


  • 中文名:武漢我們與你同在
  • 所屬專輯:武漢我們與你同在
  • 歌曲時長:0時5分33秒
  • 填詞:徐子喬、張羽棋
  • 譜曲:石棟穎


葉落風寒,一場沒有硝煙的戰爭 師葭希(四川達州)
A white war with chill wind
凜冬散盡,星河依舊長明 韓甜甜(遼寧黑山)
The galaxy is always shining even the spring is coming
風暴總會過去, 熊戀蝴(湖北武漢)
The storm will eventually be gone
天終究會晴, 王梓菡(山東平邑)
The weather will finally become clear
白衣天蘭辨歡墊使,不負使命。 王祉諾(北京)
The angel in white would never let the mission down
人間煙火,把所有寒冷的心扉融化 張露璇(北京)
The fire among the world will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再府才燥多,踮起腳尖就會接近陽光 鐘金炫(湖北武漢)
No matter how many sufferings there were
The sunshine is just overhead
When the sakura has blossomed
我們一起笑, 容玉金輝(湖北武漢)
We will laugh together
歷經風霜終會見陽光。 王藝雯(山東濟南)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武漢,別怕, 謝佳圻(江蘇徐州)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 張鑫瑜(江蘇徐州)
We will always be with you
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 楊震(山東日照)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, 林可欣(山東青島)
All those sufferings
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 韓婧逸(湖北武漢)
The real spring will come as expected
葉落風寒, 韓依霖(山東日照)
A white war
一場沒有硝煙的戰爭 楊淑涵(山東臨沂頸格)
with chill wind
凜冬散盡, 李澤銘(山東濟南)
The galaxy is always shining
星槓巴局河依舊長明 , 連鴻燁(吉林延吉)
even the spring is coming
風暴總會過去, 徐一然(江蘇連雲港)
The storm will eventually be gone
天狼櫃微終究會晴, 戴敏慧(浙江寧波)
The weather will finally become clear
白衣天使,不負使命。 張羽棋(山東日照)
The angel in white would never let the mission down
人間煙火, 王雯藜(山東日照)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 王天真(山東濟南)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,踮起腳尖就會接近陽光, 崔唐一格(遼寧丹東)
No matter how many sufferings there were
The sunshine is just overhead
When the sakura has blossomed
我們一起笑, 鄭玉昊(山東五蓮)
We will laugh together
歷經風霜終會見陽光。 張曦文(河南商丘)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武漢,別怕, 齊雨晨(遼寧錦州)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 王雅喬(山東日照)
We will always be with you
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 孫立媛(山東濟南)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, 張睿宸(山東日照)
All those sufferings
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 董浩宇(山東五蓮)
The real spring will come as expected
人間煙火, 徐子航(四川眉山) 張子墨(山西太原)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 陳可欣(安徽滁州)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,蘇洪舉(山東鄒城) 遼可(吉林雙遼)
No matter how many sufferings there were
踮起腳尖就會接近陽光, 李澤鑫(山東日照) 張馨冉(山東青島)
The sunshine is just overhead
待到櫻花爛漫時, 位昱錦(安徽宿州) 安銘洋(山東日照)
When the sakura has blossomed
我們一起笑, 陳瑜諾(山東日照) 董子璇(山東五蓮)
We will laugh together
歷經風霜終會見陽光。 馬楚亮(山東日照) 高逸飛(山東濟南)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武漢,別怕, 蓆子麒(山東濟南) 杜承軒(河南許昌)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 李紫嫣(湖北武漢) 王妤兮(湖北武漢)
We will always be with you
願所有擔驚受怕, 朱瑞琳(湖北武漢) 鄧懿文(湖北武漢)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 張言溪(湖北武漢) 韓梓睿(湖北武漢)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, 王詩瑞(湖北武漢) 李紫巽(湖北武漢)
All those sufferings
