- 中文名:武莉
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:副教授
- 畢業院校:中國科學院物理研究所
- 主要成就:教育部新世紀優秀人才
- 性別:女

Inorganic Chemistry,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,Powder Diffraction審稿人。
多年從事功能晶態材料(包括無機光致發光材料、非線性光學材料等)的結構與物性研究工作。在新化合物探索、套用多晶X-射線衍射數據進行新化合物結構解析,相圖測定以及相關物性研究等方面形成了一套獨特的研究方法和特色。特別是在利用Rietveld方法提取結構因子振幅、利用鍵價確定原子位置方面取得進展,拓寬了探索新化合物的途徑。迄今已合成近40個具有新結構類型的無機化合物,包含10餘種全新的結構類型,全部化合物XRD數據均被國際衍射數據中心(ICDD)收錄為標準卡片,所解析晶體結構均被國際無機晶體結構資料庫(ICSD)收錄,其中包括許多具有獨特晶體結構、優異物理性質和潛在套用價值的新型無機功能晶態材料。在新化合物探索、結構分析和物性研究領域取得了多項有影響的研究結果。J. Mater. Chem.,Inorg. Chem.等國際刊物上發表學術論文29篇。文章他引一百五十餘次,單篇最高他引三十餘次。
1. 新型功能晶態材料,包括LED用螢光材料、非線性光學材料、雙折射晶體材料等。
2. 粉末法晶體結構解析。
(2010.01 - 2012.12)
(2009.04 - 2012.03)
(2008.01 - 2010.12)
1.L. Wu, Y. Zhang, M. Y. Gui, P. Z. Lu, L. X. Zhao, S. Tian, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, “Luminescence and Energy Transfer of a Color Tunable Phosphor: Dy3+-, Tm3+-, and Eu3+-Coactivated KSr4(BO3)3 for Warm White UV LEDs”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 6463-6470.
2.Y. Zhang, L. Wu, M. Y. Ji, B. Wang, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, “Structure and photoluminescence properties of KSr4(BO3)3:Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor”, Optical Materials Express 2 (2012) 92-102.
3.B. Y. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Wang, L. Wu, Y. Sun, “Preferred orientation of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 thin film deposited on stainless steel substrate”, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, in press.
4.Y. Zhang, B. Y. Li, X. Y. Dang, L. Wu, J. Jing, F. Y. Li, J. P. Ao, Y. Sun, “Dynamic scaling and optical properties of Zn(S, O, OH) thin film grown by chemical bath deposition”, Chinese Physics B 20 (2011) 116802.
5.L. Wu, J. C. Sun, Y. Zhang, S. F. Jin, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, "Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Chiral Orthoborate KMgBO3", Inorganic Chemistry 49 (2010) 2715-2720.
6.L. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. W. Su, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, "Structural study of nonlinear optical borates K1-xNaxSr4(BO3)3 (x≤0.5)", Powder Diffraction 25 (2010) S11-S16.
7.L. Z. Wang, S. G. Liu, Y. F. Kong, S. L. Chen, Z. H. Huang, L. Wu, R. Rupp, and J. J. Xu, "Increased optical damage resistance in Tin doped lithium niobate", Optics Letters 35 (2010) 883-885.
8.M. Chen, T. Q. Sun, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Wu, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, "Synthesis and luminescence properties of Yb3+ and Er3+ doped KLa(WO4)2 nanoparticles", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183 (2010) 2161-2165.
9.F. S. Liu, W. Q. Ao, L. Wu, J. Q. Li, "Crystal structure of the compounds formed in DyCo2-DyGa2 pseudo-binary system at 773K", Intermetallics 17 (2009) 738-743.
10.L. Wu, G. Roth, K. Sparta, X. L. Chen, "The new pentaborate Na3SrB5O10", Acta Crystallographica C 64 (2008) i53-i56.
11.L. Wu, Y. Zhang, Y. F. Kong, T. Q. Sun, J. J. Xu, X. L. Chen, "Structure determination of novel orthoborate NaMgBO3:A promising birefringent crystal", Inorganic Chemistry 46 (2007) 5207-5211.
