2007年獲東南大學《供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程》專業博士學位,2009年至2011年在東南大學《動力工程及工程熱物理》博士後流動站完成博士後研究。2012年2月至8月赴美國Oklahoma State University機械與航空學院的Building and Thermal Systems Research Group做訪問學者,師從國際著名地源熱泵專家Dr. Spitler從事地源熱泵及其相關領域的研究。現為揚州大學《供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程》、《流體機械及工程》及《動力工程(專業學位)》學科碩士研究生導師、揚州大學優秀青年骨幹教師、揚州市“綠揚金鳳計畫”創新領軍人才、中國製冷學會高級會員、江蘇省工程熱物理學會理事、江蘇省製冷學會青年工作委員會副主任委員、江蘇省科技通訊諮詢專家,兼任《Energy》、《Applied Energy》、《Geothermics》、《Energy Consevation and Managment》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《International Journal of Green Energy》、《Journal of Sustainable and Renewable Energy》、《化工學報》、《北京工業大學學報》、《製冷學報》、《天津大學學報》、《東南大學學報》、《農業工程學報》、《上海理工大學學報》及《流體機械》等雜誌地熱能利用方面研究稿件的審稿人。美國俄克拉荷馬州立大學(OSU)留影
1.Yang W. B., Lu P. F., Chen Y. P.Laboratory investigations of the thermal performance of an energy pile with spiral coil ground heat exchanger,Energy and Buildings,2016,128:491-502 .(SCI收錄)
2.Yang W. B., Sun L. L., Chen Y. P. Experimental investigation of the performance of a solar-ground source heat pump system operated in heating modes. Energy and Buildings,2015,89: 97-111.(SCI收錄)
3. Yang W. B., Kong L. Chen Y. P. Numerical evaluation on the effects of soil freezing on underground temperature variations of soil around ground heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015,75:259-269. (SCI收錄)
4.Yang W. B., Zhang S. S., Chen Y. P. A dynamic simulation method of ground coupled heat pump system based on borehole heat exchange efficiency. Energy and Buildings,2014,77:17-27(SCI收錄)
5. Yang W. B., Chen Y. P., Shi M. H., Spitler J. D. Numerical investigation on the underground thermal imbalance of ground-coupled heat pump operated in cooling-dominated district. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 58: 626-637. (SCI收錄)
6. Yang W. B., Liang X. F., Shi M.H., Chen Z. Q. A numerical model for the simulation of a vertical U-bend ground heat exchanger used in a ground-coupled heat pump. International Journal of Green Energy, 2014, 11:761-785. (SCI收錄)
7. Yang W. B., Shi M.H., Liu G.Y., Chen Z.Q. A two-region simulation model of vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger and its experimental verification. Applied Energy, 2009, 86: 2005-2012. (SCI 收錄)
8. Yang W. B., Shi M.H., Dong H. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-earth source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(18):2367-2376. (SCI收錄)
9. Yang W. B., Chen Z. Q., Shi M. H., Zhang C. B. An in situ thermal response test for borehole heat exchangers of the ground-coupled heat pump. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2013, 32(5): 489-503. (EI收錄)
10.Yang W. B., Zhu J. L., Shi M. H., Chen Z. Q. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-assisted heat pump heating system, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2011,11, Part B, 790-797.(EI收錄)
11. Yang W.B., Chen Z. Q., Shi M.H. The alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(2): 327-332.(EI收錄)
24. W.B. Yang, J. L Zhu, Z. Q. Chen. Investigation on the influences of underground thermal imbalance ratio on soil temperature variation of ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2011) Shanghai, China, Nov.6-9, 2011. (EI收錄).
25. W.B. Yang, S. S. Wang, G.Y. Liu, S.S. Zhang. Experimental study of the effect of backfills on the thermal performance of a vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2011) Shanghai, China, Nov.6-9, 2011. (EI收錄).
26. W.B. Yang, X Wu. 2011. In-situ thermal response test of the ground thermal properties for a ground source heat pump project located in the Inner Mongolia district. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering. July15-18, Hohhot,China. (EI收錄).
27. W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. Numerical analysis of the heat transfer characteristics of vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger used in ground coupled heat pump, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC09) Nanjing, China, Nov.6-9, 2009. (EI收錄).
28. W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. The alternate operation characteristics of a solar -ground source heat pump system. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning(ISHVAC09). Nanjing, China, Nov.6-9, 2009. (EI收錄).
29.W. B. Yang and M.H. Shi. Numerical simulation and experimental validation on intermittent operation characteristics of a ground-coupled heat pump. Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy(UECTC’09). May 28-30, 2009 Beijing,China. (EI收錄).
30. W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. A variable heat flux line source model for boreholes in ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference(APPEEC2009). March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan,China. (EI收錄).
31.W. B. Yang and H. Zhang. In situ measurement of ground thermal conductivity based on analytical solution models. Proceedings of the 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC2009). March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan,China. (EI收錄).
32. Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. Experimental study on the cooling operation characteristics of a closed loop vertical ground-coupled heat pump system, Proceedings of the ICCR’2008, April 5-9, Shanghai,China. (ISTP收錄).
33. Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. Numerical simulation and experimental verification on heat transfer process of a vertical U-bend ground heat exchanger, Proceedings of the ICCR’2008, April 5-9, Shanghai,China. (ISTP收錄).
34.Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. 2008. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-induced ventilation wall. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment 2008(COBEE2008). Dalian, China. (ISTP收錄)
55. W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. Study on the freezing characteristics of soil surrounding the ground heat exchanger of ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration,2007,Beijing.
56. W. B. Yang, M.H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. Influence of soil freezing on the heat transfer characteristics of ground heat exchanger in ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer (ISHT7’08), Oct 26-29,2008 USTB, Beijing,China.