科大學學報, 2012, 4: 289-292.
[19]段金廒*, 嚴輝, 宿樹蘭, 錢大瑋, 吳啟南, 周榮漢. 藥材適宜採收期綜合評價模式的建立與實踐. 中草藥, 2010, 41 (11): 1755-1760.
[20]段金廒*, 宿樹蘭, 呂潔麗, 嚴輝, 丁安偉. 藥材產地加工傳統經驗與現代科學認識. 中國中藥雜誌, 2009, 34(24): 3151-3157.
[21]段金廒*, 宿樹蘭, 錢大瑋, 唐於平, 周榮漢. 中藥資源化學研究思路方法與進展. 中國天然藥物, 2009, 7 (5): 333-340.
[22]段金廒*, 肖小河, 宿樹蘭, 趙潤懷, 嚴輝. 中藥材商品規格形成模式的探討——以當歸為例. 中國現代中藥, 2009, 11 (6): 14-17.
[23]段金廒*, 周榮漢, 宿樹蘭, 丁安偉, 吳啟南. 我國中藥資源科學發展現狀及展望. 自然資源學報, 2009, 24 (3): 378-386.
[24]Yuping Tang*, Nianguang Li, Jin-ao Duan*, and Weiwei Tao. Structure, bioactivity, and chemical synthesis of OSW-1 and other steroidal glycosides in the genus Ornithogalum. Chemical Reviews2013, 113 (7): 5480-5514.(IF: 41.298)
[25]ShulanSu, Jinao Duan, Ting Chen, Xiaochen Huang, Erxin Shang, Li Yu, Kaifeng Wei, Yue Zhu, Jianming Guo, Sheng Guo, Pei Liu, Dawei Qian & Yuping Tang. Frankincense and myrrh suppress inflammation via regulation of the metabolic profiling and the MAPK signaling pathway [J]. Scientific Reports | 2015, 5:13668 | DOI: 10.1038/srep13668.(IF=5.578)
[26]Shulan Su, Jin-Ao Duan*, Peijuan Wang, Pei Liu, Jianming Guo, Erxin Shang, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang, Zongxiang Tang. A metabolomic study of biochemical changes in the plasma and urine of primary dysmenorrhea patients using UPLC-MS coupled with pattern recognition approach [J]. Journal of Proteome Research, 2013, 12 (2): 852–865. (IF=5.001)
[27]Sheng Guo, Jin-ao Duan *, Dawei Qian, Hanqing Wang,Yuping Tang, Yefei Qian, Dawei Wu, Shulan Su, Erxin Shang. Hydrophilic interaction ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for determination of nucleotides, nucleosides and nucleobases inZiziphusplants [J].J Chromatogr A, 2013, 1301: 147-155.(IF: 4.612)
[28]Yan Cao, Jinao Duan*, Jianming Guo, Weixia Li, Weiwei Tao. Pharmacokinetic properties of arsenic species after oraladministration of Sargassum pallidum extract in rats using anHPLC-HG-AFS method[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014, 96 : 213–219.
[29]Yan Cao, Jinao Duan*, Jianming Guo, Sheng Guo, Jinlong Zhao. Rapid determination of nucleosides, nucleobases and free amino acids in brown seaweeds using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry[J]. J Appl Phycol , 2014, 26: 675-686.
[30]Yan-Yan Chen,Jin-Ao Duan*, Yu-Ping Tang, and Sheng Guo. CYTOTOXIC DAPHNANE -TYPE DITERPENOIDS FROM Daphne genkwa[J]. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014, 50(1): 163-164.
[31]Xinmin Wang, Yunru Peng, Xinyue Jing, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang, Jin-ao Duan. In vitro and in vivo assessment of CYP2C9–mediated herb–herb interaction of Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix. Frontiers in Pharmacology2014, Volume 5, article 186, 1-8.
[32]Li-li Zhang, Yong-liang Bai, Shu-lan Shu, Da-wei Qian, Zhen Ou-yang, Li Liu, Jin-ao Duan*. Simultaneous quantitation of nucleosides, nucleobases, amino acids, and alkaloids in mulberry leaf by ultra high performance liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry [J]. J. Sep. Sci.2014, 37, 1265–1275.