12.L. Wu, Y. Zhang, X. L. Chen, Y. F. Kong, T. Q. Sun, J. J. Xu, Y. P. Xu, "The Na2O-SrO-B2O3 diagram in the B-rich part and the crystal structure of NaSrB5O9", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (2007) 1470-1475.
13.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, Y. P. Xu. Y. P. Sun, "Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Non-centrosymmetric Borates MM'4(BO3)3 (M=Na, M'=Ca and M=K, M'=Ca, Sr) ", Inorganic Chemistry 45 (2006) 3042-3047.
14.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, Y. P. Xu, "Ab Initio Structure determination of novel borate NaSrBO3", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 1219-1224.
15.Y. P. Sun, Q. Z. Huang, L. Wu, M. He, X. L. Chen, "A neutron powder investigation of the structure of KCaCO3F at various temperatures", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 417 (2006) 13-17.
16.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, H. Li, M. He, Y. P. Xu. X. Z. Li, "Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Cubic Borates MM'4(BO3)3 (M=Li, M'=Sr and M=Na, M'=Sr, Ba)", Inorganic Chemistry , 44 (2005) 6409-6414.
17.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, X. Z. Li, L. Dai, Y. P. Xu, M. Zhao, "Synthesis and ab initio X-ray powder diffraction structure of the new alkali and alkaline-earth metal borate NaCaBO3", Acta Crystallographica C, 61 (2005) i32-i34.
18.L. Wu, C. Wang, X. L. Chen, X. Z. Li, Y. P. Xu, Y. G. Cao, "Ab Initio Structure determination of new compound Li4CaB2O6", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 1847-1851.
19.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, H. Li, M. He, L. Dai, X. Z. Li, Y. P. Xu, "Structure determination of a new compound LiCaBO3", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 1111-1116.
20.H. W. Ma, J. K. Liang, L. Wu, G. Y. Liu, G. H. Rao, and X. L. Chen, "Ab initio structure determination of new compound Ba3(BO3)(PO4)", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 3454-3459.
21.X. Z. Li, X. L. Chen, L. Wu, Y. G. Cao, T. Zhou, Y. P. Xu, "Ba3YB3O9: phase transition and crystal structure", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 370 (2004) 53-58.
22.X. Z. Li, X. L. Chen, J. K. Jian, L. Wu, Y. P. Xu and Y. G. Cao, "Thermal stability and crystal structure of β-Ba3YB3O9", Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 216-220.
23.X. Z. Li, X. L. Chen, J. K. Jian, L. Wu, Y. P. Xu and Y. G. Cao, "Phase relations in the Y2O3 -BaO-B2O3 system ", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 365 (2004) 277-280.
24.J. Chen, X. R. Xing, R. B. Yu, G. R. Liu, L. Wu, and X. L. Chen, "Structural investigations on ferroelectric Pb1-3/2xLaxTiO3 using the x-ray Rietveld method ", Journal of Materials Research 19 (2004) 3614-3619.
25.X. Z. Li, C. Wang, X. L. Chen, H. Li, L. S. Jia, L. Wu, Y. X. Du, and Y. P. Xu, "Syntheses, Thermal Stability, and Structure Determination of the Novel Isostructural RBa3B3O18(R=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb)" , Inorganic Chemistry 43 (2004) 8555-8560.
26.M. Zhao, X. L. Chen, X. N. Zhang, H. Li, H. Q, Li, L. Wu, "Preparation and characterization of networked rectangular MgO nanostructures", Chemical Physics Letters 388 (2004) 7-11.
27.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, Q. Y. Tu, M. He, Y. Zhang, Y. P. Xu, "Phase relations in the system Li2O–CaO–B2O3", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 358 (2003) 23-28.
28.L. Wu, X. L. Chen, Q. Y. Tu, M. He, Y. Zhang, Y. P. Xu, "Phase relations in the system Li2O–MgO–B2O3", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 333 (2002) 154-158.
29.X. L. Chen, Q. Y. Tu, M. He, L. Dai and L. Wu, "The bond ionicity of MB2(M=Mg, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Zr, Hf, Ta, Al and Y)", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (2001) L723-L727.