[1] J. Qin, F. Huang, X. Li, L. Deng, T. Kang, A. Markov, F. Yue, Y. Chen, X. Wen, S. Liu, Q. Xiong, S. Semin, T. Rasing, D. Modotto, R. Morandotti, J. Xu*, H. Duan*, L. Bi*, Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation from Ferroelectric HfO2-Based Hybrid Metasurfaces, ACS Nano, 13, 1213–1222 (2019).
[2] X. Wang, W. Zeng, L. Hong, W. Xu, H. Yang, F. Wang, H. Duan*, M. Tang* and H. Jiang*, Stress-driven lithium dendrite growth mechanism and dendrite mitigation by electroplating on soft substrates,Nature Energy 3, 227-235 (2018).
[3] Y. Chen, X. Duan, M. Matuschek, Y. Zhou, F. Neubrech, H. Duan*, and N. Liu*,Dynamic color displays using stepwise cavity resonators, Nano Lett. 17, 5555–5560 (2017).
[4] Z. Yang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhou, Y. Wang, P. Dai, X. Zhu, H. Duan*, Microscopic Interference Full-Color Printing Using Grayscale-Patterned Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavities, Adv. Opt. Mater. 5, 1700029 (2017) .
[5] S. Zhang, G. C. Li, Y. Chen, X. Zhu, S. D. Liu, D. Y. Lei, and H. Duan*, Pronounced Fano Resonance in Single Gold Split Nanodisks with 15 nm Split Gaps for Intensive Second Harmonic Generation, ACS Nano 10, 11105-11114 (2016).
[6] Y. Chen, K. Bi, Q. Wang, M. Zheng, Q. Liu, Y. Han, J. Yang, S. Chang, G. Zhang, and H. Duan*, Rapid Focused Ion Beam Milling Based Fabrication of Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Assemblies via Sketch and Peel Strategy, ACS Nano 10, 11228-11236 (2016).
[7] Yiqin Chen, Quan Xiang, Zhiqin Li, Yasi Wang, Yuhan Meng, and Huigao Duan*, “Sketch and Peel” lithography for high-resolution multiscale patterning, Nano Letters, 16, 3253-3259 (2016).(三束加工國際會議特邀報告)
[8] Guanhua Zhang, Yian Song, Hang Zhang, Jia Xu, Huigao Duan*, Jingyue Liu, Radially aligned porous carbon nanotube arrays on carbon fibers: a hierarchical 3D carbon nanostructure for high-performance capacitive energy storage, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 3012-3020 (2016). (封面論文)
[9] Zhengmei Yang, Yanming Zhou, Yiqin Chen, Yasi Wang, Peng Dai, Zhaogang Zhang, and Huigao Duan*, Reflective color filters and monolithic color printing based on asymmetric Fabry-Perot cavities using nickel as a broadband absorber, Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 1196-1202 (2016).(湖南衛視午間新聞專題報導)
[10] Guanhua Zhang, Sucheng Hou, Hang Zhang, Wei Zeng, Feilong Yan, Chengchao Li, Huigao Duan*, High-performance and ultra-stable lithium-ion batteries based on MOF-derived ZnO@ZnO quantum dots/C core-shell nanorod arrays on a carbon cloth anode, Advanced Materials 27, 2400-2405 (2015). (ESI高被引論文)
[11] D. Dregely, F. Neubrech, H. Duan, R. Vogelgesang, H. Giessen, Vibrational Near-field Mapping of Planar and Buried Three-dimensional Plasmonic Nanostructures, Nature Communications, 4, 2237 (2013).
[12] V. R. Manfrinato, L. Zhang, D. Su, H. Duan, R. G. Hobbs, E. A. Stach, K. K. Berggren, Resolution Limits of Electron-Beam Lithography toward the Atomic Scale, Nano Letters, 13, 1555-1558 (2013).
[13] A. Wiener, H. Duan, M. Bosman, A. P. Horsfield, J. B. Pendry, J. K. W. Yang, S. A. Maier, and A. I. Fernández-Domínguez, Electron-Energy Loss Study of Nonlocal Effects in Connected Plasmonic Nanoprisms, ACS Nano, 7, 6287 (2013).
[14] L. Wu, H. Duan, P. Bai, M. Bosman, J. Yang, E. Li. Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling Induced Charge Transfer Plasmons between Nearly Touching Nanoparticles,ACS Nano, 7, 707 (2013).
[15] K. Kumar*, H. Duan*, R. S. Hegde, S. C.W. Koh, J. Wei and J. K.W. Yang, Printing Colors at the Optical Diffraction Limit, Nature Nanotechnology, 7, 557 (2012) (*同等貢獻;以第一發明人擁有該成果的PCT國際專利).
[16] H. Duan, A. I. Fernandez-Dominguez, M. Bosman, S. A. Maier, and J. K. W. Yang, Nanoplasmonics: Classical down to the Nanometer Scale, Nano Letters, 12, 1683 (2012).
[17] D. Winston, V. R. Manfrinato, S. M. Nicaise, L. L. Cheong, H. Duan, D. Ferranti, J. Marshman, S. McVey, K. K. Berggren, Neon ion beam lithography, Nano Letters, 11, 4343-4347 (2011).
[18] H. Hu*, H. Duan*, J. K W Yang, Z. Shen. Plasmon-Modulated Photoluminescence of Individual Gold Nanostructures, ACS Nano, 6, 10147 (2012).(*同等貢獻)
[19] H. Duan, H. Hu, K. Kumar, Z. Shen, and J. K. W. Yang, Direct and Reliable Patterning of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Sub-10-nm Gaps. ACS Nano, 5, 7593 (2011).
[20] H. Duan, J. K. W. Yang, K. K. Berggren, Controlled Collapse of High-Aspect-Ratio Nanostructures, Small, 7, 2661 (2011).
[21] H. Duan, K. Berggren, Directed Self-Assembly at the 10 nm Scale by Using Capillary Force-Induced Nanocohesion, Nano Letters, 10, 3710 (2010).
[22] H. Duan, D. Winston, J. K.W. Yang, B. Cord, K. K. Berggren, Sub-10-nm Half-Pitch Electron-Beam Lithography by Using PMMA as a Negative Resist, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 28, C6C58 (2010).
[23] H. Duan, V. Manfrinato, D. Winston, J. K.W. Yang, B. Cord, K. K. Berggren, Metrology and Analysis of Sub-10-nm-Electron-Beam Lithography, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 28, H11 (2010).
[24] H. Duan, E. Xie, L. Han, Fabrication Nanopores with Sub-nanometer Precision on PMMA Nanofibers by in Situ Electron Beam Irradiation, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 26, L28 (2008).
[25] H. Duan, E. Xie, L. Han, Z. Xu, Turning PMMA Nanofibers to Graphene Nanoribbons by in situ Electron Beam Irradiation, Advanced Materials, 20, 3284 (2008).