[33]Hongyue Ma, Min Hong, Jinao Duan*, Pei Liu, Xinsheng Fan, Erxin Shang, Shulan Su, Jianming Guo, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang. Altered cytokine gene expression in peripheral blood monocytes across the menstrual cycle in primary dysmenorrhea: a case-control study [J]. PLos One, 2013, 8(2): e55200. (IF=3.73)
[34]Pei Liu, Jinao Duan*, Peijuan Wang, Dawei Qian, Jianming Guo, Erxin Shang, Shulan Su, Yuping Tang, Zongxiang Tang. Biomarkers of primary dysmenorrhea and herbal formula intervention: an exploratory metabonomics study of blood plasma and urine [J]. Molecular BioSystems, 2013, 9 (1): 77–87. (IF=3.35)
[35]Sheng Guo, Jin-ao Duan*, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang, Yefei Qian, Dawei Wu, Shulan Su, Erxin Shang.Rapid determination of amino acids in fruits ofZiziphus jujubaby hydrophilic interaction ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry [J].J Agric Food Chem,2013, 61 (16): 2709-2719.(IF: 2.906)
[36]Shulan Su, Yongqing Hua, Yanyan Wang, Wei Gu, Wei Zhou,Jin-ao Duan*, Haifeng Jiang, Ting Chen, Yuping Tang. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of individual and combined extracts from Commiphora myrrha,and Boswellia carterii.Journal of Ethnopharmacology,2012, 139: 649-656.
[37]L. Yu, B.P. Jiang, D. Luo, X.C. Shen, S. Guo, J.A. Duan*, Y.P. Tang. Bioactive components in the fruits of Ziziphus jujubaMill. against the inflammatory irritant action of Euphorbia plants. Phytomedicine, 2012, 19 (3-4): 239-244.
[38]Li Liu, Jin-ao Duan*, Yuping Tang, Jianming Guo, Nianyun Yang, Hongyue Ma, Xuqin Shi. Taoren-Honghua herb pair and its main components promoting blood circulation through influencing on hemorheology, plasma coagulation and platelet aggregation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2012, 139 (1): 381-387.
[39]Hanqing Wang, Sheng Guo, Dawei Qian, Yefei Qian, Jin-ao Duan. Comparative analysis of quinolizidine alkaloids from different parts of Sophora alopecuroides seeds by UPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2012, 67-68: 16-21.
[40]Wei-Wei Tao, Jin-Ao Duan,* Nian-Yun Yang, Sheng Guo, Zhen-Hua Zhu, Yu-Ping Tang and Da-Wei Qian. Determination of Nucleosides and Nucleobases in the Pollen of Typha Angustifolia by UPLC-PDA-MS. Phytochemical Analysis, 2012, 23 (4): 373-378.
[41]Rui Liu, Jin-ao Duan*, Sheng Guo, Jian-ming Guo, Da-wei Qian, Yu-ping Tang. Development of a fingerprint method for animal horn classification by liquid chromatography coupled with hierarchical clustering analysis. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2012, 35 (2): 205-214.
[42]Li Liu, Hongyue Ma, Yuping Tang, Wenxing Chen, Yin Lu, Jianming Guo,Jin-ao Duan*. Discovery of estrogen receptor a modulators from natural compounds in Si-Wu-Tang series decoctions using estrogen-responsive MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012, 22 (1): 154-163.
[43]Pei Liu, Jin-ao Duan*, Jian-ming Guo, Er-Xin Shang, Da-wei Qian,Shu-lan Su and Yu-ping Tang. Identification of major chemical constituents and their metabolites in rat plasma and various organs after oral administration of effective Xiang-Fu-Si-Wu Decoction fraction by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS and Metabolynx. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2012, DOI:10.1080/10826076.2012.698676.
[44]Wei-Wei Tao, Jin-Ao Duan*, Nian-Yun Yang, Yu-Ping Tang, Meng-Zhu Liu, Ye-Fei Qian. Antithrombotic phenolic compounds from Glycyrrhiza uralensis.Fitoterapia, 2012, 83 (2): 422-425.
[45]G. Yu, Y.X. Ma, J.-A. Duan*, B.S. Song, Z.Q. He. Identification of differentially expressed genes involved in early bolting of Angelica sinensis(Apiaceae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2012, 11 (1): 494-502.
[46]Sheng Guo,Jin-ao Duan*, Yuping Tang, Dawei Qian, Zhenhua Zhu, Yefei Qian, Erxin Shang, Shulan Su. UHPLC-TOFMS coupled with chemometric method as a powerful technique for rapid exploring of differentiating components between two Ziziphusspecies Journal of Separation Science,2011, 34(6): 659-666.
[47]Shulan Su, Tuanjie Wang,Jin-Ao Duan*, Wei Zhou, Yong-Qing Hua, Yu-Ping Tang, Li Yu, Da-Wei Qian. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of different extracts of Commiphora myrrha.Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2011, 134 (2): 251-258.
[48]Sheng Guo, Jin-ao Duan*, Yu Ping Tang, Shu Lan Su, Da Wei Qian. Triterpenoid acids from Ziziphus jujube. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2011, 47 (1): 138-139.
