- 中文名:楊立芹
- 出生日期:1981年1月
- 畢業院校:西南交通大學材料科學與工程學院
- 性別:女
- 籍貫:河北邢台
1. 講授課程:基礎化學實驗,化學檢驗工及實訓,化工專業英語,化學與社會
2. 所學專業:材料學 研究方向:巨磁阻材料
1. L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang, C.H.Cheng, L.Lv, Y. Zhao. Structure and electrical properties in polymer bonded La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 composites. Physics Procedia. 2012, 27: 92 – 95
2. 楊立芹, 羊新勝, 呂莉, 趙勇, 粘結型La0.8Sr0.2MnO3/Sn 複合材料電輸運與磁電阻特徵, 磁性材料與器件. 2012, 43: 31-34
3. L.Q.Yang, X.S.Yang, L.Lv, C.H.Cheng, Y.Zhao. Microstructure and transport properties in tin boned La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 composites. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 2011, 24:1847–1851
4. 楊立芹, 羊新勝, 呂莉, 趙勇. 複合相結構鈣鈦礦錳氧化物低場磁電阻效應. 材料導報. 2010, 24: 11-15
5. L. Q. YANG, X. S. YANG, L. LV and Y. ZHAO. ELECTRICAL TRANSPORT AND LOW-FIELD MAGNETORESISTANCE IN La0.8Sr0.2MnO3/Zn COMPOSITES. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2013, 27(15): 1362012-1-4
6. Liqin Yang, Xinsheng Yang, Li Lv, Min Zhang, ZhantaoWei,Yong Zhao. Non-Temperature-Sensitive and Large Low-Field Magnetoresistance in Bonded Perovskite Manganite Composites. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.2013,26:2993-2996
7. Xinsheng Yang, Hern Kim, Liqin Yang, Cuihua Cheng and Yong Zhao.Composite varistors based on epoxy resin/La0.8Sr0.2MnO3, Journal of Composite Materials.2013,1-5
8. X.S.Yang, L.Q.Yang, L.Lv, C.H.Cheng, Y.Zhao. Magnetic phase transition in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Ta2O5 ceramic composites, Ceramics International. 2012, 38 : 2575–2578
9. X.S. Yang,L.Q. Yang, C.H. Cheng, L. Lv, Y. Zhao. Magnetoresistance, electroresistance and nonlinear electrical behavior in nanopolycrystalline La2/3Sr1/3MnO3. Physics Procedia. 2012, 27: 96 – 99
10.X.S.Yang,L.Q.Yang, L.Lv, Y.Zhao. Preparation and properties of novel bonded perovskite manganite oxides. Adv. Mater. Res. 2009, 79-82:pp 1723-1726
11.L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z. T. Wei, L. Q. Yang, X. S. Yang and Y. Zhao. Enhanced contribution of surface state and modification of magnetoresistance in FexBi2-xSe3 topological insulator crystals. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013, 113:043923-1-4
12.L. Lv, M. Zhang,Z. T. Wei, L. Q. Yang, X. S. Yang, and Y. Zhao. MAGNETORESISTANCE IN TOPOLOGICAL INSULATOR MnxBi2−xSe3 CRYSTALS. International Journal of Modern Physics B.2013,27:1362036-1-5
13.Li Lv, Min Zhang, Li Qin Yang, Xin Sheng Yang, Yong Zhao.Effect of Sintering Parameter on the Microstructure and Electrical Properties for Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator Crystals. Advanced Materials Research,2013,709: 172-175
14.呂莉,張敏,楊立芹,羊新勝,趙勇. 拓撲絕緣體Bi2Se3單晶體的研究進展。材料導報,2013,27:7-12
15.楊新福,王文濤,趙立峰,張欣, 楊立芹, 趙勇. 高溫熱處理工藝對無氟PA-MOD法製備SmBCO超導薄膜的影響. 低溫物理學報,2013,35:7-11
16.高麗君,周立明,方少明,楊立芹,孫彥釗,戶敏,孫光輝,郭良起,劉春森. 丙烯酸酯類聚氨酯/蛭石納米複合材料的製備與性能研究,工程塑膠套用. 2009,37:13-16
17.何偉,羊新勝,闞香,張元發,楊立芹,楊燁,趙勇. 共沉澱法製備納米多晶La2/3Sr1/3MnO3及其低場磁電阻性質. 低溫物理學報. 2008, 30:167-170
18.楊立芹,羊新勝,趙勇,呂莉.金屬粘接的複合相鈣鈦礦錳氧化物磁電阻材料(CN 201110007969.8)
19.羊新勝,楊立芹,趙勇,呂莉,潘敏. 一種非溫度敏感性的錳氧化物磁電阻材料的製備方法(CN 200910060082.8);
20.羊新勝,潘敏,趙勇,楊立芹,呂莉. 一種非燒結陶瓷型壓敏電阻材料的製備方法(CN 200910060083.2);
21.羊新勝,趙勇,楊立芹,呂莉. 一種粘接型鈣鈦礦錳氧化物材料(CN 200810045859.9)
22.羊新勝,趙勇,楊立芹,呂莉. 一種具有磁性的ZnO複合壓敏電阻材料及其製備方法(CN 200810046126.7);
23.何偉,羊新勝,闞香,張元發,楊立芹,趙勇. 一種納米鑭鍶錳氧化物的製備方法(200810045116.1)。