



  • 書名:機電設備安裝與維修專業英語
  • 作者:李文波
  • ISBN:9787122241894
  • 頁數:289頁
  • 定價:40元
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年9月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


本書包含三個模組,共75篇課文。一個模組內容為機械設備,分為兩個部分:機械基礎知識與工藝設備,介紹了英文識圖﹑工程材料﹑機械零件﹑熱處理﹑機加工方法及工具機﹑CAD/CAM 以及液壓氣壓傳動的理論﹑鉗工鉚工基本操作﹑管道﹑壓力容器﹑熱交換器﹑反應器﹑泵﹑壓縮機﹑球罐﹑設備安裝記錄表以及工程安全和求職應聘所需的知識,共27篇課文。第二模組為焊接模組,分為三個部分:焊接基礎知識﹑焊接方法和焊接檢驗,介紹了焊接的分類﹑位置﹑焊接接頭及焊縫﹑焊接電流與極性﹑焊接工藝規程﹑焊接機器人﹑焊條電弧焊等焊接方法﹑焊接缺陷以及射線探傷等焊接檢驗方面的知識,共23篇課文。第三模組為電氣儀表,較為全面地介紹了電工學﹑電磁學﹑電氣測量﹑二極體﹑電晶體﹑積體電路﹑PLC﹑邏輯門﹑電機﹑變壓器的基本理論以及電氣系統和儀表系統安裝的知識,共25篇課文。


Module Ⅰ Mechanical Equipments Part1
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge of Mechanical Engineering1
Lesson 1 Drawings (Ⅰ)1
Lesson 2 Drawings (Ⅱ)6
Lesson 3 Mechanical Parts10
Lesson 4 Materials15
Lesson 5 Heat Treatment18
Lesson 6 Basic Machining Methods21
Lesson 7 Lathes24
Lesson 8 Milling Machines27
Lesson 9 Drilling Machines31
Lesson 10 Grinding Machines35
Lesson 11 Shaper and Planer38
Lesson 12 Cranes41
Lesson 13 CAD/CAM45
Lesson 14 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission48
Part Ⅱ Process Equipment52
Lesson 15 Basic Operations for Fitter52
Lesson 16 Basic Operations for Riveter57
Lesson 17 Valves61
Lesson 18 Piping65
Lesson 19 Pressure Vessels69
Lesson 20 Heat Exchangers73
Lesson 21 Reactors77
Lesson 22 Pumps81
Lesson 23 Compressors85
Lesson 24 Spherical Tanks89
Lesson 25 Installation Record of Vertical Equipment94
Lesson 26 Safety98
Lesson 27 Resume101
Module Ⅱ Welding Part104
Part Ⅰ Basic Knowledge of Welding104
Lesson 28 What Is Welding104
Lesson 29 Classification of Welding Processes107
Lesson 30 Welding Positions and Symbols110
Lesson 31 Welding Joints and Welds114
Lesson 32 Welding Symbols118
Lesson 33 Welding Currents and Polarities122
Lesson 34 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)125
Lesson 35 Welding Machines128
Lesson 36 Welding Robots132
Lesson 37 Cutting136
Part Ⅱ Welding Methods140
Lesson 38 Shielded Metal Arc Welding140
Lesson 39 Submerged Arc Welding145
Lesson 40 CO2 Welding149
Lesson 41 Gas Metal Arc Welding152
Lesson 42 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding156
Lesson 43 Resistance Welding160
Lesson 44 Spot and Butt Welding and Other Welding Methods163
Part Ⅲ Welding Inspection167
Lesson 45 Defects167
Lesson 46 RT170
Lesson 47 UT173
Lesson 48 MT177
Lesson 49 PT180
Lesson 50 ET184
Module Ⅲ Electrical and Instrument Part188
Lesson 51 Basic Knowledge of Electrotechnics188
Lesson 52 Circuits191
Lesson 53 Electromagnetism194
Lesson 54 Resistance197
Lesson 55 Current, Inductors and Capacitors200
Lesson 56 Electrical Measurement204
Lesson 57 Measurement of Voltage and Current207
Lesson 58 Measurement of Resistance210
Lesson 59 Ohm's Law214
Lesson 60 Diodes217
Lesson 61 Transistor220
Lesson 62 Integrated Circuits223
Lesson 63 Multimeters226
Lesson 64 Oscilloscope229
Lesson 65 Transformers (Ⅰ)232
Lesson 66 Transformers (Ⅱ)235
Lesson 67 Electric Motors (Ⅰ)239
Lesson 68 Electric Motors (Ⅱ)242
Lesson 69 Bridge Circuit245
Lesson 70 Logic Gate248
Lesson 71 PLC251
Lesson 72 Electrical System254
Lesson 73 Instrument System257
Lesson 74 Flow Chart of Instrument Installation260
Lesson 75 Installation of Pressure Transmitters264
Appendix A Vocabulary and phrases of Module ⅠMechanical Equipments Part268
Appendix B Vocabulary and phrases of Module Ⅱ Welding Part276
Appendix C Vocabulary and phrases of Module Ⅲ Electrical and Instrument Part282


