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  • 中文名:楊濤 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:地質學
  • 任職院校:南京大學


1999-2003 南京大學 地質學學士
2003-2008 南京大學 地質學博士




2016-2018,國家油氣重大專項“塔里木盆地奧陶系-前寒武系碳酸鹽岩油氣資源潛力及目標優選” 課題任務3“塔里木盆地海相碳酸鹽岩油氣源對比的無機地球化學方法研究”


1. Yang, T.(楊濤), Jiang, S. Y., Yang, J. H., Ge, L., Wu, N. Y., Liu, J., Chen, D. H.. 2008, Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its carbon isotopic compositions in sediment pore waters from the Shenhu area, northern South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography. 64:301-310.
2. Yang T(楊濤), Jiang S Y, Ge L, et al 2009, Geochemical characteristics of pore water in shallow sediments from Shenhu area of South China Sea and their significance for gas hydrate occurrence. Chinese Sci Bull,54, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0312-2
3. Yang T.(楊濤), Jiang SY, Ge L, Yang JH, Ling HF, Wu NY, Zhang GX, Liu J, Chen DH.2007, Geochemical characteristics of sediment pore water from Site XS-01 in the Xisha trough of South China Sea and their significance for gas hydrate occurrence. Frontiers of Earth Science in China. 1(2): 212-217.[楊濤, 蔣少涌, 葛璐, 楊競紅, 凌洪飛, 吳能友, 張光學, 劉堅, 陳道華. 2006, 南海北部陸坡西沙海槽XS-01站位沉積物孔隙水的地球化學特徵及其對天然氣水合物的指示意義. 第四紀研究, 26(3): 442-448.]
4. 楊濤, 蔣少涌, 賴鳴遠, 楊兢紅, 葛璐, 凌洪飛. 2006, 連續流同位素質譜法測定水中溶解無機碳含量和同位素組成的方法研究. 地球化學, 35(6): 675-680.
5. 楊濤, 蔣少涌, 楊競紅, 葛璐, 凌洪飛, 吳能友, 陳道華. 2005, 孔隙水中氨和磷酸根離子濃度異常:一種潛在的天然氣水合物地球化學勘查新指標, 現代地質,19(1): 55-60.
6. 楊濤, 薛紫晨, 楊競紅, 蔣少涌. 2003, 南海北部地區海洋沉積物中孔隙水的氫、氧同位素組成特徵. 地球學報, 24(6): 511-514.
7. Yang Tao(楊濤), Jiang Shao-Yong, Yang Jing-Hong, Ge Lu, Wu Neng-You, Zhang Guang-Xue, Liu Jian. 2008, Comparison of Carbon isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in pore waters in two sites of the South China Sea and significances for gas hydrate occurrence. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2008), Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, July 6-10, 2008.
8. Jiang Shao-Yong, Yang Tao(楊濤), Ge Lu, Yang Jing-Hong,Wu Neng-You, Liu Jian, Zhang Guang-Xue, Chen Dao-Hua. 2008, Geochemical anomaly of pore waters and implications for gas hydrate occurrence in the south china sea. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2008), Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, July 6-10, 2008.
9. Jiang, S. Y., Yang, T.(楊濤), Ge, L., Yang, J. H., Ling, H.F., Wu, N. Y., Liu, J., Chen, D. H.. 2008,Geochemistry of pore waters from the Xisha Trough, northern South China Sea and their implications for gas hydrates. Journal of Oceanography.64(3): 459-470.(SCI)
10. 蔣少涌, 楊濤, 李亮, 趙葵東, 凌洪飛. 2006, 大西洋洋中脊TAG熱液區硫化物鉛和硫同位素研究. 岩石學報, 2006,22(10): 2597-2602.(SCI)
11. 葛璐, 楊濤, 楊競紅, 蔣少涌. 2006, 海洋沉積物孔隙水中陰陽離子含量的離子色譜法分析方法. 海洋地質與第四紀地質, 26(4): 125-129.
12. 蔣少涌, 楊濤, 薛紫晨, 楊競紅, 凌洪飛, 吳能友, 黃永樣, 劉堅, 陳道華. 2005, 南海北部海區海底沉積物中孔隙水的氯和硫酸根離子濃度異常特徵及其對天然氣水合物的指示意義, 現代地質, 19(1): 45-54.
