2017.5,中山大學數據科學和計算機學院 & 國家超算廣州中心, 教授、博士生導師
2006.9-2011.3, 美國印第安納大學信息學院&藥學院,博士後
1. 國家海外高層次青年引進人才,200萬、主持
2. 基於深度學習的蛋白質空間結構預測方法研究,
自然科學基金面上項目 (61772566)、2018-2021、60萬、主持
3. Novel antimicrobial target discovery by an integrated approach. 澳大利亞 ARC (LP150100137), 2015-2017 、24.1萬澳元 、co-PI
4. Developing species-specific, structure-targeting peptides as a novel class of antibiotics. 澳大利亞NHMRC (1121629), 2017-2019、60.7萬澳元、co-PI
F1000論文推薦專家 (Associate Member)
BMC Bioinformatics(IF=2.4) 編委
Biomed Research Int, 客座編輯 (2015)
程式委員會委員:PRICAI-13, IFIP-9
1.S Zheng#, Y Li#, S Chen, J Xu* and Yuedong Yang*. Predicting Drug Protein Interaction using Quasi-Visual Question Answering System. Nature Machine Intelligence 2020;2(1):134-140.
2. R. Heffernan, K. Paliwal, J. Lyons, A. Dehzangi, A. Sharma, J. Wang, A. Sattar, Yuedong Yang* and Y. Zhou*. Improving prediction of secondary structure, local backbone angles, and solvent accessible surface area of proteins by iterative deep learning. Scientific Reports 2015; 5:11476 (Citations=260).
3. Heffernan R, Yuedong Yang*, Paliwal K, Zhou Y*. Capturing Non-Local Interactions by Long Short-Term Memory Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks for Improving Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure, Backbone Angles, Contact Numbers, and Solvent Accessibility. Bioinformatics 2017;33 (18), 2842-2849. (Cited: 150)
4. J Hanson, Yuedong Yang*, K Paliwal, Y Zhou*. Improving protein disorder prediction by deep bidirectional long short-term memory recurrent neural networks. Bioinformatics 2017. 33 (5), 685-692 (Cited: 140; ESI高引).
5. Yuedong Yang, Faraggi E, H Zhao, Zhou Y. Improving protein fold recognition and template-based modeling by employing probabilistic-based matching between predicted one-dimensional structural properties of the query and corresponding native properties of templates. Bioinformatics 2011 Aug 1;27(15):2076-82. (Cited:280; ESI高引)
6. Yuedong Yang, J Gao, J Wang, R Heffernan, J Hanson, K Paliwal, and Y Zhou. Sixty-five years of long march in protein secondary structure prediction: the final stretch? Brief in Bioinformatics 2017, bbw129 (cite:120; ESI高引)
7. G Taherzadeh, Y Zhou, AW Liew, Yuedong Yang*. Structure-based prediction of protein-peptide binding regions using Random Forest. Bioinformatics 2017 btx614 .
8. Zhao H#, Yuedong Yang#, Hai Lin, Xinjun Zhang, Matthew Mort, David N. Cooper, Yunlong Liu*, and Yaoqi Zhou*. DDIG-in: discriminating between disease-associated and neutral non-frameshifting micro-indels. Genome Biology. 2013 Mar 13;14(3):R23.(# co-first author; IF=14).
9. M. Atack#, Yuedong Yang#, Kate L. Seib, Yaoqi Zhou, Michael P. Jennings*. A survey of Type III restriction-modification systems reveals numerous, novel epigenetic regulators controlling phase variable regulons; phasevarions. Nucleic Acid Res 2018. (IF=10.2)
10. T Litfin, Y Zhou*, Yuedong Yang*. SPOT-Ligand 2: Improving structure-based virtual screening by binding-homology search on an expanded structural template library. Bioinformatics 2017 Apr 15;33(8):1238-1240.