

段芳莉,女,博士,重慶大學機械工程學院教授,碩士/博士生導師。先後主持國家自然科學基金項目2項、重慶市自然科學基金項目2項。在Langmuir (IF: 3.888)、 Applied Surface Science (IF: 4.281)、Tribology International (IF: 3.44)、Computational Materials Science (IF: 2.668)、《物理學報》等期刊發表SCI/EI檢索論文30餘篇。擔任多種國內外SCI/EI期刊審稿專家。


  • 中文名:段芳莉
  • 出生日期:1971年1月
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:微/納米摩擦學






[1] Weili Zhao, Fangli Duan*. Friction properties of carbon nanoparticles (nanodiamond and nanoscroll) confined between DLC and a-SiO2 surfaces. Tribology International, 2020 (已錄用)
[2] 王路闊, 段芳莉*. 金屬原子催化作用下缺陷石墨烯薄膜的自修復過程. 物理學報, 2019, 68(19): 193101
[3] Ming Wang, Fangli Duan*, Xiaojing Mu. Effect of surface silanol groups on friction and wear between amorphous silica surfaces. Langmuir, 2019, 35: 5463-5470
[4] Lukuo Wang, Fangli Duan*. Healing mechanism of multi-vacancy defective graphene under carbon irradiation. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2019, 27(3): 247-255
[5] Fang Zheng, Fangli Duan*. Atomistic mechanism of the weakened wear resistance of few-layer graphene induced by point defects. Tribology International, 2019, 134: 87-92
[6] Lingfei Wang, Fangli Duan*. Nanoscale wear mechanisms of few-layer graphene sheets induced by interfacial adhesion. Tribology International, 2018, 123: 266-272
[7] Ming Wang, Fangli Duan*. Atomic-level wear behavior of sliding between silica (010) surfaces. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 425: 1168-1175
[8] Yikuang Jin, Fangli Duan*, Xiaojing Mu. Functionalization enhancement on interfacial shear strength between graphene and polyethylene. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387: 1100-1109
[9] 段芳莉*, 金義礦, 顏世鐺. 半晶態聚合物拉伸變形的微觀機理. 力學學報, 2016, 48(2): 369-377
[10] 王明, 段芳莉*. 界面氫鍵對受限水結構和動態特性的影響. 物理學報, 2015, 64(21): 218201
[11] Fangli Duan*, Cheng Zhang, Qingsong Liu. Molecular dynamics simulation of size effect on the mechanical properties of amorphous silica. Journal of Nano Research, 2015, 30: 59-67
[12] Cheng Zhang, Fangli Duan*, Qingsong Liu. Size effects on the fracture behavior of amorphous silica nanowires. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 99: 138-144
[13] 段芳莉*, 王明, 劉靜. 摩擦導致的聚合物表層微觀結構改變. 物理學報, 2015, 64(6): 066801
[14] 段芳莉*, 王源. 單個納米粒子對聚合物結晶行為的影響. 物理學報, 2014, 63(13): 136102