[49]Rui Liu, Jin-ao Duan*, Min Wang, Erxin Shang, Jianming Guo, Yuping Tang. Analysis of active components of rhinoceros, water buffalo and yak horns using two-dimensional electrophoresis and ethnopharmacological evaluation. Journal of Separation Science,2011, 34 (3): 354-362.
[50]Pei Liu, Jin-ao Duan*, Yong qing Hua, Yu ping Tang, Xin Yao, Shu lan Su. Effects of Xiang-Fu-Si-Wu Decoction and its main components for dysmenorrhea on uterus contraction. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2011, 133 (2): 591-597.
[51]Jianming Guo, Er xin Shang, Jin-ao Duan*, Yuping Tang, Dawei Qian. Determination of ligustilide in the brains of freely moving rats using microdialysis coupled with ultra performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Fitoterapia, 2011, 82 (3): 441-445.
[52]Jianming Guo, Caifu Xue, Jin-ao Duan,Er-xin Shang, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang, Qiang Ouyang, Mei Sha. Fast characterization of constituents in HuangKui capsules using UPLC-QTOF-MS with collision energy and MassFragment software. Chromatographia, 2011, 73 (5-6): 447-456.
[53]Caifu Xue, Jianming Guo, Dawei Qian*, Jin-ao Duan*, Erxin Shang, Yan Shu, Yuwei Lu. Identification of the potential active components of Abelmoschus manihotin rat blood and kidney tissue by microdialysis combined with ultra-performance liquid chromatography/ quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879 (5-6): 317-325.
[54]Shulan Su, Jianming Guo, Jin-ao Duan*, Tuanjie Wang, Erxin Shang, Dawei Qian, Yuping Tang, Anwei Ding. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the bioactive components and their metabolites of ShaofuZhuyu decoction active extract in rat plasma. Journal of Chromatography B, 2010, 878 (3-4): 355–362.
[55]Min Zhu, Yuping Tang,Jin-ao Duan*, Jianming Guo, ShengGuo, Shulan Su, Erxin Shang, Dawei Qian, Anwei Ding. Roles of paeoniflorin and senkyunolide I in SiWu decoction on antiplatelet and anticoagulation activitiesJournal of Separation Science,2010, 33 (21), 3335–3340.
[56]Li Liu, Hongyue Ma, Nianyun Yang, Yuping Tang, JianmingGuo, Weiwei Tao, Jin-ao Duan*. A series of natural flavonoids as thrombin inhibitors: structure-activity relationships Thrombosis Research, 2010, 126 (5): 365–378.
[57]Li Liu, Jin Ao Duan*, Yu Ping Tang, Hong Yue Ma, Shu Lan Su, Jian Ming Guo, Yong Qing Hua. The protective effects of the active fraction of Shaofu Zhuyu decoction on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative injury in vascular smooth muscle cells. Molecules, 2010, 15 (8), 5066–5078.
[58]Yuping Tang, Min Zhu, Sheng Yu, Yongqing Hua, Jin-Ao Duan*, Shulan Su, Xu Zhang, Yin Lu, Anwei Ding. Identification and comparative quantification of bio-active phthalides in essential oils from Si-Wu-Tang, Fo-Shou-San, Radix Angelica and Rhizoma Chuanxiong. Molecules, 2010, 15(1), 341–351.
[59]ShulanSu, YongqingHua, Jin-AoDuan*, WeiZhou, ErxinShang, YupingTang. Inhibitory Effects of Active Fractionand Its Main Components of Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction on Uterus Contraction.American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2010, 38 (4): 777–787.
[60]Wei Zhou, Shu Lan Su*, Jin-Ao Duan*, Jian Ming Guo, Da Wei Qian, Er Xin Shang, Jin Zhang. Characterization of the active constituents in Shixiao San using bioactivity evaluation followed by UPLC-QTOF and Markerlynx analysis. Molecules, 2010, 15 (9): 6217–6230.
[61]Jin-ao Duan*, Pengfei Hou, Yuping Tang, Pei Liu, Shulan Su, Hanqing Liu. A new sesquiterpene and other constituents fromSaussurea lapparoot,Natural Product Communications, 2010, 5 (10): 1531-1534.
[62]Sheng Guo, Jin-Ao Duan*, Yu-Ping Tang, Zhen-Hua Zhu, Ye-Fei Qian, Nian-Yun Yang, Er-Xin Shang, Da-Wei Qian. Characterization of nucleosides and nucleobases in fruits of Ziziphus jujubaby UPLC-DAD-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (19), 10774–10780.
[63]Sheng Guo,Jin-Ao Duan*, Yu-Ping Tang, Nian-Yun Yang, Da-Wei Qian, Shu-Lan Su, Er-Xin Shang. Characterization of triterpenic acids in fruits of Ziziphusspecies by HPLC-ELSD-MSJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2010, 58 (10), 6285–6289.
