




  • 中文名:楊震峰
  • 畢業院校南京農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:教授


浙江萬里學院生物與環境學院,;2011-2013年中國科學院華南植物園生物學博士後,合作導師蔣躍明研究員。2011 年入選浙江省“新世紀151人才工程”第三層次和寧波市領軍和拔尖人才培養工程第二層次培養對象,2012年入選浙江省教育廳中青年學科帶頭人。目前在浙江萬里學院生物與環境學院從事果蔬采後生理與保鮮技術的研究工作。已在Food ChemistryJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryFood ControlJournal of the Science of Food and AgriculturePostharvest Biology and Technology、The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology、Journal of Texture Studies、植物生理與分子生物學學報、園藝學報、中國農業科學等國內外主流學術刊物發表論文40餘篇,其中SCI 收錄論文20餘篇。申請國家發明專利3項,已授權1項。


2002/09 - 2007/06,南京農業大學,食品科技學院,博士(碩博連讀),導師:鄭永華
1998/09 - 2002/06,淮海工學院,食品科學與工程系,學士






Shi LY, Cao SF, Shao JR, Chen W, Zheng YH, Jiang YM, Yang ZF*. Relationship between sucrose metabolism and anthocyanin biosynthesis during ripening in Chinese bayberry fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 10522-10528.
Shi LY, Chen W, Cao SF, Su XG, Yang ZF*. Blue light induced anthocyanin accumulation and expression of associated genes in Chinese bayberry fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 179: 98-102.
Xu F, Shi LY, Chen W, Cao SF, Su XG, Yang ZF*. Effect of blue light treatment on fruit quality, antioxidant enzymes and radical-scavenging activity in strawberry fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 175: 181-186. (SCI, Corresponding author)
Xu F, Cao SF, Shi LY, Chen W, Su XG, Yang ZF*. Blue light irradiation affects anthocyanin content and enzyme activities involved in postharvest strawberry fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62 (20): 4778-4783.
Yang ZF, Cao SF, Su XG, Jiang YM*. Respiratory activity and mitochondrial membrane associated with fruit senescence in postharvest peaches in response to UV-C treatment. Food Chemistry, 2014, 161: 16-21.
Cao SF, Yang ZF*, Zheng YH. Sugar metabolism in relation to chilling tolerance of loquat fruit. Food Chemistry, 2013, 136(1): 139-143.
Cao SF, Yang ZF*, Zheng YH. Effect of 1-methylcyclopene on senescence and quality maintenance of green bell pepper fruit during storage at 20℃. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2012, 70: 1-6.
Yang ZF*, Cao SF, Zheng YH. Influence of harvest maturity on fruit quality, color development and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities in Chinese bayberry during storage. Acta Horticulturae, 2013, 1012: 171-175. (ISTP, 7th International Postharvest Symposium, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
Yang ZF*, Cao SF, Zheng YH*, Jiang YM. Combined salicyclic acid and ultrasound treatments for reducing the chilling injury on peach fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60: 1209-1212.
Yang ZF, Cao SF*, Cai YT, Zheng YH. Combination of salicylic acid and ultrasound to control postharvest blue mold caused by Penicillium expansum in peach fruit. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2011, 12(3): 310-314.
Yang ZF, Cao SF, Zheng YH*. Chinese bayberry fruit extract alleviates oxidative stress and prevents 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced aberrant crypt foci development in rat colon carcinogenesis. Food Chemistry, 2011, 125: 701-705.
Yang ZF, Cao SF, Jin P, Zheng YH*. Quality and physiological responses of Chinese bayberry fruit to storage temperature. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2010, 85(4):271-276.
Yang ZF, Zheng YH*, Cao SF. Effect of high oxygen atmosphere storage on quality, antioxidant enzymes, and DPPH-radical scavenging activity of Chinese bayberry fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57 (1):176-181.
Cao SF, Yang ZF, Cai YT, Zheng YH*. Antioxidant enzymes and fatty acid composition as related to disease resistance in postharvest loquat fruit. Food Chemistry, 2014, 163: 92-96.
Xu F*, Zheng YH, Yang ZF, Cao SF, Shao XF, Wang HF*. Domestic cooking methods affect the nutritional quality of red cabbage. Food Chemistry, 2014, 161: 162-167.
Cao SF, Cai YT, Yang ZF, Joyce DC, Zheng YH*. Effect of MeJA treatment on polyamine, energy status and anthracnose rot of loquat fruit. Food Chemistry, 2014, 145, 2014: 86-89.
