


  • 中文名:楊曉英
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:復旦大學博士後
  • 畢業院校:南京大學







1) Ecological forecasting in the Central Plains, U.S. National Science Foundation.
2) Water quality protection in agroecosystems: integrating science, technology, and policy, U.S Department of Agriculture.
3) Assessment of capacity needs for rural water supply in the Midwest, U.S. Midwest Technology Assistance Center.
4) Statewide projections of county-level water demands in Illinois, U.S. Illinois State Water Survey
5) Analysis of water use trends in the United States: 1950–1995, U.S. Geological Survey.


1) Yang, X., Steward, D.R., de Lange, W.J., Lauwo, S.Y., Chubb, R.M. and Bernard, E.A., 2010. Data model for system conceptualization in groundwater studies. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 24 (5): 677 – 694.
2) Yang, X. and Dziegielewski, B., 2007. Water use by thermoelectric power plants in the U.S. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43 (1): 160-169.
3) Steward, D.R., Yang, X., and Chacon, S., 2009. Groundwater response to changing water-use practices in sloping aquifers using convolution of transient response functions. Water Resources Research, 45, W02412.
4) Bulatewicz, T., Yang, X., Peterson, J. M., Staggenborg, S., Welch, S. M., and Steward, D. R. 2010. Accessible integration of agriculture, groundwater, and economic models using the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI): methodology and initial results. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 14: 521-534.
5) Steward, D.R., Peterson, J.M., Yang, X., Bulatewicz, T., Herrera, M., Mao, D., and Hendricks, N., 2009. Groundwater economics: An object oriented foundation for integrated studies of irrigated agricultural systems. Water Resources Research, 45, W05430.
6) Steward, D.R., Yang, X. and de Lange, W.J., Groundwater concepts and agriculture: A GIScience data model study, AgSAP (Integrated Assesment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development) Conference 2009, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, March 10-12, 2009.
7) Bulatewicz, T., Yang, X., Peterson, J.M., Staggenborg, S., Steward, D.R. and Welch, S.M., Integration of agriculture, groundwater and economic models using the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI): Application to the Ogallala Aquifer, AgSAP (Integrated Assesment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development) Conference 2009, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, March 10-12, 2009.
8) Yang, X. and Steward, D.R., Creation of an Arc Hydro groundwater geodatabase and its linkage with AEM. The 5th International Conference on the Analytic Element Method. Manhattan, KS, USA, May 14-17, 2006.
9) Zhang, Y.-K, Li, Z., Yang, X., and Schilling, K., 2007. Fractal fluctuation of groundwater levels: Observation, Analyses and Simulations. Publication of the International Professionals for Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences. Vol. 3: Environmental Geosciences.