都會是劫後餘生, 徐欣彤(山東濟南) 吳梓瑄(山東濟南) 武子鈺(山東濟南) 蔣厚坤(山東濟南)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都會好起來, 蔣子豪(山東濟南) 張妙晗(湖北武漢) 顏玉清(山東日照) 王志誠(山東日照)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 鄭文博(山東日照) 鄭煜霖(山東臨沂) 沈凡舒(山東日照) 張家銘(山東日照)
The real spring will come as expected
武漢,別怕, 陳一澤(山東蘭陵)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 劉旖旎(河南新鄉)
We will always be with you
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 (合)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, (合)
All those sufferings
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 (合)
The real spring will come as expected
春天也會如約而來。 李嘉軒(山東日照)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 韓婧逸(湖北武漢)
The real spring will come as expected
葉落風寒, 韓依霖(山東日照)
A white war
一場沒有硝煙的戰爭 楊淑涵(山東臨沂)
with chill wind
凜冬散盡, 李澤銘(山東濟南)
The galaxy is always shining
星河依舊長明 , 連鴻燁(吉林延吉)
even the spring is coming
風暴總會過去, 徐一然(江蘇連雲港)
The storm will eventually be gone
天終究會晴, 戴敏慧(浙江寧波)
The weather will finally become clear
白衣天使,不負使命。 張羽棋(山東日照)
The angel in white would never let the mission down
人間煙火, 王雯藜(山東日照)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 王天真(山東濟南)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,踮起腳尖就會接近陽光, 崔唐一格(遼寧丹東)
No matter how many sufferings there were
The sunshine is just overhead
When the sakura has blossomed
我們一起笑, 鄭玉昊(山東五蓮)
We will laugh together
歷經風霜終會見陽光。 張曦文(河南商丘)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武漢,別怕, 齊雨晨(遼寧錦州)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 王雅喬(山東日照)
We will always be with you
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 孫立媛(山東濟南)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, 張睿宸(山東日照)
All those sufferings
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 董浩宇(山東五蓮)
The real spring will come as expected
人間煙火, 徐子航(四川眉山) 張子墨(山西太原)
The fire among the world
把所有寒冷的心扉融化, 陳可欣(安徽滁州)
will melt those frozen hearts
困苦再多,蘇洪舉(山東鄒城) 遼可(吉林雙遼)
No matter how many sufferings there were
踮起腳尖就會接近陽光, 李澤鑫(山東日照) 張馨冉(山東青島)
The sunshine is just overhead
待到櫻花爛漫時, 位昱錦(安徽宿州) 安銘洋(山東日照)
When the sakura has blossomed
我們一起笑, 陳瑜諾(山東日照) 董子璇(山東五蓮)
We will laugh together
歷經風霜終會見陽光。 馬楚亮(山東日照) 高逸飛(山東濟南)
The sunshine will be seen when the storm has ended
武漢,別怕, 蓆子麒(山東濟南) 杜承軒(河南許昌)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 李紫嫣(湖北武漢) 王妤兮(湖北武漢)
We will always be with you
願所有擔驚受怕, 朱瑞琳(湖北武漢) 鄧懿文(湖北武漢)
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 張言溪(湖北武漢) 韓梓睿(湖北武漢)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, 王詩瑞(湖北武漢) 李紫巽(湖北武漢)
All those sufferings
都會是劫後餘生, 徐欣彤(山東濟南) 吳梓瑄(山東濟南) 武子鈺(山東濟南) 蔣厚坤(山東濟南)
Will finally brought to a new beginning
一切都會好起來, 蔣子豪(山東濟南) 張妙晗(湖北武漢) 顏玉清(山東日照) 王志誠(山東日照)
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 鄭文博(山東日照) 鄭煜霖(山東臨沂) 沈凡舒(山東日照) 張家銘(山東日照)
The real spring will come as expected
武漢,別怕, 陳一澤(山東蘭陵)
Don't be afraid Wuhan
我們與你同在, 劉旖旎(河南新鄉)
We will always be with you
Wish those skittish feelings
都是虛驚一場。 (合)
were all false alarms
所有磨難, (合)
All those sufferings
Will finally brought to a new beginning
Everything is gonna be fine
春天也會如約而來。 (合)
The real spring will come as expected
春天也會如約而來。 李嘉軒(山東日照)