[64]Pei Liu, Li Liu, Yu Ping Tang,Jin Ao Duan*, Nian Yun Yang. A new cerebroside and its anti-proliferation effect on VSMCs from the radix of Cyperus rotundusL. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010, 21 (5): 606–609.
[65]Wei Wei Tao, Nian Yun Yang, Li Liu, Jin-Ao Duan*, De Kang Wu, Da Wei Qian, Yu Ping Tang. Two new cerebrosidesfrom the pollen of Typha angustifolia. Fitoterapia. 2010, 81 (3): 196–199.
[66]Wei Wei Tao, Nian YunYang,Jin-Ao Duan*, De Kang Wu, Er Xin Shang, Da Wei Qian, Yu Ping Tang. Two new nonacosanetriols from the pollen of Typha angustifolia. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010, 21 (2): 209–212.
[67]Ying Chen, Jin-ao Duan*, Dawei Qian, Jianming Guo, Bingsheng Song, Ming Yang. Assessment and comparison of immunoregulatory activity of four hydrosoluble fractions of Angelica sinensis in vitro on the peritoneal macrophages in ICR mice. International Immunopharmacology, 2010, 10 (4): 422–430.
[68]Rui Liu, Min Wang,Jin-ao Duan*, Jian-ming Guo, Yu-pingTang. Purification and identification of three novel antioxidant peptides from Cornu bubali(water buffalo horn). Peptides, 2010, 31 (5): 786–793.
[69]Nian-Yun Yang, Wei-Wei Tao, Min Zhu, Jin-Ao Duan*, Jian-Guo Jiang. Two new isopimarane diterpenes from the feces of Trogopterus xanthipes. Fitoterapia, 2010, 81 (5): 381-384.
[70]Nian Yun Yang, Jin-Ao Duan*, Er Xin Shang, Li Juan Tian. Analysis of Sesquiterpene Lactones in Eupatorium lindleyanumby HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS/MS. Phytochemical Analysis, 2010, 21 (2): 144–149.
[71]Nian-Yun Yang, Li Liu, Wei-Wei Tao, Jin-Ao Duan*, Li-Juan Tian. Diterpenoids from Pinus massonianaresin and their cytotoxicity against A431 and A549 cells. Phytochemistry, 2010, 71 (13): 1528–1533.
[72]Nian Yun Yang, Wei Wei Tao, Jin-Ao Duan, Antithrombotic flavonoids from the faeces of Trogopterus xanthipes.Natural Product Research, 2010, 24 (19): 1843–1849.
[73]Jianming Guo, Jin-ao Duan*, Yuping Tang, Ning Jia, Xinghu Li, Ji Zhang. Fast onset of action and the analgesic and sedative efficacy of essential oil from Rhizoma Chuanxiong after nasal administration. Pharmazie, 2010, 65 (4): 296–299.
[74]Jianming Guo, Erxin Shang,Jin-ao Duan*, Yuping Tang, Dawei Qian, Shulan Su. Fast and automated characterization of major constituents in rat biofluid after oral administration of Abelmoschus manihot extract using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and MetaboLynx. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010, 24 (4): 443–453.
[75]Yue Gu, Dawei Qian*, Jin-ao Duan*, Zhenzhong Wang, JianmingGuo, Yuping Tang, Sheng Guo. Simultaneous determination of seven main alkaloids of Chelidonium majusL. by ultraperformance LC with photodiode-array detection. Journal of Separation Science, 2010, 33 (8), 1004–1009.
[76]Rui Liu, Min Wang, Jin-Ao Duan*. Antipyretic and antioxidantactivities of the aqueous extract of Cornu bubali (Water Buffalo Horn). The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2010, 38 (2): 293–306.
[77]朱振華, 尚爾鑫, 段金廒*, 錢大瑋, 唐於平. 中藥方劑化學成分液質聯用分析中標準質譜庫的建立和套用. 分析化學, 2010, 38 (11): 1588-1592.
[78]Jie Li Lü, Jing Zhao, Jin-Ao Duan*, Hui Yan, Yu Ping Tang, Lai Bin Zhang. Quality evaluation of Angelica sinensisby simultaneous determination of ten compounds using LC-PDA. Chromatographia, 2009, 70 (3-4): 455-465.
[79]Jie Li Lü,Jin Ao Duan*, Yu Ping Tang, Nian Yun Yang, Lai Bin Zhang. Phthalide mono- and dimers from the radix of Angelica sinensis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2009, 37 (4): 405-411.
[80]Xiangchun Shen, Yuping Tang, Ruihui Yang, Li Yu, Taihui Fang,Jin-ao Duan*. The protective effect of Zizyphus jujubefruit on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in mice by anti-oxidative activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009, 122 (3): 555–560.
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