




  • 中文名:歐陽松應
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 出生日期:1978年9月  
  • 任職單位:福建師範大學生命科學學院
  • 職務:福建師範大學生命科學學院院長
  • 性別:男


1997.07-2001.09 南昌大學 生物科學工程系 學士
2001.08-2004.07 吉林大學和平校區(原解放軍軍需大學) 生物化學與分子生物學教研室 碩士
2004.08-2007.06 北京協和醫學院(清華大學)(原中國協和醫科大學)基礎醫學院 生物化學與分子生物學系 博士
2007.07-2010.08 中國科學院生物物理研究所 助理研究員
2010.09-2013.11 中國科學院生物物理研究所 副研疊驗民究員
2013.12-2017.05 中國科學院生物物理研究所 研究員
2015.12-2017.05 中國科學院生物物理研究所 博士生導師
2017.06- 今 中國科學院生物物理研究所 客座研究員
2015.09-2016.09 美國UCLA微生物免疫分子遺傳系 高級訪問學者
2017.06- 今 福建師範大學生命科學學院/南方生物醫學研究中心/福建省天然免疫生物學重點實驗室/細胞逆境回響與代謝調控福建省高校重點實諒估燥兵驗室 教盛主授、朵民催博導


中國生物物理學會理事、中國微生物學會理事、中國免疫學會臨床免疫分會第七屆委員會委員凶巴設懂、中國微生物學會醫學微生物與免疫學專業委員會青年學組委員、中國微生物學會醫學微生物與免疫學專業委員會噬菌體學組委員、中國醫藥生物技術協會生物診斷技術分會分子診斷技術專業學組委員、福建省藥理學會常務理事、International Advisory Board of 《Small Structures》、《中國細胞生物學學報》編委、《福建師範大學學報》編委等。




1. Jiao L*, Ouyang S*, Shaw N, Song G, Feng Y, Niu F, Qiu W, Zhu H, Hung LW, Zuo X, Shtykova E, Zhu P, Dong YH, Xu R#, Liu ZJ#. Mechanism of the Rpn13-induced activation of Uch37
2. Gu J, Feng Y, Feng X, Sun C, Lei L, Ding W, Niu F, Jiao L, Yang M, Li Y, Liu X, Song J, Cui Z, Han D, Du C, Yang Y, Ouyang S#, Liu ZJ#, Han W#. Structural and biochemical characterization reveals LysGH15 as an unprecedented “EF-hand-like” calcium-binding phage lysin
3. Zhang L, Mo J, Swanson K, Wen H, Petrucelli A, Gregory S, Zhang Z, Schneider M, Jiang Y, Fitzgerald K, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ, Damania B, Shu HB, Duncan J, Ting J. NLRC3, a member of the NLR family of proteins, is a negative regulator of innate immune signaling induced by the DNA sensor STING
4. Zhao L*, Hua T*, Crowley C, Ru H, Ni X, Shaw N, Jiao L, Ding W, Jiang Y, Hung LW, Liu L, Ye K, Ouyang S#, Cheng G#, Liu ZJ#. Structural analysis of AEP reveals activation mechanism and reversible maturation intermediate. Cell Res
5. Niu F, Ru H, Ding W, Ouyang S#, Liu ZJ#. Structural biology study of human TNF receptor associated factor 4 TRAF domain
6. Niu F*, Shaw N*, Wang Y*, Jiao L*, Ding W, Upurd H, Ouyang S#, Cheng G#, Liu ZJ#. From the Cover: Structure of the LeanyerOrthobunyavirus Nucleoprotein-RNA complex reveals novel architecture for RNA encapsidation