13. 陸現彩, 楊濤, 劉顯東, 蔣少涌, 吳能友. 2005, 多孔介質中天然氣水合物穩定性的實驗研究進展. 現代地質, 19(1): 89-95.
14. 李艷平, 蔣少涌, 楊濤, 濮巍. 2006, 海洋沉積物中孔隙水的氯同位素測量方法研究. 高校地質學報, 12(3):388-391.
15. Jiang Shao-yong, Zhao Hai-xiang, Chen Yong-quan, Yang Tao(楊濤), Jing-hong Yang, Hong-fei Ling. 2007, Trace and rare earth element geochemistry of phosphate nodules from the lower Cambrian black shale sequence in the Mufu Mountain of Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. Chemical Geology, 244(3): 584-604.
16. Jiang, S.-Y., Yang, J.-H., Ling, H.-F., Yang, T.(楊濤), Chen, D.-H., Xue, Z.-C., Ji, J.-F., Ni, P., 2004, Search for gas hydrates in the South China Sea: A geochemical approach. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, vol.24(3): 103-109. (In English).
1. Yang Tao(楊濤), Jiang Shao-Yong, Lai Ming-Yuan, Yang Jing-Hong, Ling Hong-Fei, Ge Lu, 2006, Analytical method for stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in pore waters of marine sediments by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CFMS). EOS Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31A-0100.
2. 楊濤, 高劍鋒, 賴鳴遠, 楊競紅. 2007, ICP-MS法測定海水中溴碘方法的研究. 質譜學報.2007(sup.)
3. 楊濤, 蔣少涌, 賴鳴遠, 楊競紅, 凌洪飛. 2005, 海洋沉積物孔隙水中溶解無機碳(DIC)的碳同位素分析方法. 地球學報, 26(Sup.):51.
4. Lai M-Y., Yang T.(楊濤), Jiang and S-Y.. 2006, Determination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in pore waters using continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer coupled with GasBench II, 2006, GOLDSCHMIDT CONFERENCE, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70(18): A340.
5. Ge Lu, Yang Tao(楊濤), Yang Jing-Hong, Jiang Shao-Yong. 2006, Using Ion chromatogram method to precisely analyze anions and cations in pore waters from marine sediments and their significance for gas hydrate exploration. EOS Trans. AGU 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31A-0101.
6. Jiang Shao-Yong, Yang Tao(楊濤), Ge Lu, Yang Jing-Hong, Ling Hong-Fei, Wu Neng-You, Liu Jian, Chen Dao-Hua. 2006, Geochemical evidence for gas hydrate occurrence in the northern margin of the South China Sea. EOS Trans. AGU 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS44B-01.
7. Jiang, Shao-Yong, Yang Tao(楊濤), Yang Jing-Hong, Ge Lu, Xue Zi-Chen, Ling Hong-Fei, Wu Neng-You, Huang Yong-Yang, Liu Jian, and Chen Dao-Hua. 2005, Geochemical anomaly of pore waters from marine sediments in the Chinese continental margins and their implications for gas hydrates, EGU 2005-April Vienna Austria, ID-NR: EGU05-A-00415.
8. Yang, JH, Jiang, SY, Yang, T(楊濤), Xue, ZC, Ling, HF, Chen, DH, Wu NY, Liu J.. 2004, Geochemistry of pore waters as indicators for the potential gas hydrate occurrence in the South China Sea, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 68 (11): A251.
9. Jiang SY, Yang JH, Ling HF, Yang T(楊濤), Xue ZC, Chen DH. 2004, Search for gas hydrates in the South China Sea, 32nd International Geological Congress Abstracts, Florence, Italy.


