2) 2009 年:Women in Sports英文專著“軟骨損傷”章節邀請書寫(Invited Review)
3) 2007年6月:國際學術期刊Frontiers In Bioscience Journal(SCI, IF 3.3)邀請寫綜述
4)2009年:J Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy(IF 3.2)期刊邀請書寫肌腱綜述(Invited Review)
5) 2006年11月: ICRS workshop and combined orthopedic meeting in Singapore(新加坡,Keynote lecture);
6) 2007年9月: UK international workshop combined showcase meeting on tissue engineering(英國,Keynote lecture);
7) 2007年12月: 3rd Australian biotherapeutics&tissue regeneration forum (澳大利亞,Keynote lecture);
8) 2008年4月:5th World Congress of Sports Trauma (WCST), International Symposium of Tendons & Ligaments (ISL&T)(香港,Keynote lecture);
9) 2008年12月:13th International conference of Biomedical Engineering (新加坡,Section Chair 分會主席);
10)2009年5月:8th International Cartilage Research Society Confernece(美國,Podium Presentation);
11)2009年8月:TERMIS World Congress 2009 in Conjunction with 2009 Seoul Stem Cell Symposium(韓國, podium presentation );
12)2010年2 月:10th International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons (ISL&T-X)(香港Keynote lecture)
現任浙江大學醫學院副院長,浙江大學愛丁堡大學聯合學院(中方)院長,基礎醫學系主任,國際軟骨修復學會(International Cartilage Repair Society)亞洲委員,香港中文大學生物醫學院兼職教授,香港研究基金(Research Grants Council(RGC) of Hong Kong)外評專家,中國組織工程和再生醫學學會候任主任委員,浙江省生物醫學學會理事長,亞太組織工程與再生醫學學會理事,浙江省組織工程與再生醫學技術重點實驗室主任,Biomaterials雜誌國際編輯委員會成員,人民衛生出版社《系統解剖》八年制教材副主編。十多個國際學術(SCI)期刊的審稿人(reviewer position)。
1、Young Investigator Award, 10th international conference on biomedical engineering.2002
1) Qi YY, Chen X, Jiang YZ; Wang LL, Song XH, Zou XH, Ouyang HW*. Local delivery of autologous platelet in collagen matrix stimulated in-situ articular cartilage repair. Cell Transplantation. 2009;18(10):1161-9. (IF 5.251) 通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)歐陽宏偉
2) Chen X, Song XH, Yin Z, Zou XH, Wang LL, Hu H, Cao T, Zheng MH, Ouyang HW*. Stepwise differentiation of human embryonic stem cells promotes tendon regeneration by secreting fetal tendon matrix and differentiation factors. Stem Cells. 2009 Jun;27(6):1276-87.(IF 7.741)通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)
3) Zou XH,Cai HX, Yin Z, Chen X, Hu H, Ouyang HW*. Novel strategy incorporated the power of mesenchymal stem cells to allografts for segmental bone tissue engineering. Cell Transplantation. 2009;18(4): 433-41 (IF 5.251) 通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)
4) Chen X, Qi YY, Wang LL, Yin Z, Yin GL, Zou XH, Ouyang HW*. Ligament regeneration using a knitted silk scaffold combined with collagen matrix. Biomaterials. 2008 Sep; 29(27):3683-92.(IF 6.646)通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)浙江大學教授歐陽宏偉
5) Ouyang HW*, Cao T, Zou XH, Wang LL, Song XH, Huang HF. Mesenchymal stem cell sheets revitalize nonviable dense grafts: Implications for repair of large-bone and tendon defects. Transplantation. 2006 Jul 27;82(2):170-4. (IF 3.816) 第一作者&通訊作者
6) Zou XH, Zhi YL, Chen X, Jin HM, Wang LL, Jiang YZ, Yin Z, Ouyang HW*. Mesenchymal stem cell seeded knitted silk sling for urinary incontinence treatment. Biomaterials. 2010 Accepted (IF6.646)通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)(已被接受待發表)
7) Cai YZ, Wang LL,Cai HX, Qi YY, Zou XH, Ouyang HW*. Electrospun nanofibrous matrix improves the regeneration of dense cortical bone. J Biomed Mat Res. 2010. Accepted (IF 3.398) 通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)(已被接受待發表)
8) Yin Z, Chen X, Chen JL, Shen WL, Hieu Nguyen TM, Gao L, Ouyang HW*. The regulation of tendon stem cell differentiation by the alignment of nanofibers, Biomaterials. 2010 Mar;31(8):2163-75. Epub 2009 Dec 7.(IF 6.646)通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)(已線上發表)
9) Jiang YZ, Chen LK, Zhu DC, Zhang GR, Guo C, Qi YY, Ouyang HW*,The inductive effect of BMP-4 protein on chondral-lineage differentiation and in-situ cartilage repair. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2009 Nov; [Epub ahead of print](IF 4.697)通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)(已線上發表)
10) Zou XH, Jiang YZ, Zhang GR, Jin HM, Nguyen TM, Ouyang HW*. Investigation on the specific interactions between cells and particular chondroitin sulfate molecule for wound healing. Acta Biomater. 2009 Jun;5(5):1588-95. (IF 3.727) 通訊作者(第一作者為研究生)