- 書名:模擬信號和系統
- 作者:埃爾漢 (Erhan Kudeki)
- 出版日期:2012年6月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787030343819
- 外文名:Analog Signals and Systems
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 頁數:512頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:科學出版社
Chapter 0 Analog Signals and Systems- The Scope and Study Plan 1
Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals 6
1.1 Voltage, Current, and Power 7
1.2 Kirchhoff's Voltage and Current Laws: KVL and KCL 15
1.3 Ideal Circuit Elements and Simple Circuit Analysis Examples 17
1.4 Complex Numbers 26 Exercises 26
Chapter 2 Analysis of Linear Resistive Circuits 31
2.1 Resistor Combinations and Source Transformations 31
2.2 Node-Voltage Method 38
2.3 Loop-Current Method 43
2.4 Linearity, Superposition, and Thevenin and Norton Equivalents 48
2.5 Available Power and Maximum Power Transfer 60
Exercises 63
Chapter 3 Circuits for Signal Processing 68
3.1 Operational Amplifiers and Signal Arithmetic 68
3.2 Differentiators and Integrators 80
3.3 Linearity, Time Invariance, and LTI Systems 87
3.4 First-Order RC and RL Circuits 93
3.5 nth-Order LTI Systems 111
Exercises 115
Chapter 4 Phasors and Sinusoidal Steady State 121
4.1 Phasors, Co-Sinusoids, and Impedance 122
4.2 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 136
4.3 Average and Available Power 143
4.4 Resonance 150
Exercises 154
Chapter 5 Frequency Response H(ω) of LTI Systems 158
5.1 The Frequency Response H(ω) of LTI Systems 159
5.2 Properties of Frequency Response H (ω) of LTI Circuits 164
5.3 LTI System Response to Co-Sinusoidal Inputs 166
5.4 LTI System Response to Multifrequency Inputs 176
5.5 Resonant and Non-Dissipative Systems 181
Exercises 182
Chapter 6 Fourier Series and LTI System Response to Periodic Signals 185
6.1 Periodic Signals 186
6.2 Fourier Series 189
6.3 System Response to Periodic Inputs 208
Exercises 218
Chapter 7 Fourier Transform and LTI System Response to Energy Signals 223
7.1 Fourier Transform Pairs f(t) F(ω) and Their Properties 226
7.2 Frequency-Domain Description of Signals 240
7.3 LTI Circuit and System Response to Energy Signals 247
Exercises 255
Chapter 8 Modulation and AM Radio 259
8.1 Fourier Transform Shift and Modulation Properties 260
8.2 Coherent Demodulation of AM Signals 265
8.3 Envelope Detection of AM Signals 267
8.4 Superheterodyne AM Receivers with Envelope Detection 273
Exercises 278
Chapter 9 Convolution, Impulse, Sampling, and Reconstruction 281
9.1 Convolution 282
9.2 Impulse δ(t) 301
9.3 Fourier Transform of Distributions and Power Signals 314
9.4 Sampling and Analog Signal Reconstruction 325
9.5 Other Uses of the Impulse 332 Exercises 333
Chapter 10 Impulse Response, Stability, Causality, and LTIC Systems 337
10.1 Impulse Response h(t) and Zero-State Response y(t) = h(t), f(t) 338
10.2 BIBO Stability 346
10.3 Causality and LTIC Systems 351
10.4 Usefulness of Noncausal System Models 357
10.5 Delay Lines 357
Exercises 359
Chapter 11 Laplace Transform, Transfer Function, and LTIC System Response 361
11.1 Laplace Transform and its Properties 363
11.2 Inverse Laplace Transform and PFE 381
11.3 s-Domain Circuit Analysis 389
11.4 General Response of LTIC Circuits and Systems 396
11.5 LTIC System Combinations 412
Exercises 419
Chapter 12 Analog Filters and Low-Pass Filter Design 426
12.1 Ideal Filters: Distortionless and Nondispersive 427
12.2 lst- and 2nd-Order Filters 430
12.3 Low-Pass Butterworth Filter Design 437
Exercises 447
Appendix A Complex Numbers and Functions 450
A. 1 Complex Numbers as Real Number Pairs 450
A.2 Rectangular Form 452
A.3 Complex Plane, Polar and Exponential Forms 454
A.4 More on Complex Conjugate 461
A.5 Euler's Identity 463
A.6 Complex-Valued Functions 465
A.7 Functions of Complex Variables 468
Appendix B Labs
Lab 1: RC-Circuits 472
Lab 2: Op-Amps 481
Lab 3: Frequency Response and Fourier Series 488
Lab 4: Fourier Transform and AM Radio 493
Lab 5: Sampling, Reconstruction, and Software Radio 499
Appendix C Further Reading