Xu F, Chen XH, Yang ZF, Jin P, Wang KT, Shang HT, Wang XL, Zheng YH*. Maintaining quality and bioactive compounds of broccoli by combined treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene and 6-benzylaminopurine. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013; 93: 1156-1161.
Xu F, Yang ZF, Chen XH, Jin P, Wang XL, Zheng YH*. 6-Benzylaminopurine delays senescence and enhances health-promoting compounds of harvested broccoli. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60: 234-240.
Cao SF, Yang ZF, Cai YT, Zheng YH*. Fatty acid composition and antioxidant system in relation to susceptibility of loquat fruit to chilling injury. Food Chemistry, 2011, 127: 1777-1783.
Cao SF*, Yang ZF, Hu ZC*, Zheng YH. The effects of the combination of Pichia membranefaciens and BTH on controlling of blue mould decay caused by Penicillium expansum in peach fruit. Food Chemistry, 2011, 124: 991-996.
Xu F, Chen XH, Yang ZF, Jin P, Wang KT, Shang HT, Wang XL, Zheng YH*. Maintaining quality and bioactive compounds of broccoli by combined treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene and 6-benzylaminopurine. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93(5):1156-1161.
Cao SF, Cai YT, Yang ZF, Zheng YH*. MeJA induces chilling tolerance in loquat fruit by regulating proline and gamma-aminobutyric acid contents. Food Chemistry, 2012, 133(4): 1466-1470.
Yang AP, Cao SF, Yang ZF, Cai YT, Zheng YH*. γ-Aminobutyric acid treatment reduces chilling injury and activates the defence response of peach fruit. Food Chemistry, 2011, 129: 1619-1622.
Shang HT, Cao SF*, Yang ZF, Cai YT, Zheng YH*. Effect of exogenous γ-aminobutyric acid treatment on proline accumulation and chilling injury in peach fruit after long-term cold storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 59:1264-1268.
Cao SF, Zheng YH*, Yang ZF. Effect of 1-MCP treatment on nutritive and functional properties of loquat fruit during cold storage. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2011, 39(1): 61-70.
Cai YT, Cao SF*, Yang ZF, Zheng YH*. MeJA regulates enzymes involved in ascorbic acid and glutathione metabolism and improves chilling tolerance in loquat fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 59: 324-326.
Cao SF, Zheng YH*, Yang ZF, Wang KT, Rui HJ. Effect of methyl jasmonate on quality and antioxidant activity of postharvest loquat fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89(12): 2064-2070.
Cao SF*, Hu ZC*, Zheng YH, Yang ZF, Lu BH. Effect of BTH on antioxidant enzymes, radical-scavenging activity and decay in strawberry fruit. Food Chemistry, 2011, 125, 145-149.
Wang KT, Jin P, Cao SF, Yang ZF, Shang HT, Zheng YH*. 2009. Methyl jasmonate reduces decay and enhances antioxidant capacity in Chinese bayberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57 (13):5809-5815.
Zheng YH*, Yang ZF, Cao SF, Li N and Ma SJ, Effects of pure oxygen treatment on fruit decay and defense enzymes activities in harvested Chinese bayberry fruit. Acta Hort, 2010, 857:475-482. (ISTP, IX International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference, East Lansing, MI, USA)
Zheng YH*, Cao SF, Ma SJ, Yang ZF and Li N, Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on internal browning and quality in cold-stored loquat fruit. Acta Hort, 2010, 857:483-488. (ISTP, IX International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference, East Lansing, MI, USA)
曹少謙, 劉, 楊震峰*, 戚向陽, 陳偉. 幾種抑制劑對水蜜桃多酚氧化酶的抑制效應. 中國食品學報, 2014, 14(7): 144-149.
梁敏華, 楊震峰, 陳偉, 蘇新國. 呼吸代謝調控桃果實采後抗氧化活性研究進展. 生物技術進展, 2013, 3 (6): 416-420.
施麗愉, 陳偉, 蘇新國, 楊震峰*. 糖代謝調控楊梅果實采後抗氧化活性機制研究進展. 食品質量安全檢測學報, 2013, 4(6): 1678-1682.
陳偉, 施麗愉, 蘇新國, 楊震峰*. 不同品種枇杷果實采後低溫貯藏品質研究. 食品質量安全檢測學報, 2013, 4(6): 1734-1749.
陳偉, 蘇新國, 郜海燕, 楊震峰*. 低溫對桃果實采後冷害及其內源激素的影響. 核農學報, 2013, 27 (8): 1173-1178.
陳克明, 陳偉, 楊震峰*. 桃果實采後可溶性糖和果膠類物質的變化與低溫冷害的關係. 核農學報, 2013, 27 (5): 647-652.
陳偉, 施麗愉, 楊震峰*. 楊梅果實采後抗氧化能力與內源激素關係研究. 中國食品學報, 2012, 12(12): 32-39.
楊震峰*, 王吉如, 王珊珊, 陳偉. 短波紫外線處理對采後草莓果實腐爛和抗氧化能力的影響. 核農學報, 2012, 26(5): 775-780.
陳偉, 金文淵, 楊震峰*, 曹世鋒. MeJA 處理對枇杷果實采後抗氧化活性的影響. 中國食品學報, 2012, 12(1): 112-117.
劉亮, 陳偉, 楊震峰*, 吳月燕. 貯藏溫度對葡萄果實采後抗氧化活性的影響及動力學分析. 中國食品學報, 2012, 12(4): 134-139.


