

本書共分7章,分別敘述了模具材料、塑膠及其成型模具、衝壓技術及模具、鍛造工藝及模具、機械加工與特種加工、計算機在模具技術上的套用、模具外貿知識等。該書內容精煉,選材新穎;所有模具均以圖例進行解說;每課後面附有生詞、詞組、句例淺析和習題;尤其是第7章所編“模具製造契約”、“模具報價策略和結算方式”等內容,更具有實用價值。本書的結尾還附有精心挑選的常用的模具設計、製造以及外貿專業英語單詞及短語。 本書可作為大學“材料成形及控制工程”專業以及高職、高專“模具設計與製造”專業的教材,也可作為模具技術培訓教材,還可供企業從事模具設計、製造以及模具外貿的人員參考。


  • 書名:模具專業英語--設計·製造·報價·結算
  • 作者:王群、童長清
  • ISBN:7-111-20622-3
  • 定價:20元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2012-01-17
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16(B5)
Lesson 1 Steels
Reading Materials (1) The Function of Alloying Elements in AHoy
Lesson 2 Heat Treating of Steel
Reading Materials (2) Surface Hardening
Lesson 3 Summary of Plastics
Lesson 4 Structure of Plastics
Reading Materials (3) Additives
Lesson 5 Classification and Application of Plastics
Reading Materials (4) Average Plastics
Lesson 6 Injection Molding
Reading Materials (5) Classification of Plastics Mold
Lesson 7 Injection Machine
Lesson 8 Representative Structure of Injection Mold
Lesson 9 Extrusion Molding
Reading Materials (6)
Section A Compression Molding
Section B Transfer Molding
Section C Blow Molding
Lesson 10 Forming of Sheet Metals
Lesson 11 Press Process and Product Applications
Lesson 12 Classification of Dies
Lesson 13 Presses
Reading Materials (7) Drive Mechanisms for Presses
Lesson 14 Shear Operation
Reading Materials (8) Structure of Stamping Die
Lesson 15 Bending Operation
Reading Materials (9) An Example of Grouping, Piercing and Bending
Lesson 16 Drawing Operation
Lesson 17 Compound and Progressive Dies
Reading Materials (10) Combination and Compound Dies
Lesson 18 Forging Processes and Die Design
Lesson 19 Basic Machine Tool Elements
Reading Materials (11) Turning
Lesson 20 Milling
Reading Materials (12)
Section A Grinding
Section B Machining Process Selection Factors
Lesson 21 Electrical Discharge Machining
Lesson 22 Computers and CAD/CAM
Reading Materials ( 13 ) CAD/CAM Defined
Lesson 23 Introduction of Quotation for Mold
Reading Materials (14)
Section A Quotation Strategies and Terms of Payment
Section B Computerised Price Quoting System for Injection Mold Manufacture
Lesson 24 Mold Making Contract