7. Jiao L*, Ouyang S*, Liang M*, Niu F*, Shaw N, Wu W, Ding W, Jin C, Peng Y, Zhu Y, Zhang F, Wang T, Li C, Zuo X, Luan CH, Li D, Liu ZJ. Structure of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus nucleoprotein in complex with Suramin reveals therapeutic potentials
8. Shaw N, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ. Binding of bacterial secondary messenger molecule c di-GMP is a STING operation
9. Parvatiyar K*, Zhang Z*, Teles RM, Ouyang S, Jiang Y, Iyer SS, Zaver SA, Schenk M, Zeng S, Zhong W, Liu ZJ, Modlin RL, Liu YJ, Cheng G. The helicase DDX41 recognizes the bacterial secondary messengers cyclic di-GMP and cyclic di-AMP to activate a type I interferon immune response
10. Ouyang S*, Song X*, Wang Y*, Ru H*, Shaw N, Jiang Y, Niu F, Zhu Y, Qiu W, Parvatiyar K, Li Y, Zhang R, Cheng G, Liu ZJ. Structural Analysis of the STING Adaptor Protein Reveals a Hydrophobic Dimer Interface and Mode of Cyclic di-GMP Binding
11. Zhan Z*, Ouyang S*, Liang W, Zhang Z, Liu ZJ, Huang L. Structural and functional characterization of the C-terminal catalytic domain of the SSV1 integrase
12. Ouyang S*, Gong B*, Li JZ*, Zhao L*, Wu W, Zhang FS, Sun L, Wang SJ, Pan M, Li C, Liang W, Shaw N, Zheng J, Zhao GP, Wang Y, Liu ZJ, Liang M. Structural insights into a human anti-IFN antibody exerting therapeutic potential for systemic lupus erythematosus
13. Liang W*, Ouyang S*, Shaw N, Joachimiak A, Zhang R, Liu ZJ. Conversion of D-ribulose 5-phosphate to D-xylulose 5-phosphate: new insights from structural and biochemical studies on human RPE
14. Wu W, Song W, Li S, Ouyang S, Fok KL, Diao R, Miao S, Chan HC, Wang L. Regulation of apoptosis by Bat3-enhanced YWK-II protein/APLP2 stability
15. Yin XQ*, Ouyang S*, Xu WM*, Zhang XP, Fok K.L., Zhang JP, Miao SY, Chan HC, and Wang LF. YWK-II as a novel Go protein-coupled receptor for Müllerian Inhibiting Substance in cell survival. J Cell Sci
16. Qiu XB*, Ouyang S*, Li CJ, Miao S, Wang L, Goldberg AL. hRpn13/ADRM1/GP110 is a novel proteasome subunit that binds the deubiquitinating enzyme, UCH37


