Professor Grigorii Isaakovich Barenblatt has written an outstanding book that contains an attempt to answer the very important question of how to understand complex physical processes and how to interpret results obtained by numerical calculations. 此書為英文版!
- 書名:標度自相似性和中間漸進
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 頁數:386頁
- ISBN:7506247259
- 品牌:世界圖書出版公司北京公司
- 作者:G.I.Barenblatt
- 出版日期:2000年6月1日
- 開本:24開
- 定價:68.00
Professor Grigorii Isaakovich Barenblatt has written an outstanding book that contains an attempt to answer the very important question of how to understand complex physical processes and how to interpret results obtained by numerical calculations.
0 Introduction
0.1 Dimensional analysis and physical similarity
0.2 Assumptions underlying dimensional analysis
0.3 Self-similar phenomena
0.4 Self-similar solutions as intermediate asymptotice.Tthe solutions of the first and second kind.Renormalization group
0.5 Self-similar and travelling waves
1 Dimensions,dimensional analysis and similarity
1.1 Dimensions
1.2 Dimensional Analysis
1.3 Similarity
2 The construction of intermediate-asymptotic solutions using dimensional analysis.Self-similar solutions
2.1 Heat propagation from a concentrated instantaneous source
2.2 Phenomena at the initial stage of a nuclear explosion
2.3 Self-similarity.Intermediate asymptotics
3 Self-similarities of the second kind:first examples
3.1 Flow of an ideal fluid past a wedge
3.2 Filtration in an elasto-plastic porous medium:the modified instantaneous heat source problem
4 Self-similarities of the second kind:further examples
4.1 Modified very intense explosion problem
4.2 The von Weizsacker-Zeldovich problem:an impulsive loading
5 Classifcation of similarity rules and self-similarity solutions.Arecipe for the application of similarity analysis
5.1 Complete and incomplete similarity
6 Scaling and transformation groups.Renormalization group
6.1 Dimensional analysis and transformation groups
6.2 The renormalisation group and incomplete similarity
7 Self-similar solutions and travelling waves
8 Invariant solutions:asymptotic conservation laws,spectrum of eigenvalues,and stability
9 Scaling in the deformation and fracture of solids
10 Scaling in turulence
11 Sacling in geophysical fluid dynamics
12 Scaling:miscellaneous special problems
0 Introduction
0.1 Dimensional analysis and physical similarity
0.2 Assumptions underlying dimensional analysis
0.3 Self-similar phenomena
0.4 Self-similar solutions as intermediate asymptotice.Tthe solutions of the first and second kind.Renormalization group
0.5 Self-similar and travelling waves
1 Dimensions,dimensional analysis and similarity
1.1 Dimensions
1.2 Dimensional Analysis
1.3 Similarity
2 The construction of intermediate-asymptotic solutions using dimensional analysis.Self-similar solutions
2.1 Heat propagation from a concentrated instantaneous source
2.2 Phenomena at the initial stage of a nuclear explosion
2.3 Self-similarity.Intermediate asymptotics
3 Self-similarities of the second kind:first examples
3.1 Flow of an ideal fluid past a wedge
3.2 Filtration in an elasto-plastic porous medium:the modified instantaneous heat source problem
4 Self-similarities of the second kind:further examples
4.1 Modified very intense explosion problem
4.2 The von Weizsacker-Zeldovich problem:an impulsive loading
5 Classifcation of similarity rules and self-similarity solutions.Arecipe for the application of similarity analysis
5.1 Complete and incomplete similarity
6 Scaling and transformation groups.Renormalization group
6.1 Dimensional analysis and transformation groups
6.2 The renormalisation group and incomplete similarity
7 Self-similar solutions and travelling waves
8 Invariant solutions:asymptotic conservation laws,spectrum of eigenvalues,and stability
9 Scaling in the deformation and fracture of solids
10 Scaling in turulence
11 Sacling in geophysical fluid dynamics
12 Scaling:miscellaneous special problems