1、汪少芸,歐陽松應,主編《生物分子分離與表征》,科學出版社, ISBN:978-7-03-070082-7,2021年11月出版。
3、Perčulija V, Ouyang S*. Diverse Roles of DEAD/DEAH-Box Helicases in Innate Immunity and Diseases. A chapter to HELICASES FROM ALL DOMAINS OF LIFE, edited by Dr. RENU TUTEJA, ICGEB, New Delhi. ISBN: 9780128146866. Elsevier出版社. 2018年9月.(*通訊作者)
4、歐陽松應,劉志傑。重要天然免疫系統信號分子STING的結構與功能研究取得重要進展.《2013科學發展報告》,科學出版社,ISBN: 978-7-03-036755-6/N.497
5、參編《生物信息學方法指南》一書(科學出版社,ISBN 7-03-014465-1,2005年2月)。




1. Jiao L*, Ouyang S*, Shaw N, Song G, Feng Y, Niu F, Qiu W, Zhu H, Hung LW, Zuo X, Shtykova E, Zhu P, Dong YH, Xu R#, Liu ZJ#. Mechanism of the Rpn13-induced activation of Uch37
2. Gu J, Feng Y, Feng X, Sun C, Lei L, Ding W, Niu F, Jiao L, Yang M, Li Y, Liu X, Song J, Cui Z, Han D, Du C, Yang Y, Ouyang S#, Liu ZJ#, Han W#. Structural and biochemical characterization reveals LysGH15 as an unprecedented “EF-hand-like” calcium-binding phage lysin
3. Zhang L, Mo J, Swanson K, Wen H, Petrucelli A, Gregory S, Zhang Z, Schneider M, Jiang Y, Fitzgerald K, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ, Damania B, Shu HB, Duncan J, Ting J. NLRC3, a member of the NLR family of proteins, is a negative regulator of innate immune signaling induced by the DNA sensor STING
4. Zhao L*, Hua T*, Crowley C, Ru H, Ni X, Shaw N, Jiao L, Ding W, Jiang Y, Hung LW, Liu L, Ye K, Ouyang S#, Cheng G#, Liu ZJ#. Structural analysis of AEP reveals activation mechanism and reversible maturation intermediate. Cell Res
5. Niu F, Ru H, Ding W, Ouyang S#, Liu ZJ#. Structural biology study of human TNF receptor associated factor 4 TRAF domain
6. Niu F*, Shaw N*, Wang Y*, Jiao L*, Ding W, Upurd H, Ouyang S#, Cheng G#, Liu ZJ#. From the Cover: Structure of the LeanyerOrthobunyavirus Nucleoprotein-RNA complex reveals novel architecture for RNA encapsidation
7. Jiao L*, Ouyang S*, Liang M*, Niu F*, Shaw N, Wu W, Ding W, Jin C, Peng Y, Zhu Y, Zhang F, Wang T, Li C, Zuo X, Luan CH, Li D, Liu ZJ. Structure of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus nucleoprotein in complex with Suramin reveals therapeutic potentials
8. Shaw N, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ. Binding of bacterial secondary messenger molecule c di-GMP is a STING operation
9. Parvatiyar K*, Zhang Z*, Teles RM, Ouyang S, Jiang Y, Iyer SS, Zaver SA, Schenk M, Zeng S, Zhong W, Liu ZJ, Modlin RL, Liu YJ, Cheng G. The helicase DDX41 recognizes the bacterial secondary messengers cyclic di-GMP and cyclic di-AMP to activate a type I interferon immune response
10. Ouyang S*, Song X*, Wang Y*, Ru H*, Shaw N, Jiang Y, Niu F, Zhu Y, Qiu W, Parvatiyar K, Li Y, Zhang R, Cheng G, Liu ZJ. Structural Analysis of the STING Adaptor Protein Reveals a Hydrophobic Dimer Interface and Mode of Cyclic di-GMP Binding
11. Zhan Z*, Ouyang S*, Liang W, Zhang Z, Liu ZJ, Huang L. Structural and functional characterization of the C-terminal catalytic domain of the SSV1 integrase
12. Ouyang S*, Gong B*, Li JZ*, Zhao L*, Wu W, Zhang FS, Sun L, Wang SJ, Pan M, Li C, Liang W, Shaw N, Zheng J, Zhao GP, Wang Y, Liu ZJ, Liang M. Structural insights into a human anti-IFN antibody exerting therapeutic potential for systemic lupus erythematosus
13. Liang W*, Ouyang S*, Shaw N, Joachimiak A, Zhang R, Liu ZJ. Conversion of D-ribulose 5-phosphate to D-xylulose 5-phosphate: new insights from structural and biochemical studies on human RPE
14. Wu W, Song W, Li S, Ouyang S, Fok KL, Diao R, Miao S, Chan HC, Wang L. Regulation of apoptosis by Bat3-enhanced YWK-II protein/APLP2 stability
15. Yin XQ*, Ouyang S*, Xu WM*, Zhang XP, Fok K.L., Zhang JP, Miao SY, Chan HC, and Wang LF. YWK-II as a novel Go protein-coupled receptor for Müllerian Inhibiting Substance in cell survival. J Cell Sci
16. Qiu XB*, Ouyang S*, Li CJ, Miao S, Wang L, Goldberg AL. hRpn13/ADRM1/GP110 is a novel proteasome subunit that binds the deubiquitinating enzyme, UCH37


1、汪少芸,歐陽松應,主編《生物分子分離與表征》,科學出版社, ISBN:978-7-03-070082-7,2021年11月出版。
3、Perčulija V, Ouyang S*. Diverse Roles of DEAD/DEAH-Box Helicases in Innate Immunity and Diseases. A chapter to HELICASES FROM ALL DOMAINS OF LIFE, edited by Dr. RENU TUTEJA, ICGEB, New Delhi. ISBN: 9780128146866. Elsevier出版社. 2018年9月.(*通訊作者)
4、歐陽松應,劉志傑。重要天然免疫系統信號分子STING的結構與功能研究取得重要進展.《2013科學發展報告》,科學出版社,ISBN: 978-7-03-036755-6/N.497
5、參編《生物信息學方法指南》一書(科學出版社,ISBN 7-03-014465-1,2005年2月)。




